setLanguage('php'); } protected function executeAtomize($file_name, $file_data) { $future = xhpast_get_parser_future($file_data); $tree = XHPASTTree::newFromDataAndResolvedExecFuture( $file_data, $future->resolve()); $atoms = array(); $root = $tree->getRootNode(); $func_decl = $root->selectDescendantsOfType('n_FUNCTION_DECLARATION'); foreach ($func_decl as $func) { $name = $func->getChildByIndex(2); $atom = $this->newAtom(DivinerAtom::TYPE_FUNCTION) ->setName($name->getConcreteString()) ->setLine($func->getLineNumber()) ->setFile($file_name); $this->findAtomDocblock($atom, $func); $this->parseParams($atom, $func); $this->parseReturnType($atom, $func); $atoms[] = $atom; } $class_types = array( DivinerAtom::TYPE_CLASS => 'n_CLASS_DECLARATION', DivinerAtom::TYPE_INTERFACE => 'n_INTERFACE_DECLARATION', ); foreach ($class_types as $atom_type => $node_type) { $class_decls = $root->selectDescendantsOfType($node_type); foreach ($class_decls as $class) { $name = $class->getChildByIndex(1, 'n_CLASS_NAME'); $atom = $this->newAtom($atom_type) ->setName($name->getConcreteString()) ->setFile($file_name) ->setLine($class->getLineNumber()); // TODO: Parse "abstract" and "final". // If this exists, it is n_EXTENDS_LIST. $extends = $class->getChildByIndex(2); $extends_class = $extends->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_NAME'); foreach ($extends_class as $parent_class) { $atom->addExtends( $this->newRef( DivinerAtom::TYPE_CLASS, $parent_class->getConcreteString())); } // If this exists, it is n_IMPLEMENTS_LIST. $implements = $class->getChildByIndex(3); $iface_names = $implements->selectDescendantsOfType('n_CLASS_NAME'); foreach ($iface_names as $iface_name) { $atom->addExtends( $this->newRef( DivinerAtom::TYPE_INTERFACE, $iface_name->getConcreteString())); } $this->findAtomDocblock($atom, $class); $methods = $class->selectDescendantsOfType('n_METHOD_DECLARATION'); foreach ($methods as $method) { $matom = $this->newAtom(DivinerAtom::TYPE_METHOD); $this->findAtomDocblock($matom, $method); $attribute_list = $method->getChildByIndex(0); $attributes = $attribute_list->selectDescendantsOfType('n_STRING'); if ($attributes) { foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $attr = strtolower($attribute->getConcreteString()); switch ($attr) { case 'static': $matom->setProperty($attr, true); break; case 'public': case 'protected': case 'private': $matom->setProperty('access', $attr); break; } } } else { $matom->setProperty('access', 'public'); } $this->parseParams($matom, $method); $matom->setName($method->getChildByIndex(2)->getConcreteString()); $matom->setLine($method->getLineNumber()); $matom->setFile($file_name); $this->parseReturnType($matom, $method); $atom->addChild($matom); $atoms[] = $matom; } $atoms[] = $atom; } } return $atoms; } private function parseParams(DivinerAtom $atom, AASTNode $func) { $params = $func ->getChildByIndex(3, 'n_DECLARATAION_PARAMETER_LIST') ->selectDescendantsOfType('n_DECLARATION_PARAMETER'); $param_spec = array(); if ($atom->getDocblockRaw()) { $metadata = $atom->getDocblockMeta(); } else { $metadata = array(); } $docs = idx($metadata, 'param'); if ($docs) { $docs = explode("\n", $docs); $docs = array_filter($docs); } else { $docs = array(); } if (count($docs)) { if (count($docs) < count($params)) { $atom->addWarning( pht( 'This call takes %d parameters, but only %d are documented.', count($params), count($docs))); } } foreach ($params as $param) { $name = $param->getChildByIndex(1)->getConcreteString(); $dict = array( 'type' => $param->getChildByIndex(0)->getConcreteString(), 'default' => $param->getChildByIndex(2)->getConcreteString(), ); if ($docs) { $doc = array_shift($docs); if ($doc) { $dict += $this->parseParamDoc($atom, $doc, $name); } } $param_spec[] = array( 'name' => $name, ) + $dict; } if ($docs) { foreach ($docs as $doc) { if ($doc) { $param_spec[] = $this->parseParamDoc($atom, $doc, null); } } } // TODO: Find `assert_instances_of()` calls in the function body and // add their type information here. See T1089. $atom->setProperty('parameters', $param_spec); } private function findAtomDocblock(DivinerAtom $atom, XHPASTNode $node) { $token = $node->getDocblockToken(); if ($token) { $atom->setDocblockRaw($token->getValue()); return true; } else { $tokens = $node->getTokens(); if ($tokens) { $prev = head($tokens); while ($prev = $prev->getPrevToken()) { if ($prev->isAnyWhitespace()) { continue; } break; } if ($prev && $prev->isComment()) { $value = $prev->getValue(); $matches = null; if (preg_match('/@(return|param|task|author)/', $value, $matches)) { $atom->addWarning( pht( 'Atom "%s" is preceded by a comment containing "@%s", but the '. 'comment is not a documentation comment. Documentation '. 'comments must begin with "/**", followed by a newline. Did '. 'you mean to use a documentation comment? (As the comment is '. 'not a documentation comment, it will be ignored.)', $atom->getName(), $matches[1])); } } } $atom->setDocblockRaw(''); return false; } } protected function parseParamDoc(DivinerAtom $atom, $doc, $name) { $dict = array(); $split = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($doc), $limit = 2); if (!empty($split[0])) { $dict['doctype'] = $split[0]; } if (!empty($split[1])) { $docs = $split[1]; // If the parameter is documented like "@param int $num Blah blah ..", // get rid of the `$num` part (which Diviner considers optional). If it // is present and different from the declared name, raise a warning. $matches = null; if (preg_match('/^(\\$\S+)\s+/', $docs, $matches)) { if ($name !== null) { if ($matches[1] !== $name) { $atom->addWarning( pht( 'Parameter "%s" is named "%s" in the documentation. The '. 'documentation may be out of date.', $name, $matches[1])); } } $docs = substr($docs, strlen($matches[0])); } $dict['docs'] = $docs; } return $dict; } private function parseReturnType(DivinerAtom $atom, XHPASTNode $decl) { $return_spec = array(); $metadata = $atom->getDocblockMeta(); $return = idx($metadata, 'return'); if (!$return) { $return = idx($metadata, 'returns'); if ($return) { $atom->addWarning( pht('Documentation uses `@returns`, but should use `@return`.')); } } if ($atom->getName() == '__construct' && $atom->getType() == 'method') { $return_spec = array( 'doctype' => 'this', 'docs' => '//Implicit.//', ); if ($return) { $atom->addWarning( 'Method __construct() has explicitly documented @return. The '. '__construct() method always returns $this. Diviner documents '. 'this implicitly.'); } } else if ($return) { $split = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($return), $limit = 2); if (!empty($split[0])) { $type = $split[0]; } if ($decl->getChildByIndex(1)->getTypeName() == 'n_REFERENCE') { $type = $type.' &'; } $docs = null; if (!empty($split[1])) { $docs = $split[1]; } $return_spec = array( 'doctype' => $type, 'docs' => $docs, ); } else { $return_spec = array( 'type' => 'wild', ); } $atom->setProperty('return', $return_spec); } }