array( 30, pht('Number of seconds to retain Herald transcripts for.')), 'gcdaemon.ttl.daemon-logs' => array( 7, pht('Number of seconds to retain Daemon logs for.')), 'gcdaemon.ttl.differential-parse-cache' => array( 14, pht('Number of seconds to retain Differential parse caches for.')), 'gcdaemon.ttl.markup-cache' => array( 30, pht('Number of seconds to retain Markup cache entries for.')), 'gcdaemon.ttl.task-archive' => array( 14, pht('Number of seconds to retain archived background tasks for.')), 'gcdaemon.ttl.general-cache' => array( 30, pht('Number of seconds to retain general cache entries for.')), ); $result = array(); foreach ($options as $key => $spec) { list($default_days, $description) = $spec; $result[] = $this ->newOption($key, 'int', $default_days * (24 * 60 * 60)) ->setDescription($description) ->addExample((7 * 24 * 60 * 60), pht('Retain for 1 week')) ->addExample((14 * 24 * 60 * 60), pht('Retain for 2 weeks')) ->addExample((30 * 24 * 60 * 60), pht('Retain for 30 days')) ->addExample((60 * 24 * 60 * 60), pht('Retain for 60 days')) ->addExample(0, pht('Retain indefinitely')); } return $result; } }