browseQuery = $browse_query; } public function setView($view) { $this->view = $view; } public function render() { $drequest = $this->getDiffusionRequest(); $commit = $drequest->getCommit(); $callsign = $drequest->getRepository()->getCallsign(); if ($commit) { $commit = "r{$callsign}{$commit}"; } else { $commit = 'HEAD'; } switch ($this->browseQuery->getReasonForEmptyResultSet()) { case DiffusionBrowseQuery::REASON_IS_NONEXISTENT: $title = 'Path Does Not Exist'; // TODO: Under git, this error message should be more specific. It // may exist on some other branch. $body = "This path does not exist anywhere."; $severity = AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_ERROR; break; case DiffusionBrowseQuery::REASON_IS_EMPTY: $title = 'Empty Directory'; $body = "This path was an empty directory at {$commit}.\n"; $severity = AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_NOTICE; break; case DiffusionBrowseQuery::REASON_IS_DELETED: $deleted = $this->browseQuery->getDeletedAtCommit(); $existed = $this->browseQuery->getExistedAtCommit(); $deleted = self::linkCommit($drequest->getRepository(), $deleted); $browse = $this->linkBrowse( $drequest->getPath(), array( 'text' => 'existed', 'commit' => $existed, 'params' => array('view' => $this->view), ) ); $existed = "r{$callsign}{$existed}"; $title = 'Path Was Deleted'; $body = "This path does not exist at {$commit}. It was deleted in ". "{$deleted} and last {$browse} at {$existed}."; $severity = AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_WARNING; break; case DiffusionBrowseQuery::REASON_IS_UNTRACKED_PARENT: $subdir = $drequest->getRepository()->getDetail('svn-subpath'); $title = 'Directory Not Tracked'; $body = "This repository is configured to track only one subdirectory ". "of the entire repository ('".phutil_escape_html($subdir)."'), ". "but you aren't looking at something in that subdirectory, so no ". "information is available."; $severity = AphrontErrorView::SEVERITY_WARNING; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown failure reason!"); } $error_view = new AphrontErrorView(); $error_view->setSeverity($severity); $error_view->setTitle($title); $error_view->appendChild('


'); return $error_view->render(); } }