#!/usr/bin/env php <?php if (function_exists('pcntl_async_signals')) { pcntl_async_signals(true); } else { declare(ticks = 1); } require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../__init_script__.php'; if (!posix_isatty(STDOUT)) { $sid = posix_setsid(); if ($sid <= 0) { throw new Exception(pht('Failed to create new process session!')); } } $args = new PhutilArgumentParser($argv); $args->setTagline(pht('daemon executor')); $args->setSynopsis(<<<EOHELP **exec_daemon.php** [__options__] __daemon__ ... Run an instance of __daemon__. EOHELP ); $args->parse( array( array( 'name' => 'trace', 'help' => pht('Enable debug tracing.'), ), array( 'name' => 'trace-memory', 'help' => pht('Enable debug memory tracing.'), ), array( 'name' => 'verbose', 'help' => pht('Enable verbose activity logging.'), ), array( 'name' => 'label', 'short' => 'l', 'param' => 'label', 'help' => pht( 'Optional process label. Makes "%s" nicer, no behavioral effects.', 'ps'), ), array( 'name' => 'daemon', 'wildcard' => true, ), )); $trace_memory = $args->getArg('trace-memory'); $trace_mode = $args->getArg('trace') || $trace_memory; $verbose = $args->getArg('verbose'); if (function_exists('posix_isatty') && posix_isatty(STDIN)) { fprintf(STDERR, pht('Reading daemon configuration from stdin...')."\n"); } $config = @file_get_contents('php://stdin'); $config = id(new PhutilJSONParser())->parse($config); PhutilTypeSpec::checkMap( $config, array( 'log' => 'optional string|null', 'argv' => 'optional list<wild>', 'load' => 'optional list<string>', 'down' => 'optional int', )); $log = idx($config, 'log'); if ($log) { ini_set('error_log', $log); PhutilErrorHandler::setErrorListener(array('PhutilDaemon', 'errorListener')); } $load = idx($config, 'load', array()); foreach ($load as $library) { $library = Filesystem::resolvePath($library); phutil_load_library($library); } PhutilErrorHandler::initialize(); $daemon = $args->getArg('daemon'); if (!$daemon) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('Specify which class of daemon to start.')); } else if (count($daemon) > 1) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht('Specify exactly one daemon to start.')); } else { $daemon = head($daemon); if (!class_exists($daemon)) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( 'No class "%s" exists in any known library.', $daemon)); } else if (!is_subclass_of($daemon, 'PhutilDaemon')) { throw new PhutilArgumentUsageException( pht( 'Class "%s" is not a subclass of "%s".', $daemon, 'PhutilDaemon')); } } $argv = idx($config, 'argv', array()); $daemon = newv($daemon, array($argv)); if ($trace_mode) { $daemon->setTraceMode(); } if ($trace_memory) { $daemon->setTraceMemory(); } if ($verbose) { $daemon->setVerbose(true); } $down_duration = idx($config, 'down'); if ($down_duration) { $daemon->setScaledownDuration($down_duration); } $daemon->execute();