getProviderConfig()->getMetadataValue(self::PAYPAL_MODE); return ($mode === 'live'); } public function getName() { return pht('PayPal'); } public function getConfigureName() { return pht('Add PayPal Payments Account'); } public function getConfigureDescription() { return pht( 'Allows you to accept various payment instruments with a '. 'account.'); } public function getConfigureProvidesDescription() { return pht('This merchant accepts payments via PayPal.'); } public function getConfigureInstructions() { return pht( "To configure PayPal, register or log into an existing account on ". "[[ |]] (for live payments) or ". "[[ |]] (for test ". "payments). Once logged in:\n\n". " - Navigate to {nav Tools > API Access}.\n". " - Choose **View API Signature**.\n". " - Copy the **API Username**, **API Password** and **Signature** ". " into the fields above.\n\n". "You can select whether the provider operates in test mode or ". "accepts live payments using the **Mode** dropdown above.\n\n". "You can either use `` to retrieve live credentials, ". "or `` to retrieve live credentials."); } public function getAllConfigurableProperties() { return array( self::PAYPAL_API_USERNAME, self::PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD, self::PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE, self::PAYPAL_MODE, ); } public function getAllConfigurableSecretProperties() { return array( self::PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD, self::PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE, ); } public function processEditForm( AphrontRequest $request, array $values) { $errors = array(); $issues = array(); if (!strlen($values[self::PAYPAL_API_USERNAME])) { $errors[] = pht('PayPal API Username is required.'); $issues[self::PAYPAL_API_USERNAME] = pht('Required'); } if (!strlen($values[self::PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD])) { $errors[] = pht('PayPal API Password is required.'); $issues[self::PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD] = pht('Required'); } if (!strlen($values[self::PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE])) { $errors[] = pht('PayPal API Signature is required.'); $issues[self::PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE] = pht('Required'); } if (!strlen($values[self::PAYPAL_MODE])) { $errors[] = pht('Mode is required.'); $issues[self::PAYPAL_MODE] = pht('Required'); } return array($errors, $issues, $values); } public function extendEditForm( AphrontRequest $request, AphrontFormView $form, array $values, array $issues) { $form ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setName(self::PAYPAL_API_USERNAME) ->setValue($values[self::PAYPAL_API_USERNAME]) ->setError(idx($issues, self::PAYPAL_API_USERNAME, true)) ->setLabel(pht('Paypal API Username'))) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setName(self::PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD) ->setValue($values[self::PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD]) ->setError(idx($issues, self::PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD, true)) ->setLabel(pht('Paypal API Password'))) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormTextControl()) ->setName(self::PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE) ->setValue($values[self::PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE]) ->setError(idx($issues, self::PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE, true)) ->setLabel(pht('Paypal API Signature'))) ->appendChild( id(new AphrontFormSelectControl()) ->setName(self::PAYPAL_MODE) ->setValue($values[self::PAYPAL_MODE]) ->setError(idx($issues, self::PAYPAL_MODE)) ->setLabel(pht('Mode')) ->setOptions( array( 'test' => pht('Test Mode'), 'live' => pht('Live Mode'), ))); return; } public function canRunConfigurationTest() { return true; } public function runConfigurationTest() { $result = $this ->newPaypalAPICall() ->setRawPayPalQuery('GetBalance', array()) ->resolve(); } public function getPaymentMethodDescription() { return pht('Credit Card or PayPal Account'); } public function getPaymentMethodIcon() { return 'PayPal'; } public function getPaymentMethodProviderDescription() { return 'PayPal'; } protected function executeCharge( PhortunePaymentMethod $payment_method, PhortuneCharge $charge) { throw new Exception('!'); } protected function executeRefund( PhortuneCharge $charge, PhortuneCharge $refund) { $transaction_id = $charge->getMetadataValue('paypal.transactionID'); if (!