authorPHIDs = $authors; return $this; } public function withIDs(array $ids) { $this->taskIDs = $ids; return $this; } public function withPHIDs(array $phids) { $this->taskPHIDs = $phids; return $this; } public function withOwners(array $owners) { $this->includeUnowned = false; foreach ($owners as $k => $phid) { if ($phid == ManiphestTaskOwner::OWNER_UP_FOR_GRABS || $phid === null) { $this->includeUnowned = true; unset($owners[$k]); break; } } $this->ownerPHIDs = $owners; return $this; } public function withAllProjects(array $projects) { $this->includeNoProject = false; foreach ($projects as $k => $phid) { if ($phid == ManiphestTaskOwner::PROJECT_NO_PROJECT) { $this->includeNoProject = true; unset($projects[$k]); } } $this->projectPHIDs = $projects; return $this; } public function withoutProjects(array $projects) { $this->xprojectPHIDs = $projects; return $this; } public function withStatus($status) { $this->status = $status; return $this; } public function withStatuses(array $statuses) { $this->statuses = $statuses; return $this; } public function withPriority($priority) { $this->priority = $priority; return $this; } public function withPriorities(array $priorities) { $this->priorities = $priorities; return $this; } public function withPrioritiesBetween($min, $max) { $this->minPriority = $min; $this->maxPriority = $max; return $this; } public function withSubscribers(array $subscribers) { $this->subscriberPHIDs = $subscribers; return $this; } public function withFullTextSearch($fulltext_search) { $this->fullTextSearch = $fulltext_search; return $this; } public function setGroupBy($group) { $this->groupBy = $group; return $this; } public function setOrderBy($order) { $this->orderBy = $order; return $this; } public function setCalculateRows($calculate_rows) { $this->calculateRows = $calculate_rows; return $this; } public function getRowCount() { if ($this->rowCount === null) { throw new Exception( "You must execute a query with setCalculateRows() before you can ". "retrieve a row count."); } return $this->rowCount; } public function getGroupByProjectResults() { return $this->groupByProjectResults; } public function withAnyProjects(array $projects) { $this->anyProjectPHIDs = $projects; return $this; } public function withAnyUserProjects(array $users) { $this->anyUserProjectPHIDs = $users; return $this; } public function withDateCreatedBefore($date_created_before) { $this->dateCreatedBefore = $date_created_before; return $this; } public function withDateCreatedAfter($date_created_after) { $this->dateCreatedAfter = $date_created_after; return $this; } public function loadPage() { // TODO: (T603) It is possible for a user to find the PHID of a project // they can't see, then query for tasks in that project and deduce the // identity of unknown/invisible projects. Before we allow the user to // execute a project-based PHID query, we should verify that they // can see the project. $task_dao = new ManiphestTask(); $conn = $task_dao->establishConnection('r'); if ($this->calculateRows) { $calc = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS'; // Make sure we end up in the right state if we throw a // PhabricatorEmptyQueryException. $this->rowCount = 0; } else { $calc = ''; } $where = array(); $where[] = $this->buildTaskIDsWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildTaskPHIDsWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildStatusWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildStatusesWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildPriorityWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildPrioritiesWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildAuthorWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildOwnerWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildSubscriberWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildProjectWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildAnyProjectWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildAnyUserProjectWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildXProjectWhereClause($conn); $where[] = $this->buildFullTextWhereClause($conn); if ($this->dateCreatedAfter) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn, 'dateCreated >= %d', $this->dateCreatedAfter); } if ($this->dateCreatedBefore) { $where[] = qsprintf( $conn, 'dateCreated <= %d', $this->dateCreatedBefore); } $where = $this->formatWhereClause($where); $join = array(); $join[] = $this->buildProjectJoinClause($conn); $join[] = $this->buildAnyProjectJoinClause($conn); $join[] = $this->buildXProjectJoinClause($conn); $join[] = $this->buildSubscriberJoinClause($conn); $join = array_filter($join); if ($join) { $join = implode(' ', $join); } else { $join = ''; } $having = ''; $count = ''; $group = ''; if (count($this->projectPHIDs) > 1 || count($this->anyProjectPHIDs) > 1) { // If we're joining multiple rows, we need to group the results by the // task IDs. $group = 'GROUP BY'; } else { $group = ''; } if (count($this->projectPHIDs) > 1) { // We want to treat the query as an intersection query, not a union // query. We sum the project count and require it be the same as the // number of projects we're searching for. $count = ', COUNT(project.projectPHID) projectCount'; $having = qsprintf( $conn, 'HAVING projectCount = %d', count($this->projectPHIDs)); } $order = $this->buildCustomOrderClause($conn); // TODO: Clean up this nonstandardness. if (!