pht("The HTTP response code."), 'C' => pht("The controller which handled the request."), 'D' => pht("The request date."), 'e' => pht("Epoch timestamp."), 'h' => pht("The webserver's host name."), 'p' => pht("The PID of the server process."), 'R' => pht("The HTTP referrer."), 'r' => pht("The remote IP."), 'T' => pht("The request duration, in microseconds."), 'U' => pht("The request path."), 'u' => pht("The logged-in user, if one is logged in."), 'M' => pht("The HTTP method."), 'm' => pht("For conduit, the Conduit method which was invoked."), ); $fdesc = pht("Format for the access log. Available variables are:"); $fdesc .= "\n\n"; foreach ($map as $key => $desc) { $fdesc .= " - %".$key." ".$desc."\n"; } $fdesc .= "\n"; $fdesc .= pht( "If a variable isn't available (for example, %%m appears in the file ". "format but the request is not a Conduit request), it will be rendered ". "as '-'"); $fdesc .= "\n\n"; $fdesc .= pht( "Note that the default format is subject to change in the future, so ". "if you rely on the log's format, specify it explicitly."); return array( $this->newOption('log.access.path', 'string', null) ->setSummary(pht("Access log location.")) ->setDescription( pht( "To enable the Phabricator access log, specify a path. The ". "access log can provide more detailed information about ". "Phabricator access than normal HTTP access logs (for instance, ". "it can show logged-in users, controllers, and other application ". "data).\n\n". "If not set, no log will be written.")) ->addExample( null, pht('Disable access log')) ->addExample( '/var/log/phabricator/access.log', pht('Write access log here')), $this->newOption( 'log.access.format', // NOTE: This is 'wild' intead of 'string' so "\t" and such can be // specified. 'wild', "[%D]\t%p\t%h\t%r\t%u\t%C\t%m\t%U\t%R\t%c\t%T") ->setSummary(pht("Access log format.")) ->setDescription($fdesc), ); } }