getRepository(); $this->validateWorkingCopy($repository->getLocalPath()); if (!$this->commit) { return; } // Expand short commit names and verify $future = $repository->getLocalCommandFuture( 'cat-file --batch'); $future->write($this->commit); list($stdout) = $future->resolvex(); list($hash, $type) = explode(' ', $stdout); if ($type == 'missing') { throw new Exception("Bad commit '{$this->commit}'."); } switch ($type) { case 'tag': $this->commitType = 'tag'; $matches = null; $ok = preg_match( '/^object ([a-f0-9]+)$.*?\n\n(.*)$/sm', $stdout, $matches); if (!$ok) { throw new Exception( "Unparseable output from cat-file: {$stdout}"); } $hash = $matches[1]; $this->tagContent = trim($matches[2]); break; case 'commit': break; default: throw new AphrontUsageException( "Invalid Object Name", "The reference '{$this->commit}' does not name a valid ". "commit or a tag in this repository."); break; } $this->commit = $hash; } public function getBranch() { if ($this->branch) { return $this->branch; } if ($this->repository) { return $this->repository->getDefaultBranch(); } throw new Exception("Unable to determine branch!"); } public function getCommit() { if ($this->commit) { return $this->commit; } $remote = DiffusionBranchInformation::DEFAULT_GIT_REMOTE; return $remote.'/'.$this->getBranch(); } public function getStableCommitName() { if (!$this->stableCommitName) { if ($this->commit) { $this->stableCommitName = $this->commit; } else { $branch = $this->getBranch(); list($stdout) = $this->getRepository()->execxLocalCommand( 'rev-parse --verify %s/%s', DiffusionBranchInformation::DEFAULT_GIT_REMOTE, $branch); $this->stableCommitName = trim($stdout); } } return substr($this->stableCommitName, 0, 16); } }