authorPHIDs = $author_phids; return $this; } public function withPackagePHIDs(array $phids) { $this->packagePHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function withCommitPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->commitPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function withStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; return $this; } public function withIdentifiers($repository_id, array $identifiers) { $this->identifiers[] = array($repository_id, $identifiers); return $this; } public function needCommitData($need) { $this->needCommitData = $need; return $this; } public function needAudits($need) { $this->needAudits = $need; return $this; } public function setOffset($offset) { $this->offset = $offset; return $this; } public function setLimit($limit) { $this->limit = $limit; return $this; } public function execute() { $table = new PhabricatorRepositoryCommit(); $conn_r = $table->establishConnection('r'); $join = $this->buildJoinClause($conn_r); $where = $this->buildWhereClause($conn_r); $order = $this->buildOrderClause($conn_r); $limit = $this->buildLimitClause($conn_r); $data = queryfx_all( $conn_r, 'SELECT c.* FROM %T c %Q %Q %Q %Q', $table->getTableName(), $join, $where, $order, $limit); $commits = $table->loadAllFromArray($data); if ($this->needCommitData && $commits) { $data = id(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData())->loadAllWhere( 'commitID in (%Ld)', mpull($commits, 'getID')); $data = mpull($data, null, 'getCommitID'); foreach ($commits as $commit) { if (idx($data, $commit->getID())) { $commit->attachCommitData($data[$commit->getID()]); } else { $commit->attachCommitData(new PhabricatorRepositoryCommitData()); } } } if ($this->needAudits && $commits) { $audits = id(new PhabricatorAuditComment())->loadAllWhere( 'targetPHID in (%Ls)', mpull($commits, 'getPHID')); $audits = mgroup($audits, 'getTargetPHID'); foreach ($commits as $commit) { $commit->attachAudits(idx($audits, $commit->getPHID(), array())); } } return $commits; } private function buildOrderClause($conn_r) { return 'ORDER BY c.epoch DESC'; } private function buildJoinClause($conn_r) { $join = array(); if ($this->packagePHIDs) { $join[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'JOIN %T req ON c.phid = req.commitPHID', id(new PhabricatorRepositoryAuditRequest())->getTableName()); } if ($join) { $join = implode(' ', $join); } else { $join = ''; } return $join; } private function buildWhereClause($conn_r) { $where = array(); if ($this->commitPHIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'c.phid IN (%Ls)', $this->commitPHIDs); } if ($this->authorPHIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'c.authorPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->authorPHIDs); } if ($this->packagePHIDs) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'req.auditorPHID in (%Ls)', $this->packagePHIDs); } if ($this->identifiers) { $clauses = array(); foreach ($this->identifiers as $spec) { list($repository_id, $identifiers) = $spec; if ($identifiers) { $clauses[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'c.repositoryID = %d AND c.commitIdentifier IN (%Ls)', $repository_id, $identifiers); } } if ($clauses) { $where[] = '('.implode(') OR (', $clauses).')'; } } $status = $this->status; switch ($status) { case self::STATUS_CONCERN: $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'c.auditStatus = %s', PhabricatorAuditCommitStatusConstants::CONCERN_RAISED); break; case self::STATUS_OPEN: $where[] = qsprintf( $conn_r, 'c.auditStatus IN (%Ls)', PhabricatorAuditCommitStatusConstants::getOpenStatusConstants()); break; case self::STATUS_ANY: break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown status '{$status}'!"); } if ($where) { $where = 'WHERE ('.implode(') AND (', $where).')'; } else { $where = ''; } return $where; } private function buildLimitClause($conn_r) { if ($this->limit && $this->offset) { return qsprintf($conn_r, 'LIMIT %d, %d', $this->offset, $this->limit); } else if ($this->limit) { return qsprintf($conn_r, 'LIMIT %d', $this->limit); } else if ($this->offset) { return qsprintf($conn_r, 'LIMIT %d, %d', $this->offset, PHP_INT_MAX); } else { return ''; } } }