/** * A View is a composable wrapper on JX.$N, allowing abstraction of higher-order * views and a consistent pattern of parameterization. It is intended * to be used either directly or as a building block for a syntactic sugar layer * for concise expression of markup patterns. * * @provides javelin-view * @requires javelin-install * javelin-util */ JX.install('View', { construct : function(attrs, children) { this._attributes = JX.copy({}, this.getDefaultAttributeValues()); JX.copy(this._attributes, attrs); this._rawChildren = {}; this._childKeys = []; if (children) { this.addChildren(JX.$AX(children)); } this.setName(this.__class__.__readable__); }, events: [ 'change' ], properties: { 'name': null }, members : { _attributes : null, _rawChildren : null, _childKeys: null, // keys of rawChildren, kept ordered. _nextChildKey: 0, // next key to use for a new child /* * Don't override. * TODO: Strongly typed attribute access (getIntAttr, getStringAttr...)? */ getAttr : function(attrName) { return this._attributes[attrName]; }, /* * Don't override. */ multisetAttr : function(attrs) { JX.copy(this._attributes, attrs); this.invoke('change'); return this; }, /* * Don't override. */ setAttr : function(attrName, value) { this._attributes[attrName] = value; this.invoke('change'); return this; }, /* * Child views can override to specify default values for attributes. */ getDefaultAttributeValues : function() { return {}; }, /** * Don't override. */ getAllAttributes: function() { return JX.copy({}, this._attributes); }, /** * Get the children. Don't override. */ getChildren : function() { var result = []; var should_repack = false; var ii; var key; for (ii = 0; ii < this._childKeys.length; ii++) { key = this._childKeys[ii]; if (this._rawChildren[key] === undefined) { should_repack = true; } else { result.push(this._rawChildren[key]); } } if (should_repack) { var new_child_keys = []; for (ii = 0; ii < this._childKeys.length; ii++) { key = this._childKeys[ii]; if (this._rawChildren[key] !== undefined) { new_child_keys.push(key); } } this._childKeys = new_child_keys; } return result; }, /** * Add children to the view. Returns array of removal handles. * Don't override. */ addChildren : function(children) { var result = []; for (var ii = 0; ii < children.length; ii++) { result.push(this._addChild(children[ii])); } this.invoke('change'); return result; }, /** * Add a single child view to the view. * Returns a removal handle, i.e. an object that has a method remove(), * that removes the added child from the view. * * Don't override. */ addChild: function(child) { var result = this._addChild(child); this.invoke('change'); return result; }, _addChild: function(child) { var key = this._nextChildKey++; this._rawChildren[key] = child; this._childKeys.push(key); return { remove: JX.bind(this, this._removeChild, key) }; }, _removeChild: function(child_key) { delete this._rawChildren[child_key]; this.invoke('change'); }, /** * Accept visitors. This allows adding new behaviors to Views without * having to change View classes themselves. * * This implements a post-order traversal over the tree of views. Children * are processed before parents, and for convenience the results of the * visitor on the children are passed to it when processing the parent. * * The visitor parameter is a callable which receives two parameters. * The first parameter is the view to visit. The second parameter is an * array of the results of visiting the view's children. * * Don't override. */ accept: function(visitor) { var results = []; var children = this.getChildren(); for(var ii = 0; ii < children.length; ii++) { var result; if (children[ii].accept) { result = children[ii].accept(visitor); } else { result = children[ii]; } results.push(result); } return visitor(this, results); }, /** * Given the already-rendered children, return the rendered result of * this view. * By default, just pass the children through. */ render: function(rendered_children) { return rendered_children; } } });