id = (int)idx($data, 'id'); } public function processRequest() { $request = $this->getRequest(); $user = $request->getUser(); $content_type_map = HeraldContentTypeConfig::getContentTypeMap(); if ($this->id) { $rule = id(new HeraldRule())->load($this->id); if (!$rule) { return new Aphront404Response(); } if ($rule->getAuthorPHID() != $user->getPHID()) { throw new Exception("You don't own this rule and can't edit it."); } } else { $rule = new HeraldRule(); $rule->setAuthorPHID($user->getPHID()); $rule->setMustMatchAll(true); $type = $request->getStr('type'); if (!isset($content_type_map[$type])) { $type = HeraldContentTypeConfig::CONTENT_TYPE_DIFFERENTIAL; } $rule->setContentType($type); } $local_version = id(new HeraldRule())->getConfigVersion(); if ($rule->getConfigVersion() > $local_version) { throw new Exception( "This rule was created with a newer version of Herald. You can not ". "view or edit it in this older version. Try dev or wait for a push."); } // Upgrade rule version to our version, since we might add newly-defined // conditions, etc. $rule->setConfigVersion($local_version); $rule_conditions = $rule->loadConditions(); $rule_actions = $rule->loadActions(); $rule->attachConditions($rule_conditions); $rule->attachActions($rule_actions); $e_name = true; $errors = array(); if ($request->isFormPost() && $request->getStr('save')) { $rule->setName($request->getStr('name')); $rule->setMustMatchAll(($request->getStr('must_match') == 'all')); if (!strlen($rule->getName())) { $e_name = "Required"; $errors[] = "Rule must have a name."; } $data = json_decode($request->getStr('rule'), true); if (!is_array($data) || !$data['conditions'] || !$data['actions']) { throw new Exception("Failed to decode rule data."); } $conditions = array(); foreach ($data['conditions'] as $condition) { $obj = new HeraldCondition(); $obj->setFieldName($condition[0]); $obj->setFieldCondition($condition[1]); if (is_array($condition[2])) { $obj->setValue(array_keys($condition[2])); } else { $obj->setValue($condition[2]); } $cond_type = $obj->getFieldCondition(); if ($cond_type == HeraldConditionConfig::CONDITION_REGEXP) { if (@preg_match($obj->getValue(), '') === false) { $errors[] = 'The regular expression "'.$obj->getValue().'" is not valid. '. 'Regular expressions must have enclosing characters (e.g. '. '"@/path/to/file@", not "/path/to/file") and be syntactically '. 'correct.'; } } if ($cond_type == HeraldConditionConfig::CONDITION_REGEXP_PAIR) { $json = json_decode($obj->getValue(), true); if (!is_array($json)) { $errors[] = 'The regular expression pair "'.$obj->getValue().'" is not '. 'valid JSON. Enter a valid JSON array with two elements.'; } else { if (count($json) != 2) { $errors[] = 'The regular expression pair "'.$obj->getValue().'" must have '. 'exactly two elements.'; } else { $key_regexp = array_shift($json); $val_regexp = array_shift($json); if (@preg_match($key_regexp, '') === false) { $errors[] = 'The first regexp, "'.$key_regexp.'" in the regexp pair '. 'is not a valid regexp.'; } if (@preg_match($val_regexp, '') === false) { $errors[] = 'The second regexp, "'.$val_regexp.'" in the regexp pair '. 'is not a valid regexp.'; } } } } $conditions[] = $obj; } $actions = array(); foreach ($data['actions'] as $action) { $obj = new HeraldAction(); $obj->setAction($action[0]); if (!isset($action[1])) { // Legitimate for any action which doesn't need a target, like // "Do nothing". $action[1] = null; } if (is_array($action[1])) { $obj->setTarget(array_keys($action[1])); } else { $obj->setTarget($action[1]); } $actions[] = $obj; } $rule->attachConditions($conditions); $rule->attachActions($actions); if (!$errors) { try { // TODO // $rule->openTransaction(); $rule->save(); $rule->saveConditions($conditions); $rule->saveActions($actions); // $rule->saveTransaction(); $uri = '/herald/view/'.$rule->getContentType().'/'; return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($uri); } catch (AphrontQueryDuplicateKeyException $ex) { $e_name = "Not Unique"; $errors[] = "Rule name is not unique. Choose a unique name."; } } } $phids = array(); $phids[] = $rule->getAuthorPHID(); foreach ($rule->getActions() as $action) { foreach ($action->getTarget() as $target) { $target = (array)$target; foreach ($target as $phid) { $phids[] = $phid; } } } foreach ($rule->getConditions() as $condition) { $value = $condition->getValue(); if (is_array($value)) { foreach ($value as $phid) { $phids[] = $phid; } } } $handles = id(new PhabricatorObjectHandleData($phids)) ->loadHandles(); if ($errors) { $error_view = new AphrontErrorView(); $error_view->setTitle('Form Errors'); $error_view->setErrors($errors); } else { $error_view = null; } $options = array( 'all' => 'all of', 'any' => 'any of', ); $selected = $rule->getMustMatchAll() ? 'all' : 'any'; $must_match = array(); foreach ($options as $key => $option) { $must_match[] = phutil_render_tag( 'option', array( 'selected' => ($selected == $key) ? 'selected' : null, 'value' => $key, ), phutil_escape_html($option)); } $must_match = ''; if ($rule->getID()) { $action = '/herald/rule/'.$rule->getID().'/'; } else { $action = '/herald/rule/'.$rule->getID().'/'; } require_celerity_resource('herald-css'); $type_name = $content_type_map[$rule->getContentType()]; $form = id(new AphrontFormView()) ->setUser($user) ->setID('herald-rule-edit-form') ->addHiddenInput('type', $rule->getContentType()) ->addHiddenInput('save', 1) ->appendChild( // Build this explicitly so we can add a sigil to it. javelin_render_tag( 'input', array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'rule', 'sigil' => 'rule', ))) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setLabel('Rule Name') ->setName('name') ->setError($e_name) ->setValue($rule->getName())) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormStaticControl()) ->setLabel('Author') ->setValue($handles[$rule->getAuthorPHID()]->getName())) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormMarkupControl()) ->setValue( "This rule triggers for {$type_name}.")) ->appendChild( '