$this->getLimit()) { $this->setLimit(self::DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE); } if ($this->groupBy == self::GROUP_PROJECT) { $this->setLimit(PHP_INT_MAX); $this->setOffset(0); } $data = queryfx_all( $conn, 'SELECT %Q * %Q FROM %T task %Q %Q %Q %Q %Q %Q', $calc, $count, $task_dao->getTableName(), $join, $where, $group, $having, $order, $this->buildLimitClause($conn)); if ($this->calculateRows) { $count = queryfx_one( $conn, 'SELECT FOUND_ROWS() N'); $this->rowCount = $count['N']; } else { $this->rowCount = null; } $tasks = $task_dao->loadAllFromArray($data); if ($this->groupBy == self::GROUP_PROJECT) { $tasks = $this->applyGroupByProject($tasks); } return $tasks; } private function buildTaskIDsWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->taskIDs) { return null; } return qsprintf( $conn, 'id in (%Ld)', $this->taskIDs); } private function buildTaskPHIDsWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->taskPHIDs) { return null; } return qsprintf( $conn, 'phid in (%Ls)', $this->taskPHIDs); } private function buildStatusWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { static $map = array( self::STATUS_RESOLVED => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_RESOLVED, self::STATUS_WONTFIX => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_WONTFIX, self::STATUS_INVALID => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_INVALID, self::STATUS_SPITE => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_SPITE, self::STATUS_DUPLICATE => ManiphestTaskStatus::STATUS_CLOSED_DUPLICATE, ); switch ($this->status) { case self::STATUS_ANY: return null; case self::STATUS_OPEN: return 'status = 0'; case self::STATUS_CLOSED: return 'status > 0'; default: $constant = idx($map, $this->status); if (!$constant) { throw new Exception("Unknown status query '{$this->status}'!"); } return qsprintf( $conn, 'status = %d', $constant); } } private function buildStatusesWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if ($this->statuses) { return qsprintf( $conn, 'status IN (%Ld)', $this->statuses); } return null; } private function buildPriorityWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if ($this->priority !== null) { return qsprintf( $conn, 'priority = %d', $this->priority); } elseif ($this->minPriority !== null && $this->maxPriority !== null) { return qsprintf( $conn, 'priority >= %d AND priority <= %d', $this->minPriority, $this->maxPriority); } return null; } private function buildPrioritiesWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if ($this->priorities) { return qsprintf( $conn, 'priority IN (%Ld)', $this->priorities); } return null; } private function buildAuthorWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->authorPHIDs) { return null; } return qsprintf( $conn, 'authorPHID in (%Ls)', $this->authorPHIDs); } private function buildOwnerWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->ownerPHIDs) { if ($this->includeUnowned === null) { return null; } else if ($this->includeUnowned) { return qsprintf( $conn, 'ownerPHID IS NULL'); } else { return qsprintf( $conn, 'ownerPHID IS NOT NULL'); } } if ($this->includeUnowned) { return qsprintf( $conn, 'ownerPHID IN (%Ls) OR ownerPHID IS NULL', $this->ownerPHIDs); } else { return qsprintf( $conn, 'ownerPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->ownerPHIDs); } } private function buildFullTextWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!strlen($this->fullTextSearch)) { return null; } // In doing a fulltext search, we first find all the PHIDs that match the // fulltext search, and then use that to limit the rest of the search $fulltext_query = new PhabricatorSearchQuery(); $fulltext_query->setQuery($this->fullTextSearch); $fulltext_query->setParameter('limit', PHP_INT_MAX); $fulltext_query->setParameter('type', ManiphestPHIDTypeTask::TYPECONST); $engine = PhabricatorSearchEngineSelector::newSelector()->newEngine(); $fulltext_results = $engine->executeSearch($fulltext_query); if (empty($fulltext_results)) { $fulltext_results = array(null); } return qsprintf( $conn, 'phid IN (%Ls)', $fulltext_results); } private function buildSubscriberWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->subscriberPHIDs) { return null; } return qsprintf( $conn, 'subscriber.subscriberPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->subscriberPHIDs); } private function buildProjectWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->projectPHIDs && !$this->includeNoProject) { return null; } $parts = array(); if ($this->projectPHIDs) { $parts[] = qsprintf( $conn, 'project.projectPHID in (%Ls)', $this->projectPHIDs); } if ($this->includeNoProject) { $parts[] = qsprintf( $conn, 'project.projectPHID IS NULL'); } return '('.implode(') OR (', $parts).')'; } private function buildProjectJoinClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->projectPHIDs && !