establishConnection('w'); // NOTE: We migrate by revision because the relationship table doesn't have // an "id" column. foreach (new LiskMigrationIterator($table) as $revision) { $revision_id = $revision->getID(); $revision_phid = $revision->getPHID(); echo "Migrating reviewers for D{$revision_id}...\n"; $reviewer_phids = queryfx_all( $conn_w, 'SELECT objectPHID FROM %T WHERE revisionID = %d AND relation = %s ORDER BY sequence', 'differential_relationship', $revision_id, 'revw'); $reviewer_phids = ipull($reviewer_phids, 'objectPHID'); if (!$reviewer_phids) { continue; } $editor = id(new PhabricatorEdgeEditor()) ->setActor(PhabricatorUser::getOmnipotentUser()); foreach ($reviewer_phids as $dst) { if (phid_get_type($dst) == PhabricatorPHIDConstants::PHID_TYPE_UNKNOWN) { // At least one old install ran into some issues here. Skip the row if we // can't figure out what the destination PHID is. See here: // continue; } $editor->addEdge( $revision_phid, PhabricatorEdgeConfig::TYPE_DREV_HAS_REVIEWER, $dst, array( 'data' => array( 'status' => DifferentialReviewerStatus::STATUS_ADDED, ), )); } $editor->save(); } echo "Done.\n";