loadAvailableDaemonClasses(); $symbols = igroup($symbols, 'library'); echo "\n"; foreach ($symbols as $library => $symbol_list) { echo phutil_console_format("Daemons in library __%s__:\n", $library); foreach ($symbol_list as $symbol) { echo " ".$symbol['name']."\n"; } echo "\n"; } return 0; } public function executeStatusCommand() { $daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons(); if (!$daemons) { echo "There are no running Phabricator daemons.\n"; return 0; } printf( "%-5s\t%-24s\t%s\n", "PID", "Started", "Daemon"); foreach ($daemons as $daemon) { printf( "%5s\t%-24s\t%s\n", $daemon->getPID(), $daemon->getEpochStarted() ? date('M j Y, g:i:s A', $daemon->getEpochStarted()) : null, $daemon->getName()); } return 0; } public function executeStopCommand() { $daemons = $this->loadRunningDaemons(); if (!$daemons) { echo "There are no running Phabricator daemons.\n"; return 0; } $running = $daemons; foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) { $pid = $daemon->getPID(); $name = $daemon->getName(); echo "Stopping daemon '{$name}' ({$pid})...\n"; if (!$daemon->isRunning()) { echo "Daemon is not running.\n"; unset($running[$key]); } else { posix_kill($pid, SIGINT); } } $start = time(); do { foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) { $pid = $daemon->getPID(); if (!$daemon->isRunning()) { echo "Daemon {$pid} exited normally.\n"; unset($running[$key]); } } if (empty($running)) { break; } usleep(100000); } while (time() < $start + 15); foreach ($running as $key => $daemon) { $pid = $daemon->getPID(); echo "KILLing daemon {$pid}.\n"; posix_kill($pid, SIGKILL); } foreach ($daemons as $daemon) { if ($daemon->getPIDFile()) { Filesystem::remove($daemon->getPIDFile()); } } } public function executeHelpCommand() { echo phutil_console_format(<<setAncestorClass('PhutilDaemon') ->selectSymbolsWithoutLoading(); } protected function loadRunningDaemons() { $results = array(); $pid_dir = $this->getControlDirectory('pid'); $pid_files = Filesystem::listDirectory($pid_dir); if (!$pid_files) { return $results; } foreach ($pid_files as $pid_file) { $pid_data = Filesystem::readFile($pid_dir.'/'.$pid_file); $dict = json_decode($pid_data, true); if (!is_array($dict)) { // Just return a hanging reference, since control code needs to be // robust against unusual system states. $dict = array(); } $ref = PhabricatorDaemonReference::newFromDictionary($dict); $ref->setPIDFile($pid_dir.'/'.$pid_file); $results[] = $ref; } return $results; } protected function killDaemon(PhabricatorDaemonReference $ref) { } }