$transaction_id) { throw new Exception(pht('Charge has no transaction ID!')); } $refund_amount = $refund->getAmountAsCurrency()->negate(); $refund_currency = $refund_amount->getCurrency(); $refund_value = $refund_amount->formatBareValue(); $params = array( 'TRANSACTIONID' => $transaction_id, 'REFUNDTYPE' => 'Partial', 'AMT' => $refund_value, 'CURRENCYCODE' => $refund_currency, ); $result = $this ->newPaypalAPICall() ->setRawPayPalQuery('RefundTransaction', $params) ->resolve(); $charge->setMetadataValue( 'paypal.refundID', $result['REFUNDTRANSACTIONID']); } public function updateCharge(PhortuneCharge $charge) { $transaction_id = $charge->getMetadataValue('paypal.transactionID'); if (!$transaction_id) { throw new Exception(pht('Charge has no transaction ID!')); } $params = array( 'TRANSACTIONID' => $transaction_id, ); $result = $this ->newPaypalAPICall() ->setRawPayPalQuery('GetTransactionDetails', $params) ->resolve(); $is_charge = false; $is_fail = false; switch ($result['PAYMENTSTATUS']) { case 'Processed': case 'Completed': case 'Completed-Funds-Held': $is_charge = true; break; case 'Partially-Refunded': case 'Refunded': case 'Reversed': case 'Canceled-Reversal': // TODO: Handle these. return; case 'In-Progress': case 'Pending': // TODO: Also handle these better? return; case 'Denied': case 'Expired': case 'Failed': case 'None': case 'Voided': default: $is_fail = true; break; } if ($charge->getStatus() == PhortuneCharge::STATUS_HOLD) { $cart = $charge->getCart(); $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); if ($is_charge) { $cart->didApplyCharge($charge); } else if ($is_fail) { $cart->didFailCharge($charge); } unset($unguarded); } } private function getPaypalAPIUsername() { return $this ->getProviderConfig() ->getMetadataValue(self::PAYPAL_API_USERNAME); } private function getPaypalAPIPassword() { return $this ->getProviderConfig() ->getMetadataValue(self::PAYPAL_API_PASSWORD); } private function getPaypalAPISignature() { return $this ->getProviderConfig() ->getMetadataValue(self::PAYPAL_API_SIGNATURE); } /* -( One-Time Payments )-------------------------------------------------- */ public function canProcessOneTimePayments() { return true; } /* -( Controllers )-------------------------------------------------------- */ public function canRespondToControllerAction($action) { switch ($action) { case 'checkout': case 'charge': case 'cancel': return true; } return parent::canRespondToControllerAction(); } public function processControllerRequest( PhortuneProviderActionController $controller, AphrontRequest $request) { $viewer = $request->getUser(); $cart = $controller->loadCart($request->getInt('cartID')); if (!$cart) { return new Aphront404Response(); } $charge = $controller->loadActiveCharge($cart); switch ($controller->getAction()) { case 'checkout': if ($charge) { throw new Exception(pht('Cart is already charging!')); } break; case 'charge': case 'cancel': if (!$charge) { throw new Exception(pht('Cart is not charging yet!')); } break; } switch ($controller->getAction()) { case 'checkout': $return_uri = $this->getControllerURI( 'charge', array( 'cartID' => $cart->getID(), )); $cancel_uri = $this->getControllerURI( 'cancel', array( 'cartID' => $cart->getID(), )); $price = $cart->getTotalPriceAsCurrency(); $charge = $cart->willApplyCharge($viewer, $this); $params = array( 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' => $price->formatBareValue(), 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE' => $price->getCurrency(), 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION' => 'Sale', 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CUSTOM' => $charge->getPHID(), 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC' => $cart->getName(), 'RETURNURL' => $return_uri, 'CANCELURL' => $cancel_uri, // TODO: This should be cart-dependent if we eventually support // physical goods. 