#!/usr/bin/env php

$package_spec = array(
  'javelin.pkg.js' => array(
  'typeahead.pkg.js' => array(
  'workflow.pkg.js' => array(
  'core.pkg.css' => array(


  'differential.pkg.css' => array(
  'differential.pkg.js' => array(
  'diffusion.pkg.css' => array(

require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/__init_script__.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/__init_env__.php';

if ($argc != 2) {
  $self = basename($argv[0]);
  echo "usage: {$self} <webroot>\n";

phutil_require_module('phutil', 'filesystem');
phutil_require_module('phutil', 'filesystem/filefinder');
phutil_require_module('phutil', 'future/exec');
phutil_require_module('phutil', 'parser/docblock');

$root = Filesystem::resolvePath($argv[1]);

echo "Finding static resources...\n";
$files = id(new FileFinder($root))

echo "Processing ".count($files)." files";

$resource_hash = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('celerity.resource-hash');

$file_map = array();
foreach ($files as $path => $hash) {
  echo ".";
  $name = '/'.Filesystem::readablePath($path, $root);
  $file_map[$name] = array(
    'hash' => md5($hash.$name.$resource_hash),
    'disk' => $path,
echo "\n";

$runtime_map = array();

$hash_map = array();

$parser = new PhutilDocblockParser();
foreach ($file_map as $path => $info) {
  $data = Filesystem::readFile($info['disk']);
  $matches = array();
  $ok = preg_match('@/[*][*].*?[*]/@s', $data, $matches);
  if (!$ok) {
    throw new Exception(
      "File {$path} does not have a header doc comment. Encode dependency ".
      "data in a header docblock.");

  list($description, $metadata) = $parser->parse($matches[0]);

  $provides = preg_split('/\s+/', trim(idx($metadata, 'provides')));
  $requires = preg_split('/\s+/', trim(idx($metadata, 'requires')));
  $provides = array_filter($provides);
  $requires = array_filter($requires);

  if (count($provides) > 1) {
    // NOTE: Documentation-only JS is permitted to @provide no targets.
    throw new Exception(
      "File {$path} must @provide at most one Celerity target.");

  $provides = reset($provides);

  $type = 'js';
  if (preg_match('/\.css$/', $path)) {
    $type = 'css';

  $uri = '/res/'.substr($info['hash'], 0, 8).$path;

  $hash_map[$provides] = $info['hash'];

  $runtime_map[$provides] = array(
    'uri'       => $uri,
    'type'      => $type,
    'requires'  => $requires,
    'disk'      => $path,

$package_map = array();
foreach ($package_spec as $name => $package) {
  $hashes = array();
  $type = null;
  foreach ($package as $symbol) {
    if (empty($hash_map[$symbol])) {
      throw new Exception(
        "Package specification for '{$name}' includes '{$symbol}', but that ".
        "symbol is not defined anywhere.");
    if ($type === null) {
      $type = $runtime_map[$symbol]['type'];
    } else {
      $ntype = $runtime_map[$symbol]['type'];
      if ($type !== $ntype) {
        throw new Exception(
          "Package specification for '{$name}' mixes resources of type ".
          "'{$type}' with resources of type '{$ntype}'. Each package may only ".
          "contain one type of resource.");
    $hashes[] = $symbol.':'.$hash_map[$symbol];
  $key = substr(md5(implode("\n", $hashes)), 0, 8);
  $package_map['packages'][$key] = array(
    'name'    => $name,
    'symbols' => $package,
    'uri'     => '/res/pkg/'.$key.'/'.$name,
    'type'    => $type,
  foreach ($package as $symbol) {
    $package_map['reverse'][$symbol] = $key;

$runtime_map = var_export($runtime_map, true);
$runtime_map = preg_replace('/\s+$/m', '', $runtime_map);
$runtime_map = preg_replace('/array \(/', 'array(', $runtime_map);

$package_map = var_export($package_map, true);
$pacakge_map = preg_replace('/\s+$/m', '', $package_map);
$package_map = preg_replace('/array \(/', 'array(', $package_map);

$resource_map = <<<EOFILE

 * This file is automatically generated. Use 'celerity_mapper.php' to rebuild
 * it.
 * @generated

celerity_register_resource_map({$runtime_map}, {$pacakge_map});


echo "Writing map...\n";
echo "Done.\n";