getDefault()) { return; } if ($value === null) { return; } switch ($option->getType()) { case 'bool': if ($value !== true && $value !== false) { throw new PhabricatorConfigValidationException( pht( "Option '%s' is of type bool, but value is not true or false.", $option->getKey())); } break; case 'int': if (!is_int($value)) { throw new PhabricatorConfigValidationException( pht( "Option '%s' is of type int, but value is not an integer.", $option->getKey())); } break; case 'string': if (!is_string($value)) { throw new PhabricatorConfigValidationException( pht( "Option '%s' is of type string, but value is not a string.", $option->getKey())); } break; case 'list': $valid = true; if (!is_array($value)) { throw new PhabricatorConfigValidationException( pht( "Option '%s' must be a list of strings, but value is not a ". "an array.", $option->getKey())); } if ($value && array_keys($value) != range(0, count($value) - 1)) { throw new PhabricatorConfigValidationException( pht( "Option '%s' must be a list of strings, but the value is a ". "map with unnatural keys.", $option->getKey())); } foreach ($value as $v) { if (!is_string($v)) { throw new PhabricatorConfigValidationException( pht( "Option '%s' must be a list of strings, but it contains one ". "or more non-strings.", $option->getKey())); } } break; case 'wild': default: break; } $this->didValidateOption($option, $value); } protected function didValidateOption( PhabricatorConfigOption $option, $value) { // Hook for subclasses to do complex validation. return; } public function getKey() { $class = get_class($this); $matches = null; if (preg_match('/^Phabricator(.*)ConfigOptions$/', $class, $matches)) { return strtolower($matches[1]); } return strtolower(get_class($this)); } final protected function newOption($key, $type, $default) { return id(new PhabricatorConfigOption()) ->setKey($key) ->setType($type) ->setDefault($default) ->setGroup($this); } final public static function loadAll() { $symbols = id(new PhutilSymbolLoader()) ->setAncestorClass('PhabricatorApplicationConfigOptions') ->setConcreteOnly(true) ->selectAndLoadSymbols(); $groups = array(); foreach ($symbols as $symbol) { $obj = newv($symbol['name'], array()); $key = $obj->getKey(); if (isset($groups[$key])) { $pclass = get_class($groups[$key]); $nclass = $symbol['name']; throw new Exception( "Multiple PhabricatorApplicationConfigOptions subclasses have the ". "same key ('{$key}'): {$pclass}, {$nclass}."); } $groups[$key] = $obj; } return $groups; } final public static function loadAllOptions() { $groups = self::loadAll(); $options = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { foreach ($group->getOptions() as $option) { $key = $option->getKey(); if (isset($options[$key])) { throw new Exception( "Mulitple PhabricatorApplicationConfigOptions subclasses contain ". "an option named '{$key}'!"); } $options[$key] = $option; } } return $options; } }