getProtocol(); $allowed_protocols = array( 'http' => true, 'https' => true, ); if (empty($allowed_protocols[$protocol])) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "You must specify the protocol over which your host works (e.g.: ". "\"http:// or https://\")\nin your custom config file.\nRefer to ". "'default.conf.php' for documentation on configuration options.\n"); return; } if (preg_match('/.*\/$/', $host)) { self::write(" okay phabricator.base-uri\n"); } else { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "You must add a trailing slash at the end of the host\n(e.g.: ". "\" instead of ". "\")\nin your custom config file.". "\nRefer to 'default.conf.php' for documentation on configuration ". "options.\n"); return; } } self::write("[OKAY] Basic configuration OKAY\n"); $issue_gd_warning = false; self::writeHeader('GD LIBRARY'); if (extension_loaded('gd')) { self::write(" okay Extension 'gd' is loaded.\n"); $image_type_map = array( 'imagepng' => 'PNG', 'imagegif' => 'GIF', 'imagejpeg' => 'JPEG', ); foreach ($image_type_map as $function => $image_type) { if (function_exists($function)) { self::write(" okay Support for '{$image_type}' is available.\n"); } else { self::write(" warn Support for '{$image_type}' is not available!\n"); $issue_gd_warning = true; } } } else { self::write(" warn Extension 'gd' is not loaded.\n"); $issue_gd_warning = true; } if ($issue_gd_warning) { self::write( "[WARN] The 'gd' library is missing or lacks full support. ". "Phabricator will not be able to generate image thumbnails without ". "gd.\n"); } else { self::write("[OKAY] 'gd' loaded and has full image type support.\n"); } self::writeHeader('FACEBOOK INTEGRATION'); $fb_auth = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('facebook.auth-enabled'); if (!$fb_auth) { self::write(" skip 'facebook.auth-enabled' not enabled.\n"); } else { self::write(" okay 'facebook.auth-enabled' is enabled.\n"); $app_id = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('facebook.application-id'); $app_secret = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('facebook.application-secret'); if (!$app_id) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'facebook.auth-enabled' is true but there is no ". "setting for 'facebook.application-id'.\n"); return; } else { self::write(" okay 'facebook.application-id' is set.\n"); } if (!is_string($app_id)) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'facebook.application-id' should be a string."); return; } else { self::write(" okay 'facebook.application-id' is string.\n"); } if (!$app_secret) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'facebook.auth-enabled' is true but there is no ". "setting for 'facebook.application-secret'."); return; } else { self::write(" okay 'facebook.application-secret is set.\n"); } self::write("[OKAY] Facebook integration OKAY\n"); } self::writeHeader("MySQL DATABASE CONFIGURATION"); $conn_user = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('mysql.user'); $conn_pass = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('mysql.pass'); $conn_host = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig(''); $timeout = ini_get('mysql.connect_timeout'); if ($timeout > 5) { self::writeNote( "Your MySQL connect timeout is very high ({$timeout} seconds). ". "Consider reducing it by setting 'mysql.connect_timeout' in your ". "php.ini."); } self::write(" okay Trying to connect to MySQL database ". "{$conn_user}@{$conn_host}...\n"); ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', 2); $conn_raw = new AphrontMySQLDatabaseConnection( array( 'user' => $conn_user, 'pass' => $conn_pass, 'host' => $conn_host, 'database' => null, )); try { queryfx($conn_raw, 'SELECT 1'); self::write(" okay Connection successful!\n"); } catch (AphrontQueryConnectionException $ex) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! Unable to connect to MySQL database ". "'{$conn_host}' with user '{$conn_user}'. Edit Phabricator ". "configuration keys 'mysql.user', '' and 'mysql.pass' to ". "enable Phabricator to connect."); return; } $databases = queryfx_all($conn_raw, 'SHOW DATABASES'); $databases = ipull($databases, 'Database'); $databases = array_fill_keys($databases, true); if (empty($databases['phabricator_meta_data'])) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You haven't loaded the 'initialize.sql' file into ". "MySQL. This file initializes necessary databases. See this guide for ". "instructions:\n"); self::writeDoc('article/Configuration_Guide.html'); return; } else { self::write(" okay Databases have been initialized.