/** * Notification server. Launch with: * * sudo node aphlict_server.js --user=aphlict * * You can also specify `port`, `admin`, `host` and `log`. */ var JX = require('./lib/javelin').JX; JX.require('lib/AphlictFlashPolicyServer', __dirname); JX.require('lib/AphlictListenerList', __dirname); JX.require('lib/AphlictLog', __dirname); var debug = new JX.AphlictLog() .addConsole(console); var clients = new JX.AphlictListenerList(); var config = parse_command_line_arguments(process.argv); if (config.logfile) { debug.addLogfile(config.logfile); } function parse_command_line_arguments(argv) { var config = { port: 22280, admin: 22281, host: '', user: null, log: '/var/log/aphlict.log' }; for (var ii = 2; ii < argv.length; ii++) { var arg = argv[ii]; var matches = arg.match(/^--([^=]+)=(.*)$/); if (!matches) { throw new Error("Unknown argument '" + arg + "'!"); } if (!(matches[1] in config)) { throw new Error("Unknown argument '" + matches[1] + "'!"); } config[matches[1]] = matches[2]; } config.port = parseInt(config.port, 10); config.admin = parseInt(config.admin, 10); return config; } if (process.getuid() !== 0) { console.log( "ERROR: " + "This server must be run as root because it needs to bind to privileged " + "port 843 to start a Flash policy server. It will downgrade to run as a " + "less-privileged user after binding if you pass a user in the command " + "line arguments with '--user=alincoln'."); process.exit(1); } var net = require('net'); var http = require('http'); process.on('uncaughtException', function(err) { debug.log('\n<<< UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION! >>>\n' + err.stack); process.exit(1); }); var flash_server = new JX.AphlictFlashPolicyServer() .setDebugLog(debug) .setAccessPort(config.port) .start(); var send_server = net.createServer(function(socket) { var listener = clients.addListener(socket); debug.log('<%s> Connected from %s', listener.getDescription(), socket.remoteAddress); var buffer = new Buffer([]); var length = 0; socket.on('data', function(data) { buffer = Buffer.concat([buffer, new Buffer(data)]); while (buffer.length) { if (!length) { length = buffer.readUInt16BE(0); buffer = buffer.slice(2); } if (buffer.length < length) { // We need to wait for the rest of the data. return; } var message; try { message = JSON.parse(buffer.toString('utf8', 0, length)); } catch (err) { debug.log('<%s> Received invalid data.', listener.getDescription()); continue; } finally { buffer = buffer.slice(length); length = 0; } debug.log('<%s> Received data: %s', listener.getDescription(), JSON.stringify(message)); switch (message.command) { case 'subscribe': debug.log( '<%s> Subscribed to: %s', listener.getDescription(), JSON.stringify(message.data)); listener.subscribe(message.data); break; case 'unsubscribe': debug.log( '<%s> Unsubscribed from: %s', listener.getDescription(), JSON.stringify(message.data)); listener.unsubscribe(message.data); break; default: debug.log(' Unrecognized command.', listener.getDescription()); } } }); socket.on('close', function() { clients.removeListener(listener); debug.log('<%s> Disconnected', listener.getDescription()); }); socket.on('timeout', function() { debug.log('<%s> Timed Out', listener.getDescription()); }); socket.on('end', function() { debug.log('<%s> Ended Connection', listener.getDescription()); }); socket.on('error', function(e) { debug.log('<%s> Error: %s', listener.getDescription(), e); }); }).listen(config.port); var messages_out = 0; var messages_in = 0; var start_time = new Date().getTime(); var receive_server = http.createServer(function(request, response) { // Publishing a notification. if (request.method == 'POST') { var body = ''; request.on('data', function(data) { body += data; }); request.on('end', function() { try { var msg = JSON.parse(body); debug.log('notification: ' + JSON.stringify(msg)); ++messages_in; transmit(msg); response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); } catch (err) { debug.log( '<%s> Bad Request! %s', request.socket.remoteAddress, err); response.statusCode = 400; response.write('400 Bad Request'); } finally { response.end(); } }); } else if (request.url == '/status/') { request.on('data', function() { // We just ignore the request data, but newer versions of Node don't // get to 'end' if we don't process the data. See T2953. }); request.on('end', function() { var status = { 'uptime': (new Date().getTime() - start_time), 'clients.active': clients.getActiveListenerCount(), 'clients.total': clients.getTotalListenerCount(), 'messages.in': messages_in, 'messages.out': messages_out, 'log': config.log, 'version': 6 }; response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); response.write(JSON.stringify(status)); response.end(); }); } else { response.statusCode = 400; response.write('400 Bad Request'); response.end(); } }).listen(config.admin, config.host); function transmit(msg) { var listeners = clients.getListeners().filter(function(client) { return client.isSubscribedToAny(msg.subscribers); }); for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) { var listener = listeners[i]; try { listener.writeMessage(msg); ++messages_out; debug.log('<%s> Wrote Message', listener.getDescription()); } catch (error) { clients.removeListener(listener); debug.log('<%s> Write Error: %s', listener.getDescription(), error); } } } // If we're configured to drop permissions, get rid of them now that we've // bound to the ports we need and opened logfiles. if (config.user) { process.setuid(config.user); } debug.log('Started Server (PID %d)', process.pid);