<?php $conn_w = id(new PhabricatorAuditTransaction())->establishConnection('w'); $rows = new LiskRawMigrationIterator($conn_w, 'audit_comment'); $content_source = PhabricatorContentSource::newForSource( PhabricatorContentSource::SOURCE_LEGACY, array())->serialize(); echo "Migrating Audit comments to modern storage...\n"; foreach ($rows as $row) { $id = $row['id']; echo "Migrating comment {$id}...\n"; $comments = queryfx_all( $conn_w, 'SELECT * FROM %T WHERE legacyCommentID = %d', 'audit_transaction_comment', $id); $main_comments = array(); $inline_comments = array(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { if ($comment['pathID']) { $inline_comments[] = $comment; } else { $main_comments[] = $comment; } } $metadata = json_decode($row['metadata'], true); if (!is_array($metadata)) { $metadata = array(); } $xactions = array(); // Build the main action transaction. switch ($row['action']) { case PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::ADD_AUDITORS: $phids = idx($metadata, 'added-auditors', array()); $xactions[] = array( 'type' => $row['action'], 'old' => null, 'new' => array_fuse($phids), ); break; case PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::ADD_CCS: $phids = idx($metadata, 'added-ccs', array()); $xactions[] = array( 'type' => $row['action'], 'old' => null, 'new' => array_fuse($phids), ); break; case PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::COMMENT: case PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::INLINE: // These actions will have their transactions created by other rules. break; default: // Otherwise, this is an accept/concern/etc action. $xactions[] = array( 'type' => PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::ACTION, 'old' => null, 'new' => $row['action'], ); break; } // Build the main comment transaction. foreach ($main_comments as $main) { $xactions[] = array( 'type' => PhabricatorTransactions::TYPE_COMMENT, 'old' => null, 'new' => null, 'phid' => $main['transactionPHID'], 'comment' => $main, ); } // Build inline comment transactions. foreach ($inline_comments as $inline) { $xactions[] = array( 'type' => PhabricatorAuditActionConstants::INLINE, 'old' => null, 'new' => null, 'phid' => $inline['transactionPHID'], 'comment' => $inline, ); } foreach ($xactions as $xaction) { // Generate a new PHID, if we don't already have one from the comment // table. We pregenerated into the comment table to make this a little // easier, so we only need to write to one table. $xaction_phid = idx($xaction, 'phid'); if (!$xaction_phid) { $xaction_phid = PhabricatorPHID::generateNewPHID( PhabricatorApplicationTransactionTransactionPHIDType::TYPECONST, PhabricatorRepositoryCommitPHIDType::TYPECONST); } unset($xaction['phid']); $comment_phid = null; $comment_version = 0; if (idx($xaction, 'comment')) { $comment_phid = $xaction['comment']['phid']; $comment_version = 1; } $old = idx($xaction, 'old'); $new = idx($xaction, 'new'); $meta = idx($xaction, 'meta', array()); queryfx( $conn_w, 'INSERT INTO %T (phid, authorPHID, objectPHID, viewPolicy, editPolicy, commentPHID, commentVersion, transactionType, oldValue, newValue, contentSource, metadata, dateCreated, dateModified) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %ns, %d, %s, %ns, %ns, %s, %s, %d, %d)', 'audit_transaction', // PHID, authorPHID, objectPHID $xaction_phid, $row['actorPHID'], $row['targetPHID'], // viewPolicy, editPolicy, commentPHID, commentVersion 'public', $row['actorPHID'], $comment_phid, $comment_version, // transactionType, oldValue, newValue, contentSource, metadata $xaction['type'], json_encode($old), json_encode($new), $content_source, json_encode($meta), // dates $row['dateCreated'], $row['dateModified']); } } echo "Done.\n";