icon = $icon; return $this; } public function getIcon() { return $this->icon; } public function setColor($color) { $this->color = $color; return $this; } public function getColor() { return $this->color; } public function getBuiltinFileKey() { $icon = $this->getIcon(); $color = $this->getColor(); $desc = "compose(icon={$icon}, color={$color})"; $hash = PhabricatorHash::digestToLength($desc, 40); return "builtin:{$hash}"; } public function getBuiltinDisplayName() { $icon = $this->getIcon(); $color = $this->getColor(); return "{$icon}-{$color}.png"; } public function loadBuiltinFileData() { return $this->composeImage($this->getColor(), $this->getIcon()); } public static function getAllIcons() { $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')); $root = $root.'/resources/builtin/projects/'; $quips = self::getIconQuips(); $map = array(); $list = Filesystem::listDirectory($root, $include_hidden = false); foreach ($list as $file) { $short = preg_replace('/\.png$/', '', $file); $map[$short] = array( 'path' => $root.$file, 'quip' => idx($quips, $short, $short), ); } return $map; } public static function getAllColors() { $colors = id(new CelerityResourceTransformer()) ->getCSSVariableMap(); $colors = array_select_keys( $colors, array( 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'sky', 'indigo', 'violet', 'pink', 'charcoal', 'backdrop', )); $quips = self::getColorQuips(); $map = array(); foreach ($colors as $name => $color) { $map[$name] = array( 'color' => $color, 'quip' => idx($quips, $name, $name), ); } return $map; } private function composeImage($color, $icon) { $color_map = self::getAllColors(); $color = idx($color_map, $color); if (!$color) { $fallback = 'backdrop'; $color = idx($color_map, $fallback); if (!$color) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Fallback compose color ("%s") does not exist!', $fallback)); } } $color_hex = idx($color, 'color'); $color_const = hexdec(trim($color_hex, '#')); $icon_map = self::getAllIcons(); $icon = idx($icon_map, $icon); if (!$icon) { $fallback = 'fa-umbrella'; $icon = idx($icon_map, $fallback); if (!$icon) { throw new Exception( pht( 'Fallback compose icon ("%s") does not exist!', $fallback)); } } $path = idx($icon, 'path'); $data = Filesystem::readFile($path); $icon_img = imagecreatefromstring($data); $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(200, 200); imagefill($canvas, 0, 0, $color_const); imagecopy($canvas, $icon_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 200); return PhabricatorImageTransformer::saveImageDataInAnyFormat( $canvas, 'image/png'); } private static function getIconQuips() { return array( 'fa-android' => pht('Friendly Robot'), 'fa-apple' => pht('Friendly Fruit'), 'fa-beer' => pht('Liquid Carbs'), 'fa-bomb' => pht('Boom!'), 'fa-book' => pht('Read Me'), 'fa-briefcase' => pht('Briefcase'), 'fa-bug' => pht('Bug'), 'fa-building' => pht('Company'), 'fa-calendar' => pht('Deadline'), 'fa-camera-retro' => pht('Leica Enthusiast'), 'fa-chrome' => pht('Shiny'), 'fa-cloud' => pht('The Cloud'), 'fa-coffee' => pht('Go Juice'), 'fa-comments' => pht('Cartoon Captions'), 'fa-credit-card' => pht('Accounting'), 'fa-database' => pht('Stack of Pancakes'), 'fa-desktop' => pht('Cardboard Box'), 'fa-diamond' => pht('Isometric-Hexoctahedral'), 'fa-empire' => pht('Bad Guys'), 'fa-envelope' => pht('Communication'), 'fa-facebook' => pht('College Site'), 'fa-fax' => pht('Communication Device'), 'fa-film' => pht('Physical Film'), 'fa-firefox' => pht('Blake Ross'), 'fa-flag-checkered' => pht('Goal'), 'fa-flask' => pht('Experimental'), 'fa-folder' => pht('Folder'), 'fa-gamepad' => pht('Half-Life 3 Confirmed'), 'fa-gears' => pht('Mechanical'), 'fa-google' => pht('Car Company'), 'fa-hand-peace-o' => pht('Peace'), 'fa-hashtag' => pht('Not Slack'), 'fa-heart' => pht('Myocardial Infarction'), 'fa-internet-explorer' => pht('Now Just Edge'), 'fa-key' => pht('Primitive Security'), 'fa-legal' => pht('Hired Protection'), 'fa-linux' => pht('M\'Lady'), 'fa-lock' => pht('Policy'), 'fa-microphone' => pht('Podcasting'), 'fa-mobile' => pht('Tiny Pocket Cat Meme Machine'), 'fa-money' => pht('1 of 99 Problems'), 'fa-phone' => pht('Grandma Uses This'), 'fa-pie-chart' => pht('Not Actually Edible'), 'fa-rebel' => pht('Good Guys'), 'fa-reddit-alien' => pht('Updoot In 5 Seconds'), 'fa-safari' => pht('Fruit Exploration'), 'fa-search' => pht('Dust Detector'), 'fa-server' => pht('Heating Units'), 'fa-shopping-cart' => pht('Buy Stuff'), 'fa-sitemap' => pht('Sitemap'), 'fa-star' => pht('The More You Know'), 'fa-tablet' => pht('Cellular Telephone For Giants'), 'fa-tag' => pht('You\'re It'), 'fa-tags' => pht('Tags'), 'fa-trash-o' => pht('Garbage'), 'fa-truck' => pht('Release'), 'fa-twitter' => pht('Bird Stencil'), 'fa-umbrella' => pht('An Umbrella'), 'fa-university' => pht('School'), 'fa-user-secret' => pht('Shhh'), 'fa-user' => pht('Individual'), 'fa-users' => pht('Team'), 'fa-warning' => pht('No Caution Required, Everything Looks Safe'), 'fa-wheelchair' => pht('Accessibility'), 'fa-windows' => pht('Windows'), ); } private static function getColorQuips() { return array( 'red' => pht('Verbillion'), 'orange' => pht('Navel Orange'), 'yellow' => pht('Prim Goldenrod'), 'green' => pht('Lustrous Verdant'), 'blue' => pht('Tropical Deep'), 'sky' => pht('Wide Open Sky'), 'indigo' => pht('Pleated Khaki'), 'violet' => pht('Aged Merlot'), 'pink' => pht('Easter Bunny'), 'charcoal' => pht('Gemstone'), 'backdrop' => pht('Driven Snow'), ); } }