key = $key; return $this; } public function getKey() { return $this->key; } public function setLabel($label) { $this->label = $label; return $this; } public function getLabel() { return $this->label; } public function setViewer(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $this->viewer = $viewer; return $this; } public function getViewer() { return $this->viewer; } public function setAliases(array $aliases) { $this->aliases = $aliases; return $this; } public function getAliases() { return $this->aliases; } public function setObject($object) { $this->object = $object; return $this; } public function getObject() { return $this->object; } public function setDescription($description) { $this->description = $description; return $this; } public function getDescription() { return $this->description; } public function setIsLocked($is_locked) { $this->isLocked = $is_locked; return $this; } public function getIsLocked() { return $this->isLocked; } public function setIsPreview($preview) { $this->isPreview = $preview; return $this; } public function getIsPreview() { return $this->isPreview; } public function setIsReorderable($is_reorderable) { $this->isReorderable = $is_reorderable; return $this; } public function getIsReorderable() { return $this->isReorderable; } public function setIsEditDefaults($is_edit_defaults) { $this->isEditDefaults = $is_edit_defaults; return $this; } public function getIsEditDefaults() { return $this->isEditDefaults; } public function setIsDefaultable($is_defaultable) { $this->isDefaultable = $is_defaultable; return $this; } public function getIsDefaultable() { return $this->isDefaultable; } public function setIsLockable($is_lockable) { $this->isLockable = $is_lockable; return $this; } public function getIsLockable() { return $this->isLockable; } public function setIsHidden($is_hidden) { $this->isHidden = $is_hidden; return $this; } public function getIsHidden() { return $this->isHidden; } protected function newControl() { throw new PhutilMethodNotImplementedException(); } public function setIsSubmittedForm($is_submitted) { $this->isSubmittedForm = $is_submitted; return $this; } public function getIsSubmittedForm() { return $this->isSubmittedForm; } public function setIsRequired($is_required) { $this->isRequired = $is_required; return $this; } public function getIsRequired() { return $this->isRequired; } public function setControlError($control_error) { $this->controlError = $control_error; return $this; } public function getControlError() { return $this->controlError; } protected function renderControl() { $control = $this->newControl(); if ($control === null) { return null; } $control ->setValue($this->getValueForControl()) ->setName($this->getKey()); if (!$control->getLabel()) { $control->setLabel($this->getLabel()); } if ($this->getIsPreview()) { $disabled = true; $hidden = false; } else if ($this->getIsEditDefaults()) { $disabled = false; $hidden = false; } else { $disabled = $this->getIsLocked(); $hidden = $this->getIsHidden(); } if ($hidden) { return null; } $control->setDisabled($disabled); if ($this->getIsSubmittedForm()) { $error = $this->getControlError(); if ($error !== null) { $control->setError($error); } } else if ($this->getIsRequired()) { $control->setError(true); } return $control; } public function appendToForm(AphrontFormView $form) { $control = $this->renderControl(); if ($control !== null) { if ($this->getIsPreview()) { if ($this->getIsHidden()) { $control ->addClass('aphront-form-preview-hidden') ->setError(pht('Hidden')); } else if ($this->getIsLocked()) { $control ->setError(pht('Locked')); } } $form->appendControl($control); } return $this; } protected function getValueForControl() { return $this->getValue(); } public function getValueForDefaults() { $value = $this->getValue(); // By default, just treat the empty string like `null` since they're // equivalent for almost all fields and this reduces the number of // meaningless transactions we generate when adjusting defaults. if ($value === '') { return null; } return $value; } protected function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function setValue($value) { $this->hasValue = true; $this->initialValue = $value; $this->value = $value; return $this; } public function setMetadataValue($key, $value) { $this->metadata[$key] = $value; return $this; } public function getMetadata() { return $this->metadata; } public function getValueForTransaction() { return $this->getValue(); } public function getTransactionType() { return $this->transactionType; } public function setTransactionType($type) { $this->transactionType = $type; return $this; } public function readValueFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request) { $check = array_merge(array($this->getKey()), $this->getAliases()); foreach ($check as $key) { if (!$this->getValueExistsInRequest($request, $key)) { continue; } $this->value = $this->getValueFromRequest($request, $key); return; } $this->readValueFromObject($this->getObject()); return $this; } public function readValueFromObject($object) { $this->value = $this->getValueFromObject($object); return $this; } public function readDefaultValueFromConfiguration($value) { $this->value = $this->getDefaultValueFromConfiguration($value); return $this; } protected function getDefaultValueFromConfiguration($value) { return $value; } protected function getValueFromObject($object) { if ($this->hasValue) { return $this->value; } else { return $this->getDefaultValue(); } } protected function getValueExistsInRequest(AphrontRequest $request, $key) { return $this->getValueExistsInSubmit($request, $key); } protected function getValueFromRequest(AphrontRequest $request, $key) { return $this->getValueFromSubmit($request, $key); } /** * Read and return the value the object had when the user first loaded the * form. * * This is the initial value from the user's point of view when they started * the edit process, and used primarily to prevent race conditions for fields * like "Projects" and "Subscribers" that use tokenizers and support edge * transactions. * * Most fields do not need to store these values or deal with initial value * handling. * * @param AphrontRequest Request to read from. * @param string Key to read. * @return wild Value read from request. */ protected function getInitialValueFromSubmit(AphrontRequest $request, $key) { return null; } public function getInitialValue() { return $this->initialValue; } public function readValueFromSubmit(AphrontRequest $request) { $key = $this->getKey(); if ($this->getValueExistsInSubmit($request, $key)) { $value = $this->getValueFromSubmit($request, $key); } else { $value = $this->getDefaultValue(); } $this->value = $value; $initial_value = $this->getInitialValueFromSubmit($request, $key); $this->initialValue = $initial_value; return $this; } protected function getValueExistsInSubmit(AphrontRequest $request, $key) { $type = $this->getHTTPParameterType(); if ($type) { return $type->getExists($request, $key); } return false; } protected function getValueFromSubmit(AphrontRequest $request, $key) { return $this->getHTTPParameterType()->getValue($request, $key); } protected function getDefaultValue() { $type = $this->getHTTPParameterType(); if ($type) { return $type->getDefaultValue(); } return null; } final public function getHTTPParameterType() { $type = $this->newHTTPParameterType(); if ($type) { $type->setViewer($this->getViewer()); } return $type; } protected function newHTTPParameterType() { return new AphrontStringHTTPParameterType(); } public function setEditTypeKey($edit_type_key) { $this->editTypeKey = $edit_type_key; return $this; } public function getEditTypeKey() { if ($this->editTypeKey === null) { return $this->getKey(); } return $this->editTypeKey; } protected function newEditType() { return id(new PhabricatorSimpleEditType()) ->setValueType($this->getHTTPParameterType()->getTypeName()); } protected function getEditType() { $transaction_type = $this->getTransactionType(); if ($transaction_type === null) { return null; } $type_key = $this->getEditTypeKey(); return $this->newEditType() ->setEditType($type_key) ->setTransactionType($transaction_type) ->setDescription($this->getDescription()) ->setMetadata($this->getMetadata()); } public function getConduitEditTypes() { $edit_type = $this->getEditType(); if ($edit_type === null) { return null; } return array($edit_type); } public function getWebEditTypes() { $edit_type = $this->getEditType(); if ($edit_type === null) { return null; } return array($edit_type); } }