'. '
'. '
'. javelin_render_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '#', 'class' => 'button green', 'sigil' => 'create-condition', 'mustcapture' => true, ), 'Create New Condition'). '
'. '

When '.$must_match.' these conditions are met:

'. '
'. javelin_render_tag( 'table', array( 'sigil' => 'rule-conditions', 'class' => 'herald-condition-table', ), ''). '
') ->appendChild( '


'. '
'. '
'. javelin_render_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => '#', 'class' => 'button green', 'sigil' => 'create-action', 'mustcapture' => true, ), 'Create New Action'). '
'. '

Take these actions:

'. '
'. javelin_render_tag( 'table', array( 'sigil' => 'rule-actions', 'class' => 'herald-action-table', ), ''). '
') ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSubmitControl()) ->setValue('Save Rule') ->addCancelButton('/herald/view/'.$rule->getContentType().'/')); $serial_conditions = array( array('default', 'default', ''), ); if ($rule->getConditions()) { $serial_conditions = array(); foreach ($rule->getConditions() as $condition) { $value = $condition->getValue(); if (is_array($value)) { $value_map = array(); foreach ($value as $k => $fbid) { $value_map[$fbid] = $handles[$fbid]->getName(); } $value = $value_map; } $serial_conditions[] = array( $condition->getFieldName(), $condition->getFieldCondition(), $value, ); } } $serial_actions = array( array('default', ''), ); if ($rule->getActions()) { $serial_actions = array(); foreach ($rule->getActions() as $action) { $target_map = array(); foreach ((array)$action->getTarget() as $fbid) { $target_map[$fbid] = $handles[$fbid]->getName(); } $serial_actions[] = array( $action->getAction(), $target_map, ); } } $all_rules = id(new HeraldRule())->loadAllWhere( 'authorPHID = %d AND contentType = %s', $rule->getAuthorPHID(), $rule->getContentType()); $all_rules = mpull($all_rules, 'getName', 'getID'); asort($all_rules); unset($all_rules[$rule->getID()]); $config_info = array(); $config_info['fields'] = HeraldFieldConfig::getFieldMapForContentType($rule->getContentType()); $config_info['conditions'] = HeraldConditionConfig::getConditionMap(); foreach ($config_info['fields'] as $field => $name) { $config_info['conditionMap'][$field] = array_keys( HeraldConditionConfig::getConditionMapForField($field)); } foreach ($config_info['fields'] as $field => $fname) { foreach ($config_info['conditions'] as $condition => $cname) { $config_info['values'][$field][$condition] = HeraldValueTypeConfig::getValueTypeForFieldAndCondition( $field, $condition); } } $config_info['actions'] = HeraldActionConfig::getActionMapForContentType($rule->getContentType()); foreach ($config_info['actions'] as $action => $name) { $config_info['targets'][$action] = HeraldValueTypeConfig::getValueTypeForAction($action); } Javelin::initBehavior( 'herald-rule-editor', array( 'root' => 'herald-rule-edit-form', 'conditions' => (object) $serial_conditions, 'actions' => (object) $serial_actions, 'template' => $this->buildTokenizerTemplates() + array( 'rules' => $all_rules, ), 'info' => $config_info, )); $panel = new AphrontPanelView(); $panel->setHeader('Edit Herald Rule'); $panel->setWidth(AphrontPanelView::WIDTH_WIDE); $panel->appendChild($form); return $this->buildStandardPageResponse( array( $error_view, $panel, ), array( 'title' => 'Edit Rule', )); } protected function buildTokenizerTemplates() { $template = new AphrontTokenizerTemplateView(); $template = $template->render(); return array( 'source' => array( 'email' => '/typeahead/common/mailable/', 'user' => '/typeahead/common/users/', 'repository' => '/typeahead/common/repositories/', 'package' => '/typeahead/common/packages/', /* 'tag' => '/datasource/tag/', */ ), 'markup' => $template, ); } }