\n"); } $schema_version = queryfx_one( $conn_raw, 'SELECT version FROM phabricator_meta_data.schema_version'); $schema_version = idx($schema_version, 'version', 'null'); $expect = PhabricatorSQLPatchList::getExpectedSchemaVersion(); if ($schema_version != $expect) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You haven't upgraded your database schema to the ". "latest version. Expected version is '{$expect}', but your local ". "version is '{$schema_version}'. See this guide for instructions:\n"); self::writeDoc('article/Upgrading_Schema.html'); return; } else { self::write(" okay Database schema are up to date (v{$expect}).\n"); } self::write("[OKAY] Database configuration OKAY\n"); self::writeHeader("OUTBOUND EMAIL CONFIGURATION"); $have_adapter = false; $is_ses = false; $adapter = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.mail-adapter'); switch ($adapter) { case 'PhabricatorMailImplementationPHPMailerLiteAdapter': $have_adapter = true; if (!Filesystem::pathExists('/usr/bin/sendmail')) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You don't have a 'sendmail' binary on this system ". "but outbound email is configured to use sendmail. Install an MTA ". "(like sendmail, qmail or postfix) or use a different outbound ". "mail configuration. See this guide for configuring outbound ". "email:\n"); self::writeDoc('article/Configuring_Outbound_Email.html'); return; } else { self::write(" okay Sendmail is configured.\n"); } break; case 'PhabricatorMailImplementationAmazonSESAdapter': $is_ses = true; $have_adapter = true; if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.can-send-as-user')) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'metamta.can-send-as-user' must be false when ". "configured with Amazon SES."); return; } else { self::write(" okay Sender config looks okay.\n"); } if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('amazon-ses.access-key')) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'amazon-ses.access-key' is not set, but ". "outbound mail is configured to deliver via Amazon SES."); return; } else { self::write(" okay Amazon SES access key is set.\n"); } if (!PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('amazon-ses.secret-key')) { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! 'amazon-ses.secret-key' is not set, but ". "outbound mail is configured to deliver via Amazon SES."); return; } else { self::write(" okay Amazon SES secret key is set.\n"); } if (PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.send-immediately')) { self::writeNote( "Your configuration uses Amazon SES to deliver email but tries ". "to send it immediately. This will work, but it's slow. ". "Consider configuring the MetaMTA daemon."); } break; case 'PhabricatorMailImplementationTestAdapter': self::write(" skip You have disabled outbound email.\n"); break; default: self::write(" skip Configured with a custom adapter.\n"); break; } if ($have_adapter) { $default = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.default-address'); if (!$default || $default == '') { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You have not set 'metamta.default-address'."); return; } else { self::write(" okay metamta.default-address is set.\n"); } if ($is_ses) { self::writeNote( "Make sure you've verified your 'from' address ('{$default}') with ". "Amazon SES. Until you verify it, you will be unable to send mail ". "using Amazon SES."); } $domain = PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('metamta.domain'); if (!$domain || $domain == '') { self::writeFailure(); self::write( "Setup failure! You have not set 'metamta.domain'."); return; } else { self::write(" okay metamta.domain is set.\n"); } self::write("[OKAY] Mail configuration OKAY\n"); } self::writeHeader('SUCCESS!'); self::write( "Congratulations! Your setup seems mostly correct, or at least fairly ". "reasonable.\n\n". "*** NEXT STEP ***\n". "Edit your configuration file (conf/{$env}.conf.php) and remove the ". "'phabricator.setup' line to finish installation."); } public static function requireExtension($extension) { if (extension_loaded($extension)) { self::write(" okay Extension '{$extension}' installed.\n"); return true; } else { self::write("[FAIL] Extension '{$extension}' is NOT INSTALLED!\n"); return false; } } private static function writeFailure() { self::write("\n\n<<< *** FAILURE! *** >>>\n"); } private static function write($str) { echo $str; ob_flush(); flush(); // This, uh, makes it look cool. -_- usleep(40000); } private static function writeNote($note) { self::write( 'Note: '.wordwrap($note, 75, "\n ", true)."\n\n"); } public static function writeHeader($header) { $template = '>>>'.str_repeat('-', 77); $template = substr_replace( $template, ' '.$header.' ', 3, strlen($header) + 4); self::write("\n\n{$template}\n\n"); } public static function writeDoc($doc) { self::write( "\n". ''.$doc. "\n\n"); } }