getNewValue(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($new) { $phids[] = $new; } if ($old) { $phids[] = $old; } break; case self::TYPE_CCS: case self::TYPE_PROJECTS: $phids = array_mergev( array( $phids, nonempty($old, array()), nonempty($new, array()), )); break; case self::TYPE_EDGE: $phids = array_mergev( array( $phids, array_keys(nonempty($old, array())), array_keys(nonempty($new, array())), )); break; case self::TYPE_ATTACH: $old = nonempty($old, array()); $new = nonempty($new, array()); $phids = array_mergev( array( $phids, array_keys(idx($new, 'FILE', array())), array_keys(idx($old, 'FILE', array())), )); break; } return $phids; } public function shouldHide() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: if ($this->getOldValue() === null) { return true; } else { return false; } break; } return false; } public function getActionStrength() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_STATUS: return 1.3; case self::TYPE_OWNER: return 1.2; case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: return 1.1; } return parent::getActionStrength(); } public function getColor() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($this->getAuthorPHID() == $new) { return 'green'; } else if (!$new) { return 'black'; } else if (!$old) { return 'green'; } else { return 'green'; } case self::TYPE_STATUS: if ($new == ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN) { return 'green'; } else { return 'black'; } case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return 'green'; } else if ($old > $new) { return 'grey'; } else { return 'yellow'; } } return parent::getColor(); } public function getActionName() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: return pht('Retitled'); case self::TYPE_STATUS: switch ($new) { case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN: if ($old === null) { return pht('Created'); } else { return pht('Reopened'); } case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE: return pht('Spited'); case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_DUPLICATE: return pht('Merged'); default: return pht('Closed'); } case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return pht('Edited'); case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($this->getAuthorPHID() == $new) { return pht('Claimed'); } else if (!$new) { return pht('Up For Grabs'); } else if (!$old) { return pht('Assigned'); } else { return pht('Reassigned'); } case self::TYPE_CCS: return pht('Changed CC'); case self::TYPE_PROJECTS: return pht('Changed Projects'); case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return pht('Triaged'); } else if ($old > $new) { return pht('Lowered Priority'); } else { return pht('Raised Priority'); } case self::TYPE_EDGE: case self::TYPE_ATTACH: return pht('Attached'); } return parent::getActionName(); } public function getIcon() { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_OWNER: return 'user'; case self::TYPE_CCS: return 'meta-mta'; case self::TYPE_TITLE: return 'edit'; case self::TYPE_STATUS: switch ($new) { case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN: return 'create'; case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE: return 'dislike'; case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_DUPLICATE: return 'delete'; default: return 'check'; } case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return 'edit'; case self::TYPE_PROJECTS: return 'project'; case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return 'normal-priority'; return pht('Triaged'); } else if ($old > $new) { return 'lower-priority'; } else { return 'raise-priority'; } case self::TYPE_EDGE: case self::TYPE_ATTACH: return 'attach'; } return parent::getIcon(); } public function getTitle() { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: return pht( '%s changed the title from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old, $new); case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return pht( '%s edited the task description.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); case self::TYPE_STATUS: switch ($new) { case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN: if ($old === null) { return pht( '%s created this task.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s reopened this task.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE: return pht( '%s closed this task out of spite.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_DUPLICATE: return pht( '%s closed this task as a duplicate.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); default: $status_name = idx( ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusMap(), $new, '???'); return pht( '%s closed this task as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $status_name); } case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($author_phid == $new) { return pht( '%s claimed this task.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } else if (!$new) { return pht( '%s placed this task up for grabs.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } else if (!$old) { return pht( '%s assigned this task to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } else { return pht( '%s reassigned this task from %s to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($old), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } case self::TYPE_PROJECTS: $added = array_diff($new, $old); $removed = array_diff($old, $new); if ($added && !$removed) { return pht( '%s added %d project(s): %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added)); } else if ($removed && !$added) { return pht( '%s removed %d project(s): %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } else if ($removed && $added) { return pht( '%s changed project(s), added %d: %s; removed %d: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } else { // This is hit when rendering previews. return pht( '%s changed projects...', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid)); } case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: $old_name = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($old); $new_name = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($new); if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return pht( '%s triaged this task as "%s" priority.