publishCache) { $dir = implode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array( $this->getConfig('root'), '.divinercache', $this->getConfig('name'), 'static', )); $this->publishCache = new DivinerPublishCache($dir); } return $this->publishCache; } protected function loadAllPublishedHashes() { return array_keys($this->getPublishCache()->getPathMap()); } protected function deleteDocumentsByHash(array $hashes) { $root = $this->getConfig('root'); $cache = $this->getPublishCache(); foreach ($hashes as $hash) { $paths = $cache->getAtomPathsFromCache($hash); foreach ($paths as $path) { $abs = $root.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$path; Filesystem::remove($abs); // If the parent directory is now empty, clean it up. $dir = dirname($abs); while (true) { if (!Filesystem::isDescendant($dir, $root)) { // Directory is outside of the root. break; } if (Filesystem::listDirectory($dir)) { // Directory is not empty. break; } Filesystem::remove($dir); $dir = dirname($dir); } } $cache->removeAtomPathsFromCache($hash); $cache->deleteAtomFromIndex($hash); } } protected function createDocumentsByHash(array $hashes) { $indexes = array(); $cache = $this->getPublishCache(); foreach ($hashes as $hash) { $atom = $this->getAtomFromGraphHash($hash); $paths = array(); if ($this->shouldGenerateDocumentForAtom($atom)) { $content = $this->getRenderer()->renderAtom($atom); $this->writeDocument($atom, $content); $paths[] = $this->getAtomRelativePath($atom); if ($this->getAtomSimilarIndex($atom) !== null) { $index = dirname($this->getAtomRelativePath($atom)).'index.html'; $indexes[$index] = $atom; $paths[] = $index; } $this->addAtomToIndex($hash, $atom); } $cache->addAtomPathsToCache($hash, $paths); } foreach ($indexes as $index => $atoms) { // TODO: Publish disambiguation pages. } $this->publishIndex(); $cache->writePathMap(); $cache->writeIndex(); } private function publishIndex() { $index = $this->getPublishCache()->getIndex(); $refs = array(); foreach ($index as $hash => $dictionary) { $refs[$hash] = DivinerAtomRef::newFromDictionary($dictionary); } $content = $this->getRenderer()->renderAtomIndex($refs); $path = implode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array( $this->getConfig('root'), 'docs', $this->getConfig('name'), 'index.html', )); Filesystem::writeFile($path, $content); } public function findAtomByRef(DivinerAtomRef $ref) { if ($ref->getBook() != $this->getConfig('name')) { return null; } if ($this->atomNameMap === null) { $name_map = array(); foreach ($this->getPublishCache()->getIndex() as $hash => $dict) { $name_map[$dict['name']][$hash] = $dict; } $this->atomNameMap = $name_map; } $name = $ref->getName(); if (empty($this->atomNameMap[$name])) { return null; } $candidates = $this->atomNameMap[$name]; foreach ($candidates as $key => $dict) { $candidates[$key] = DivinerAtomRef::newFromDict($dict); if ($ref->getType()) { if ($candidates[$key]->getType() != $ref->getType()) { unset($candidates[$key]); } } if ($ref->getContext()) { if ($candidates[$key]->getContext() != $ref->getContext()) { unset($candidates[$key]); } } } // If we have exactly one uniquely identifiable atom, return it. if (count($candidates) == 1) { return $this->getAtomFromNodeHash(last_key($candidates)); } return null; } private function addAtomToIndex($hash, DivinerAtom $atom) { $ref = $atom->getRef(); $ref->setIndex($this->getAtomSimilarIndex($atom)); $ref->setSummary($this->getRenderer()->renderAtomSummary($atom)); $this->getPublishCache()->addAtomToIndex($hash, $ref->toDictionary()); } private function writeDocument(DivinerAtom $atom, $content) { $root = $this->getConfig('root'); $path = $root.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$this->getAtomRelativePath($atom); if (!Filesystem::pathExists($path)) { Filesystem::createDirectory($path, $umask = 0755, $recursive = true); } Filesystem::writeFile($path.'index.html', $content); return $this; } private function getAtomRelativePath(DivinerAtom $atom) { $ref = $atom->getRef(); $book = $ref->getBook(); $type = $ref->getType(); $context = $ref->getContext(); $name = $ref->getName(); $path = array( 'docs', $book, $type, ); if ($context !== null) { $path[] = $context; } $path[] = $name; $index = $this->getAtomSimilarIndex($atom); if ($index !== null) { $path[] = '@'.$index; } $path[] = null; return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); } }