withIDs(array($revision->getID())) ->setViewer(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()) ->needRelationships(true) ->needReviewerStatus(true) ->executeOne(); $object->revision = $revision; $object->diff = $diff; return $object; } public function setExplicitCCs($explicit_ccs) { $this->explicitCCs = $explicit_ccs; return $this; } public function setExplicitReviewers($explicit_reviewers) { $this->explicitReviewers = $explicit_reviewers; return $this; } public function setForbiddenCCs($forbidden_ccs) { $this->forbiddenCCs = $forbidden_ccs; return $this; } public function getCCsAddedByHerald() { return array_diff_key($this->newCCs, $this->remCCs); } public function getCCsRemovedByHerald() { return $this->remCCs; } public function getEmailPHIDsAddedByHerald() { return $this->emailPHIDs; } public function getPHID() { return $this->revision->getPHID(); } public function getHeraldName() { return $this->revision->getTitle(); } public function loadRepository() { if ($this->repository === null) { $this->repository = false; // TODO: (T603) Implement policy stuff in Herald. $viewer = PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser(); $revision = $this->revision; if ($revision->getRepositoryPHID()) { $repositories = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryQuery()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->withPHIDs(array($revision->getRepositoryPHID())) ->execute(); if ($repositories) { $this->repository = head($repositories); return $this->repository; } } $repository = id(new DifferentialRepositoryLookup()) ->setViewer($viewer) ->setDiff($this->diff) ->lookupRepository(); if ($repository) { $this->repository = $repository; return $this->repository; } $repository = false; } return $this->repository; } protected function loadChangesets() { if ($this->changesets === null) { $this->changesets = $this->diff->loadChangesets(); } return $this->changesets; } protected function loadAffectedPaths() { $changesets = $this->loadChangesets(); $paths = array(); foreach ($changesets as $changeset) { $paths[] = $this->getAbsoluteRepositoryPathForChangeset($changeset); } return $paths; } protected function getAbsoluteRepositoryPathForChangeset( DifferentialChangeset $changeset) { $repository = $this->loadRepository(); if (!$repository) { return '/'.ltrim($changeset->getFilename(), '/'); } $diff = $this->diff; return $changeset->getAbsoluteRepositoryPath($repository, $diff); } protected function loadContentDictionary() { $changesets = $this->loadChangesets(); $hunks = array(); if ($changesets) { $hunks = id(new DifferentialHunk())->loadAllWhere( 'changesetID in (%Ld)', mpull($changesets, 'getID')); } $dict = array(); $hunks = mgroup($hunks, 'getChangesetID'); $changesets = mpull($changesets, null, 'getID'); foreach ($changesets as $id => $changeset) { $path = $this->getAbsoluteRepositoryPathForChangeset($changeset); $content = array(); foreach (idx($hunks, $id, array()) as $hunk) { $content[] = $hunk->makeChanges(); } $dict[$path] = implode("\n", $content); } return $dict; } protected function loadAddedContentDictionary() { $changesets = $this->loadChangesets(); $hunks = array(); if ($changesets) { $hunks = id(new DifferentialHunk())->loadAllWhere( 'changesetID in (%Ld)', mpull($changesets, 'getID')); } $dict = array(); $hunks = mgroup($hunks, 'getChangesetID'); $changesets = mpull($changesets, null, 'getID'); foreach ($changesets as $id => $changeset) { $path = $this->getAbsoluteRepositoryPathForChangeset($changeset); $content = array(); foreach (idx($hunks, $id, array()) as $hunk) { $content[] = implode('', $hunk->getAddedLines()); } $dict[$path] = implode("\n", $content); } return $dict; } protected function loadRemovedContentDictionary() { $changesets = $this->loadChangesets(); $hunks = array(); if ($changesets) { $hunks = id(new DifferentialHunk())->loadAllWhere( 'changesetID in (%Ld)', mpull($changesets, 'getID')); } $dict = array(); $hunks = mgroup($hunks, 'getChangesetID'); $changesets = mpull($changesets, null, 'getID'); foreach ($changesets as $id => $changeset) { $path = $this->getAbsoluteRepositoryPathForChangeset($changeset); $content = array(); foreach (idx($hunks, $id, array()) as $hunk) { $content[] = implode('', $hunk->getRemovedLines()); } $dict[$path] = implode("\n", $content); } return $dict; } public function loadAffectedPackages() { if ($this->affectedPackages === null) { $this->affectedPackages = array(); $repository = $this->loadRepository(); if ($repository) { $packages = PhabricatorOwnersPackage::loadAffectedPackages( $repository, $this->loadAffectedPaths()); $this->affectedPackages = $packages; } } return $this->affectedPackages; } public function getHeraldField($field) { switch ($field) { case self::FIELD_TITLE: return $this->revision->getTitle(); break; case self::FIELD_BODY: return $this->revision->getSummary()."