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $new_name); } else if ($old > $new) { return pht( '%s lowered the priority of this task from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } else { return pht( '%s raised the priority of this task from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } case self::TYPE_CCS: // TODO: Remove this when we switch to subscribers. Just reuse the // code in the parent. $clone = clone $this; $clone->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS); return $clone->getTitle(); case self::TYPE_EDGE: // TODO: Remove this when we switch to real edges. Just reuse the // code in the parent; $clone = clone $this; $clone->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE); return $clone->getTitle(); case self::TYPE_ATTACH: $old = nonempty($old, array()); $new = nonempty($new, array()); $new = array_keys(idx($new, 'FILE', array())); $old = array_keys(idx($old, 'FILE', array())); $added = array_diff($new, $old); $removed = array_diff($old, $new); if ($added && !$removed) { return pht( '%s attached %d file(s): %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added)); } else if ($removed && !$added) { return pht( '%s detached %d file(s): %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } else { return pht( '%s changed file(s), attached %d: %s; detached %d: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } } return parent::getTitle(); } public function getTitleForFeed(PhabricatorFeedStory $story) { $author_phid = $this->getAuthorPHID(); $object_phid = $this->getObjectPHID(); $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_TITLE: return pht( '%s renamed %s from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old, $new); case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return pht( '%s edited the description of %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case self::TYPE_STATUS: switch ($new) { case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_OPEN: if ($old === null) { return pht( '%s created %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } else { return pht( '%s reopened %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE: return pht( '%s closed %s out of spite.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); case ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_DUPLICATE: return pht( '%s closed %s as a duplicate.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); default: $status_name = idx( ManiphestTaskStatus::getTaskStatusMap(), $new, '???'); return pht( '%s closed %s as "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $status_name); } case self::TYPE_OWNER: if ($author_phid == $new) { return pht( '%s claimed %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } else if (!$new) { return pht( '%s placed %s up for grabs.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid)); } else if (!$old) { return pht( '%s assigned %s to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } else { return pht( '%s reassigned %s from %s to %s.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($old), $this->renderHandleLink($new)); } case self::TYPE_PROJECTS: $added = array_diff($new, $old); $removed = array_diff($old, $new); if ($added && !$removed) { return pht( '%s added %d project(s) to %s: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleList($added)); } else if ($removed && !$added) { return pht( '%s removed %d project(s) from %s: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), count($removed), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } else if ($removed && $added) { return pht( '%s changed project(s) of %s, added %d: %s; removed %d: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: $old_name = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($old); $new_name = ManiphestTaskPriority::getTaskPriorityName($new); if ($old == ManiphestTaskPriority::getDefaultPriority()) { return pht( '%s triaged %s as "%s" priority.', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $new_name); } else if ($old > $new) { return pht( '%s lowered the priority of %s from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } else { return pht( '%s raised the priority of %s from "%s" to "%s".', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), $old_name, $new_name); } case self::TYPE_CCS: // TODO: Remove this when we switch to subscribers. Just reuse the // code in the parent. $clone = clone $this; $clone->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_SUBSCRIBERS); return $clone->getTitleForFeed($story); case self::TYPE_EDGE: // TODO: Remove this when we switch to real edges. Just reuse the // code in the parent; $clone = clone $this; $clone->setTransactionType(PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_EDGE); return $clone->getTitleForFeed($story); case self::TYPE_ATTACH: $old = nonempty($old, array()); $new = nonempty($new, array()); $new = array_keys(idx($new, 'FILE', array())); $old = array_keys(idx($old, 'FILE', array())); $added = array_diff($new, $old); $removed = array_diff($old, $new); if ($added && !$removed) { return pht( '%s attached %d file(s) of %s: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added)); } else if ($removed && !$added) { return pht( '%s detached %d file(s) of %s: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } else { return pht( '%s changed file(s) for %s, attached %d: %s; detached %d: %s', $this->renderHandleLink($author_phid), $this->renderHandleLink($object_phid), count($added), $this->renderHandleList($added), count($removed), $this->renderHandleList($removed)); } } return parent::getTitleForFeed($story); } public function hasChangeDetails() { switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_DESCRIPTION: return true; } return parent::hasChangeDetails(); } public function renderChangeDetails(PhabricatorUser $viewer) { $old = $this->getOldValue(); $new = $this->getNewValue(); require_celerity_resource('differential-changeset-view-css'); $view = id(new PhabricatorApplicationTransactionTextDiffDetailView()) ->setUser($viewer) ->setOldText($old) ->setNewText($new); return $view->render(); } public function getMailTags() { $tags = array(); switch ($this->getTransactionType()) { case self::TYPE_STATUS: $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_STATUS; break; case self::TYPE_OWNER: $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_OWNER; break; case self::TYPE_CCS: $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_CC; break; case self::TYPE_PROJECTS: $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_PROJECTS; break; case self::TYPE_PRIORITY: $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_PRIORITY; break; case PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT: $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_COMMENT; break; default: $tags[] = MetaMTANotificationType::TYPE_MANIPHEST_OTHER; break; } return $tags; } }