setCaches($caches); } /* -( Local Cache )-------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Gets an immutable cache stack. * * This stack trades mutability away for improved performance. Normally, it is * APC + DB. * * In the general case with multiple web frontends, this stack can not be * cleared, so it is only appropriate for use if the value of a given key is * permanent and immutable. * * @return PhutilKeyValueCacheStack Best immutable stack available. * @task immutable */ public static function getImmutableCache() { static $cache; if (!$cache) { $caches = self::buildImmutableCaches(); $cache = self::newStackFromCaches($caches); } return $cache; } /** * Build the immutable cache stack. * * @return list List of caches. * @task immutable */ private static function buildImmutableCaches() { $caches = array(); $apc = new PhutilAPCKeyValueCache(); if ($apc->isAvailable()) { $caches[] = $apc; } $caches[] = new PhabricatorKeyValueDatabaseCache(); return $caches; } /* -( Repository Graph Cache )--------------------------------------------- */ public static function getRepositoryGraphL1Cache() { static $cache; if (!$cache) { $caches = self::buildRepositoryGraphL1Caches(); $cache = self::newStackFromCaches($caches); } return $cache; } private static function buildRepositoryGraphL1Caches() { $caches = array(); $request = new PhutilInRequestKeyValueCache(); $request->setLimit(32); $caches[] = $request; $apc = new PhutilAPCKeyValueCache(); if ($apc->isAvailable()) { $caches[] = $apc; } return $caches; } public static function getRepositoryGraphL2Cache() { static $cache; if (!$cache) { $caches = self::buildRepositoryGraphL2Caches(); $cache = self::newStackFromCaches($caches); } return $cache; } private static function buildRepositoryGraphL2Caches() { $caches = array(); $caches[] = new PhabricatorKeyValueDatabaseCache(); return $caches; } /* -( Setup Cache )-------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Highly specialized cache for performing setup checks. We use this cache * to determine if we need to run expensive setup checks when the page * loads. Without it, we would need to run these checks every time. * * Normally, this cache is just APC. In the absence of APC, this cache * degrades into a slow, quirky on-disk cache. * * NOTE: Do not use this cache for anything else! It is not a general-purpose * cache! * * @return PhutilKeyValueCacheStack Most qualified available cache stack. * @task setup */ public static function getSetupCache() { static $cache; if (!$cache) { $caches = self::buildSetupCaches(); $cache = self::newStackFromCaches($caches); } return $cache; } /** * @task setup */ private static function buildSetupCaches() { // In most cases, we should have APC. This is an ideal cache for our // purposes -- it's fast and empties on server restart. $apc = new PhutilAPCKeyValueCache(); if ($apc->isAvailable()) { return array($apc); } // If we don't have APC, build a poor approximation on disk. This is still // much better than nothing; some setup steps are quite slow. $disk_path = self::getSetupCacheDiskCachePath(); if ($disk_path) { $disk = new PhutilOnDiskKeyValueCache(); $disk->setCacheFile($disk_path); $disk->setWait(0.1); if ($disk->isAvailable()) { return array($disk); } } return array(); } /** * @task setup */ private static function getSetupCacheDiskCachePath() { // The difficulty here is in choosing a path which will change on server // restart (we MUST have this property), but as rarely as possible // otherwise (we desire this property to give the cache the best hit rate // we can). // In some setups, the parent PID is more stable and longer-lived that the // PID (e.g., under apache, our PID will be a worker while the ppid will // be the main httpd process). If we're confident we're running under such // a setup, we can try to use the PPID as the basis for our cache instead // of our own PID. $use_ppid = false; switch (php_sapi_name()) { case 'cli-server': // This is the PHP5.4+ built-in webserver. We should use the pid // (the server), not the ppid (probably a shell or something). $use_ppid = false; break; case 'fpm-fcgi': // We should be safe to use PPID here. $use_ppid = true; break; case 'apache2handler': // We're definitely safe to use the PPID. $use_ppid = true; break; } $pid_basis = getmypid(); if ($use_ppid) { if (function_exists('posix_getppid')) { $parent_pid = posix_getppid(); // On most systems, normal processes can never have PIDs lower than 100, // so something likely went wrong if we we get one of these. if ($parent_pid > 100) { $pid_basis = $parent_pid; } } } // If possible, we also want to know when the process launched, so we can // drop the cache if a process restarts but gets the same PID an earlier // process had. "/proc" is not available everywhere (e.g., not on OSX), but // check if we have it. $epoch_basis = null; $stat = @stat("/proc/{$pid_basis}"); if ($stat !== false) { $epoch_basis = $stat['ctime']; } $tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir(); $tmp_path = $tmp_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'phabricator-setup'; if (!file_exists($tmp_path)) { @mkdir($tmp_path); } $is_ok = self::testTemporaryDirectory($tmp_path); if (!$is_ok) { $tmp_path = $tmp_dir; $is_ok = self::testTemporaryDirectory($tmp_path); if (!$is_ok) { // We can't find anywhere to write the cache, so just bail. return null; } } $tmp_name = 'setup-'.$pid_basis; if ($epoch_basis) { $tmp_name .= '.'.$epoch_basis; } $tmp_name .= '.cache'; return $tmp_path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$tmp_name; } /** * @task setup */ private static function testTemporaryDirectory($dir) { if (!@file_exists($dir)) { return false; } if (!@is_dir($dir)) { return false; } if (!@is_writable($dir)) { return false; } return true; } private static function addProfilerToCaches(array $caches) { foreach ($caches as $key => $cache) { $pcache = new PhutilKeyValueCacheProfiler($cache); $pcache->setProfiler(PhutilServiceProfiler::getInstance()); $caches[$key] = $pcache; } return $caches; } private static function addNamespaceToCaches(array $caches) { $namespace = self::getNamespace(); if (!$namespace) { return $caches; } foreach ($caches as $key => $cache) { $ncache = new PhutilKeyValueCacheNamespace($cache); $ncache->setNamespace($namespace); $caches[$key] = $ncache; } return $caches; } /** * Deflate a value, if deflation is available and has an impact. * * If the value is larger than 1KB, we have `gzdeflate()`, we successfully * can deflate it, and it benefits from deflation, we deflate it. Otherwise * we leave it as-is. * * Data can later be inflated with @{method:inflateData}. * * @param string String to attempt to deflate. * @return string|null Deflated string, or null if it was not deflated. * @task compress */ public static function maybeDeflateData($value) { $len = strlen($value); if ($len <= 1024) { return null; } if (!function_exists('gzdeflate')) { return null; } $deflated = gzdeflate($value); if ($deflated === false) { return null; } $deflated_len = strlen($deflated); if ($deflated_len >= ($len / 2)) { return null; } return $deflated; } /** * Inflate data previously deflated by @{method:maybeDeflateData}. * * @param string Deflated data, from @{method:maybeDeflateData}. * @return string Original, uncompressed data. * @task compress */ public static function inflateData($value) { if (!function_exists('gzinflate')) { throw new Exception( pht('gzinflate() is not available; unable to read deflated data!')); } $value = gzinflate($value); if ($value === false) { throw new Exception(pht('Failed to inflate data!')); } return $value; } }