$this->includeNoProject) { return null; } $project_dao = new ManiphestTaskProject(); return qsprintf( $conn, '%Q JOIN %T project ON project.taskPHID = task.phid', ($this->includeNoProject ? 'LEFT' : ''), $project_dao->getTableName()); } private function buildAnyProjectWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->anyProjectPHIDs) { return null; } return qsprintf( $conn, 'anyproject.projectPHID IN (%Ls)', $this->anyProjectPHIDs); } private function buildAnyUserProjectWhereClause( AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->anyUserProjectPHIDs) { return null; } $projects = id(new PhabricatorProjectQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withMemberPHIDs($this->anyUserProjectPHIDs) ->execute(); $any_user_project_phids = mpull($projects, 'getPHID'); if (!$any_user_project_phids) { throw new PhabricatorEmptyQueryException(); } return qsprintf( $conn, 'anyproject.projectPHID IN (%Ls)', $any_user_project_phids); } private function buildAnyProjectJoinClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->anyProjectPHIDs && !$this->anyUserProjectPHIDs) { return null; } $project_dao = new ManiphestTaskProject(); return qsprintf( $conn, 'JOIN %T anyproject ON anyproject.taskPHID = task.phid', $project_dao->getTableName()); } private function buildXProjectWhereClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->xprojectPHIDs) { return null; } return qsprintf( $conn, 'xproject.projectPHID IS NULL'); } private function buildXProjectJoinClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->xprojectPHIDs) { return null; } $project_dao = new ManiphestTaskProject(); return qsprintf( $conn, 'LEFT JOIN %T xproject ON xproject.taskPHID = task.phid AND xproject.projectPHID IN (%Ls)', $project_dao->getTableName(), $this->xprojectPHIDs); } private function buildSubscriberJoinClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { if (!$this->subscriberPHIDs) { return null; } $subscriber_dao = new ManiphestTaskSubscriber(); return qsprintf( $conn, 'JOIN %T subscriber ON subscriber.taskPHID = task.phid', $subscriber_dao->getTableName()); } private function buildCustomOrderClause(AphrontDatabaseConnection $conn) { $order = array(); switch ($this->groupBy) { case self::GROUP_NONE: break; case self::GROUP_PRIORITY: $order[] = 'priority'; break; case self::GROUP_OWNER: $order[] = 'ownerOrdering'; break; case self::GROUP_STATUS: $order[] = 'status'; break; case self::GROUP_PROJECT: // NOTE: We have to load the entire result set and apply this grouping // in the PHP process for now. break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown group query '{$this->groupBy}'!"); } switch ($this->orderBy) { case self::ORDER_PRIORITY: $order[] = 'priority'; $order[] = 'subpriority'; $order[] = 'dateModified'; break; case self::ORDER_CREATED: $order[] = 'id'; break; case self::ORDER_MODIFIED: $order[] = 'dateModified'; break; case self::ORDER_TITLE: $order[] = 'title'; break; default: throw new Exception("Unknown order query '{$this->orderBy}'!"); } $order = array_unique($order); if (empty($order)) { return null; } foreach ($order as $k => $column) { switch ($column) { case 'subpriority': case 'ownerOrdering': case 'title': $order[$k] = "task.{$column} ASC"; break; default: $order[$k] = "task.{$column} DESC"; break; } } return 'ORDER BY '.implode(', ', $order); } /** * To get paging to work for "group by project", we need to do a bunch of * server-side magic since there's currently no way to sort by project name on * the database. * * As a consequence of this, moreover, because the list we return from here * may include a single task multiple times (once for each project it's in), * sorting gets screwed up in the controller unless we tell it which project * to put the task in each time it appears. Hence the magic field * groupByProjectResults. * * TODO: Move this all to the database. */ private function applyGroupByProject(array $tasks) { assert_instances_of($tasks, 'ManiphestTask'); $project_phids = array(); foreach ($tasks as $task) { foreach ($task->getProjectPHIDs() as $phid) { $project_phids[$phid] = true; } } $handles = id(new PhabricatorHandleQuery()) ->setViewer($this->getViewer()) ->withPHIDs(array_keys($project_phids)) ->execute(); $max = 1; foreach ($handles as $handle) { $max = max($max, strlen($handle->getName())); } $items = array(); $ii = 0; foreach ($tasks as $key => $task) { $phids = $task->getProjectPHIDs(); if ($this->projectPHIDs) { $phids = array_diff($phids, $this->projectPHIDs); } if ($phids) { foreach ($phids as $phid) { $items[] = array( 'key' => $key, 'proj' => $phid, 'seq' => sprintf( '%'.$max.'s%09d', $handles[$phid]->getName(), $ii), ); } } else { // Sort "no project" tasks first. $items[] = array( 'key' => $key, 'proj' => null, 'seq' => sprintf( '%'.$max.'s%09d', '', $ii), ); } ++$ii; } $items = isort($items, 'seq'); $items = array_slice( $items, nonempty($this->getOffset()), nonempty($this->getLimit(), self::DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE)); $result = array(); $projects = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $result[] = $projects[$item['proj']][] = $tasks[$item['key']]; } $this->groupByProjectResults = $projects; return $result; } }