getWePayClientID() && $this->getWePayClientSecret() && $this->getWePayAccessToken() && $this->getWePayAccountID(); } public function getProviderType() { return 'wepay'; } public function getProviderDomain() { return ''; } public function getPaymentMethodDescription() { return pht('Credit Card or Bank Account'); } public function getPaymentMethodIcon() { return 'rsrc/phortune/wepay.png'; } public function getPaymentMethodProviderDescription() { return "WePay"; } public function canHandlePaymentMethod(PhortunePaymentMethod $method) { $type = $method->getMetadataValue('type'); return ($type == 'wepay'); } protected function executeCharge( PhortunePaymentMethod $payment_method, PhortuneCharge $charge) { throw new Exception("!"); } private function getWePayClientID() { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phortune.wepay.client-id'); } private function getWePayClientSecret() { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phortune.wepay.client-secret'); } private function getWePayAccessToken() { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phortune.wepay.access-token'); } private function getWePayAccountID() { return PhabricatorEnv::getEnvConfig('phortune.wepay.account-id'); } /* -( One-Time Payments )-------------------------------------------------- */ public function canProcessOneTimePayments() { return true; } public function renderOneTimePaymentButton( PhortuneAccount $account, PhortuneCart $cart, PhabricatorUser $user) { $uri = $this->getControllerURI( 'checkout', array( 'cartID' => $cart->getID(), )); return phabricator_form( $user, array( 'action' => $uri, 'method' => 'POST', ), phutil_tag( 'button', array( 'class' => 'green', 'type' => 'submit', ), pht('Pay with WePay'))); } /* -( Controllers )-------------------------------------------------------- */ public function canRespondToControllerAction($action) { switch ($action) { case 'checkout': case 'charge': case 'cancel': return true; } return parent::canRespondToControllerAction(); } /** * @phutil-external-symbol class WePay */ public function processControllerRequest( PhortuneProviderController $controller, AphrontRequest $request) { $cart = $controller->loadCart($request->getInt('cartID')); if (!$cart) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $root = dirname(phutil_get_library_root('phabricator')); require_once $root.'/externals/wepay/wepay.php'; WePay::useStaging( $this->getWePayClientID(), $this->getWePayClientSecret()); $wepay = new WePay($this->getWePayAccessToken()); switch ($controller->getAction()) { case 'checkout': $return_uri = $this->getControllerURI( 'charge', array( 'cartID' => $cart->getID(), )); $cancel_uri = $this->getControllerURI( 'cancel', array( 'cartID' => $cart->getID(), )); $total_in_cents = $cart->getTotalInCents(); $price = PhortuneCurrency::newFromUSDCents($total_in_cents); $params = array( 'account_id' => $this->getWePayAccountID(), 'short_description' => 'Services', // TODO 'type' => 'SERVICE', 'amount' => $price->formatBareValue(), 'long_description' => 'Services', // TODO 'reference_id' => $cart->getPHID(), 'app_fee' => 0, 'fee_payer' => 'Payee', 'redirect_uri' => $return_uri, 'fallback_uri' => $cancel_uri, 'auto_capture' => false, 'require_shipping' => 0, 'shipping_fee' => 0, 'charge_tax' => 0, 'mode' => 'regular', 'funding_sources' => 'bank,cc' ); $result = $wepay->request('checkout/create', $params); // NOTE: We might want to store "$result->checkout_id" on the Cart. $uri = new PhutilURI($result->checkout_uri); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI($uri); case 'charge': // NOTE: We get $_REQUEST['checkout_id'] here, but our parameters are // dropped so we should stop depending on them or shove them into the // URI. var_dump($_REQUEST); break; case 'cancel': var_dump($_REQUEST); break; } throw new Exception("The rest of this isn't implemented yet."); } }