'NOSHIPPING' => '1', ); $result = $this ->newPaypalAPICall() ->setRawPayPalQuery('SetExpressCheckout', $params) ->resolve(); $params = array( 'cmd' => '_express-checkout', 'token' => $result['TOKEN'], ); $uri = new PhutilURI( '', $params); $cart->setMetadataValue('provider.checkoutURI', (string)$uri); $cart->save(); $charge->setMetadataValue('paypal.token', $result['TOKEN']); $charge->save(); return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setIsExternal(true) ->setURI($uri); case 'charge': if ($cart->getStatus() !== PhortuneCart::STATUS_PURCHASING) { return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($cart->getCheckoutURI()); } $token = $request->getStr('token'); $params = array( 'TOKEN' => $token, ); $result = $this ->newPaypalAPICall() ->setRawPayPalQuery('GetExpressCheckoutDetails', $params) ->resolve(); if ($result['CUSTOM'] !== $charge->getPHID()) { throw new Exception( pht('Paypal checkout does not match Phortune charge!')); } if ($result['CHECKOUTSTATUS'] !== 'PaymentActionNotInitiated') { return $controller->newDialog() ->setTitle(pht('Payment Already Processed')) ->appendParagraph( pht( 'The payment response for this charge attempt has already '. 'been processed.')) ->addCancelButton($cart->getCheckoutURI(), pht('Continue')); } $price = $cart->getTotalPriceAsCurrency(); $params = array( 'TOKEN' => $token, 'PAYERID' => $result['PAYERID'], 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' => $price->formatBareValue(), 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_CURRENCYCODE' => $price->getCurrency(), 'PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION' => 'Sale', ); $result = $this ->newPaypalAPICall() ->setRawPayPalQuery('DoExpressCheckoutPayment', $params) ->resolve(); $transaction_id = $result['PAYMENTINFO_0_TRANSACTIONID']; $success = false; $hold = false; switch ($result['PAYMENTINFO_0_PAYMENTSTATUS']) { case 'Processed': case 'Completed': case 'Completed-Funds-Held': $success = true; break; case 'In-Progress': case 'Pending': // TODO: We can capture more information about this stuff. $hold = true; break; case 'Denied': case 'Expired': case 'Failed': case 'Partially-Refunded': case 'Canceled-Reversal': case 'None': case 'Refunded': case 'Reversed': case 'Voided': default: // These are all failure states. break; } $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); $charge->setMetadataValue('paypal.transactionID', $transaction_id); $charge->save(); if ($success) { $cart->didApplyCharge($charge); $response = id(new AphrontRedirectResponse())->setURI( $cart->getCheckoutURI()); } else if ($hold) { $cart->didHoldCharge($charge); $response = $controller ->newDialog() ->setTitle(pht('Charge On Hold')) ->appendParagraph( pht('Your charge is on hold, for reasons?')) ->addCancelButton($cart->getCheckoutURI(), pht('Continue')); } else { $cart->didFailCharge($charge); $response = $controller ->newDialog() ->setTitle(pht('Charge Failed')) ->addCancelButton($cart->getCheckoutURI(), pht('Continue')); } unset($unguarded); return $response; case 'cancel': if ($cart->getStatus() === PhortuneCart::STATUS_PURCHASING) { $unguarded = AphrontWriteGuard::beginScopedUnguardedWrites(); // TODO: Since the user cancelled this, we could conceivably just // throw it away or make it more clear that it's a user cancel. $cart->didFailCharge($charge); unset($unguarded); } return id(new AphrontRedirectResponse()) ->setURI($cart->getCheckoutURI()); } throw new Exception( pht('Unsupported action "%s".', $controller->getAction())); } private function newPaypalAPICall() { if ($this->isAcceptingLivePayments()) { $host = ''; } else { $host = ''; } return id(new PhutilPayPalAPIFuture()) ->setHost($host) ->setAPIUsername($this->getPaypalAPIUsername()) ->setAPIPassword($this->getPaypalAPIPassword()) ->setAPISignature($this->getPaypalAPISignature()); } }