\n". $this->revision->getTestPlan(); break; case self::FIELD_AUTHOR: return $this->revision->getAuthorPHID(); break; case self::FIELD_DIFF_FILE: return $this->loadAffectedPaths(); case self::FIELD_CC: if (isset($this->explicitCCs)) { return array_keys($this->explicitCCs); } else { return $this->revision->getCCPHIDs(); } case self::FIELD_REVIEWERS: if (isset($this->explicitReviewers)) { return array_keys($this->explicitReviewers); } else { return $this->revision->getReviewers(); } case self::FIELD_REPOSITORY: $repository = $this->loadRepository(); if (!$repository) { return null; } return $repository->getPHID(); case self::FIELD_DIFF_CONTENT: return $this->loadContentDictionary(); case self::FIELD_DIFF_ADDED_CONTENT: return $this->loadAddedContentDictionary(); case self::FIELD_DIFF_REMOVED_CONTENT: return $this->loadRemovedContentDictionary(); case self::FIELD_AFFECTED_PACKAGE: $packages = $this->loadAffectedPackages(); return mpull($packages, 'getPHID'); case self::FIELD_AFFECTED_PACKAGE_OWNER: $packages = $this->loadAffectedPackages(); return PhabricatorOwnersOwner::loadAffiliatedUserPHIDs( mpull($packages, 'getID')); } return parent::getHeraldField($field); } public function getActions($rule_type) { switch ($rule_type) { case HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_GLOBAL: return array( self::ACTION_ADD_CC, self::ACTION_REMOVE_CC, self::ACTION_EMAIL, self::ACTION_NOTHING, ); case HeraldRuleTypeConfig::RULE_TYPE_PERSONAL: return array( self::ACTION_ADD_CC, self::ACTION_REMOVE_CC, self::ACTION_EMAIL, self::ACTION_FLAG, self::ACTION_NOTHING, ); } } public function applyHeraldEffects(array $effects) { assert_instances_of($effects, 'HeraldEffect'); $result = array(); if ($this->explicitCCs) { $effect = new HeraldEffect(); $effect->setAction(self::ACTION_ADD_CC); $effect->setTarget(array_keys($this->explicitCCs)); $effect->setReason( pht('CCs provided explicitly by revision author or carried over '. 'from a previous version of the revision.')); $result[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Added addresses to CC list.')); } $forbidden_ccs = array_fill_keys( nonempty($this->forbiddenCCs, array()), true); foreach ($effects as $effect) { $action = $effect->getAction(); switch ($action) { case self::ACTION_NOTHING: $result[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('OK, did nothing.')); break; case self::ACTION_FLAG: $result[] = parent::applyFlagEffect( $effect, $this->revision->getPHID()); break; case self::ACTION_EMAIL: case self::ACTION_ADD_CC: $op = ($action == self::ACTION_EMAIL) ? 'email' : 'CC'; $base_target = $effect->getTarget(); $forbidden = array(); foreach ($base_target as $key => $fbid) { if (isset($forbidden_ccs[$fbid])) { $forbidden[] = $fbid; unset($base_target[$key]); } else { if ($action == self::ACTION_EMAIL) { $this->emailPHIDs[$fbid] = true; } else { $this->newCCs[$fbid] = true; } } } if ($forbidden) { $failed = clone $effect; $failed->setTarget($forbidden); if ($base_target) { $effect->setTarget($base_target); $result[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Added these addresses to %s list. '. 'Others could not be added.', $op)); } $result[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript( $failed, false, pht('%s forbidden, these addresses have unsubscribed.', $op)); } else { $result[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Added addresses to %s list.', $op)); } break; case self::ACTION_REMOVE_CC: foreach ($effect->getTarget() as $fbid) { $this->remCCs[$fbid] = true; } $result[] = new HeraldApplyTranscript( $effect, true, pht('Removed addresses from CC list.')); break; default: throw new Exception("No rules to handle action '{$action}'."); } } return $result; } }