provider = PhabricatorOAuthProvider::newProvider($data['provider']); } public function processRequest() { $provider = $this->provider; $auth_enabled = $provider->isProviderEnabled(); $client_id = $provider->getClientID(); $client_secret = $provider->getClientSecret(); $res_ok = 'OK'; $res_no = 'NO'; $res_na = 'N/A'; $results = array(); if (!$auth_enabled) { $results['facebook.auth-enabled'] = array( $res_no, 'false', 'Facebook authentication is disabled in the configuration. Edit the '. 'environmental configuration to enable "facebook.auth-enabled".'); } else { $results['facebook.auth-enabled'] = array( $res_ok, 'true', 'Facebook authentication is enabled.'); } if (!$client_id) { $results['facebook.application-id'] = array( $res_no, null, 'No Facebook Application ID is configured. Edit the environmental '. 'configuration to specify an application ID in '. '"facebook.application-id". To generate an ID, sign into Facebook, '. 'install the "Developer" application, and use it to create a new '. 'Facebook application.'); } else { $results['facebook.application-id'] = array( $res_ok, $client_id, 'Application ID is set.'); } if (!$client_secret) { $results['facebook.application-secret'] = array( $res_no, null, 'No Facebook Application secret is configured. Edit the environmental '. 'configuration to specify an Application Secret, in '. '"facebook.application-secret". You can find the application secret '. 'in the Facebook "Developer" application on Facebook.'); } else { $results['facebook.application-secret'] = array( $res_ok, "It's a secret!", 'Application secret is set.'); } $timeout = stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'ignore_errors' => true, 'timeout' => 5, ), )); $timeout_strict = stream_context_create( array( 'http' => array( 'timeout' => 5, ), )); $internet = @file_get_contents("", false, $timeout); if ($internet === false) { $results['internet'] = array( $res_no, null, 'Unable to make an HTTP request to Google. Check your outbound '. 'internet connection and firewall/filtering settings.'); } else { $results['internet'] = array( $res_ok, null, 'Internet seems OK.'); } $facebook = @file_get_contents("", false, $timeout); if ($facebook === false) { $results[''] = array( $res_no, null, 'Unable to make an HTTP request to Facebook may be '. 'down or inaccessible.'); } else { $results[''] = array( $res_ok, null, 'Made a request to'); } $graph = @file_get_contents( "", false, $timeout); if ($graph === false) { $results['Facebook Graph'] = array( $res_no, null, "Unable to make an HTTPS request to ". "The Facebook graph may be down or inaccessible."); } else { $results['Facebook Graph'] = array( $res_ok, null, 'Made a request to'); } $test_uri = new PhutilURI(''); $test_uri->setQueryParams( array( 'client_id' => $client_id, 'client_secret' => $client_secret, 'grant_type' => 'client_credentials', )); $token_value = @file_get_contents($test_uri, false, $timeout); $token_strict = @file_get_contents($test_uri, false, $timeout_strict); if ($token_value === false) { $results['App Login'] = array( $res_no, null, "Unable to perform an application login with your Application ID and ". "Application Secret. You may have mistyped or misconfigured them; ". "Facebook may have revoked your authorization; or Facebook may be ". "having technical problems."); } else { if ($token_strict) { $results['App Login'] = array( $res_ok, $token_strict, "Raw application login to Facebook works."); } else { $data = json_decode($token_value, true); if (!is_array($data)) { $results['App Login'] = array( $res_no, $token_value, "Application Login failed but the graph server did not respond ". "with valid JSON error information. Facebook may be experiencing ". "technical problems."); } else { $results['App Login'] = array( $res_no, null, "Application Login failed with error: ".$token_value); } } } return $this->renderResults($results); } private function renderResults($results) { $rows = array(); foreach ($results as $key => $result) { $rows[] = array( phutil_escape_html($key), $result[0], phutil_escape_html($result[1]), phutil_escape_html($result[2]), ); } $table_view = new AphrontTableView($rows); $table_view->setHeaders( array( 'Test', 'Result', 'Value', 'Details', )); $table_view->setColumnClasses( array( null, null, null, 'wide', )); $panel_view = new AphrontPanelView(); $panel_view->setHeader('Facebook Auth Diagnostics'); $panel_view->appendChild( '

These tests may be able to '. 'help diagnose the root cause of problems you experience with '. 'Facebook Authentication. Reload the page to run the tests again.

'); $panel_view->appendChild($table_view); return $this->buildStandardPageResponse( $panel_view, array( 'title' => 'Facebook Auth Diagnostics', )); } }