/** * @provides javelin-behavior-aphlict-dropdown * @requires javelin-behavior * javelin-request * javelin-stratcom * javelin-vector * javelin-dom * javelin-uri * javelin-behavior-device * phabricator-title * phabricator-favicon */ JX.behavior('aphlict-dropdown', function(config, statics) { // Track the current globally visible menu. statics.visible = statics.visible || null; var dropdown = JX.$(config.dropdownID); var bubble = JX.$(config.bubbleID); var icon = JX.DOM.scry(bubble, 'span', 'menu-icon')[0]; var favicon = config.favicon; var message_favicon = config.message_favicon; var count; if (config.countID) { count = JX.$(config.countID); } var request = null; var dirty = config.local ? false : true; function _updateFavicon(new_count) { if ((config.countType == 'messages') && (new_count)) { JX.Favicon.setFavicon(message_favicon); } else if (config.countType == 'messages') { JX.Favicon.setFavicon(favicon); } } if (config.countType) { JX.Title.setCount(config.countType, config.countNumber); _updateFavicon(config.countNumber); } function _updateCount(number) { if (config.countType) { JX.Title.setCount(config.countType, number); _updateFavicon(number); } else { return; } JX.DOM.setContent(count, number); if (number === 0) { JX.DOM.alterClass(bubble, config.unreadClass, false); } else { JX.DOM.alterClass(bubble, config.unreadClass, true); } } function refresh() { if (dirty) { JX.DOM.setContent(dropdown, config.loadingText); JX.DOM.alterClass( dropdown, 'phabricator-notification-menu-loading', true); } if (request) { // Already fetching. return; } request = new JX.Request(config.uri, function(response) { var number = response.number; _updateCount(number); dirty = false; JX.DOM.alterClass( dropdown, 'phabricator-notification-menu-loading', false); JX.DOM.setContent(dropdown, JX.$H(response.content)); request = null; }); request.send(); } JX.Stratcom.listen( 'quicksand-redraw', null, function (e) { var data = e.getData(); if (!data.fromServer) { return; } var new_data = data.newResponse.aphlictDropdownData; update_counts(new_data); }); JX.Stratcom.listen( 'conpherence-redraw-aphlict', null, function (e) { update_counts(e.getData()); }); function update_counts(new_data) { var updated = false; for (var ii = 0; ii < new_data.length; ii++) { if (new_data[ii].countType != config.countType) { continue; } if (!new_data[ii].isInstalled) { continue; } updated = true; _updateCount(parseInt(new_data[ii].count)); } if (updated) { dirty = true; } } function set_visible(menu, icon) { if (menu) { statics.visible = {menu: menu, icon: icon}; if (icon) { JX.DOM.alterClass(icon, 'menu-icon-selected', true); } } else { if (statics.visible) { JX.DOM.hide(statics.visible.menu); if (statics.visible.icon) { JX.DOM.alterClass(statics.visible.icon, 'menu-icon-selected', false); } } statics.visible = null; } } JX.Stratcom.listen( 'click', null, function(e) { if (!e.getNode('phabricator-notification-menu')) { // Click outside the dropdown; hide it. set_visible(null); return; } if (e.getNode('tag:a')) { // User clicked a link. Hide the menu, then follow the link. set_visible(null); return; } if (!e.getNode('notification')) { // User clicked somewhere in the dead area of the menu, like the header // or footer. return; } // If the user clicked a notification (but missed a link) and it has a // primary URI, go there. var href = e.getNodeData('notification').href; if (href) { JX.$U(href).go(); e.kill(); set_visible(null); } }); JX.DOM.listen( bubble, 'click', null, function(e) { if (!e.isNormalClick()) { return; } if (config.desktop && JX.Device.getDevice() != 'desktop') { return; } e.kill(); // If a menu is currently open, close it. if (statics.visible) { var previously_visible = statics.visible; set_visible(null); // If the menu we just closed was the menu attached to the clicked // icon, we're all done -- clicking the icon for an open menu just // closes it. Otherwise, we closed some other menu and still need to // open the one the user just clicked. if (previously_visible.menu === dropdown) { return; } } if (dirty) { refresh(); } var p = JX.$V(bubble); JX.DOM.show(dropdown); p.y = null; if (config.containerDivID) { var pc = JX.$V(JX.$(config.containerDivID)); p.x -= (JX.Vector.getDim(dropdown).x - JX.Vector.getDim(bubble).x + pc.x); } else if (config.right) { p.x -= (JX.Vector.getDim(dropdown).x - JX.Vector.getDim(bubble).x); } else { p.x -= 6; } p.setPos(dropdown); set_visible(dropdown, icon); } ); JX.Stratcom.listen('notification-panel-update', null, function() { if (config.local) { return; } dirty = true; refresh(); }); JX.Stratcom.listen('notification-panel-close', null, function() { set_visible(null); }); });