getData()); if ($count) { return pht('Error Log (%d)', $count); } return pht('Error Log'); } public function getOrder() { return 0; } public function getColor() { if (count($this->getData())) { return '#ff0000'; } return null; } public function getDescription() { return pht('Shows errors and warnings.'); } public function generateData() { return DarkConsoleErrorLogPluginAPI::getErrors(); } public function renderPanel() { $data = $this->getData(); $rows = array(); $details = array(); foreach ($data as $index => $row) { $file = $row['file']; $line = $row['line']; $tag = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'onclick' => jsprintf('show_details(%d)', $index), ), $row['str'].' at ['.basename($file).':'.$line.']'); $rows[] = array($tag); $details[] = hsprintf( '
'. "%s\nStack trace:\n", $index, $row['details']); foreach ($row['trace'] as $key => $entry) { $line = ''; if (isset($entry['class'])) { $line .= $entry['class'].'::'; } $line .= idx($entry, 'function', ''); $href = null; if (isset($entry['file'])) { $line .= ' called at ['.$entry['file'].':'.$entry['line'].']'; try { $user = $this->getRequest()->getUser(); $href = $user->loadEditorLink($entry['file'], $entry['line'], ''); } catch (Exception $ex) { // The database can be inaccessible. } } $details[] = phutil_tag( 'a', array( 'href' => $href, ), $line); $details[] = "\n"; } $details[] = hsprintf('
'); } $table = new AphrontTableView($rows); $table->setClassName('error-log'); $table->setHeaders(array('Error')); $table->setNoDataString('No errors.'); return hsprintf( '
'. '
'. '
'. '
', $table->render(), phutil_implode_html('', $details)); } } /* $data = $this->getData(); if (!$data) { return
No errors.
; } $markup = ; $alt = false; foreach ($data as $error) { $row = ; $text = $error['error']; $text = preg_replace('/\(in .* on line \d+\)$/', '', trim($text)); $trace = $error['trace']; $trace = explode("\n", $trace); if (!$trace) { $trace = array('unknown@0@unknown'); } foreach ($trace as $idx => $traceline) { list($file, $line, $where) = array_merge( explode('@', $traceline), array('?', '?', '?')); if ($where == 'DarkConsole->addError' || $where == 'debug_rlog') { unset($trace[$idx]); } } $row->appendChild(); foreach ($trace as $traceline) { list($file, $line, $where) = array_merge( explode('@', $traceline), array('?', '?', '?')); $row->appendChild(); $row->appendChild(); $markup->appendChild($row); $row = ; } $alt = !$alt; } return


; */