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synced 2025-03-13 18:05:05 +01:00
These days it is common to see mail addresses from the newer TLDs that do not always fit in two to three chracters. These are not covered by the basic mail address validation regex. Relax the requirement from two or three characters to just two or more characters to covers these. Signed-off-by: Andreas Rammhold <andreas@rammhold.de> Signed-off-by: Thomas Gleixner <tglx@linutronix.de>
481 lines
13 KiB
481 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
# Copyright Thomas Gleixner <tglx@linutronix.de>
# Mail message related code
from email.utils import make_msgid, formatdate
from email.header import Header, decode_header
from email import message_from_string, message_from_bytes
from email.generator import Generator
from email.message import Message, EmailMessage
from email.policy import EmailPolicy
import smtplib
import mailbox
import hashlib
import quopri
import base64
import time
import sys
import re
def sanitize_headers(msg):
Sanitize headers by keeping only the ones which are interesting
and order them as gmail is picky about that for no good reason.
headers_order = [
# Get all headers and remove them from the message
hdrs = msg.items()
for k in msg.keys():
del msg[k]
# Add the headers back in proper order
for h in headers_order:
for k, v in hdrs:
if k.lower() == h.lower():
msg[k] = v
def send_smtp(msg, to, sender):
A dumb localhost only SMTP delivery mechanism. No point in trying
to implement the world of SMTP again. KISS rules!
Any exception from the smtp transport is propagated to the caller
to = msg['To']
server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
server.send_message(msg, sender, [to])
def msg_deliver(msg, account, mfrom, sender, use_smtp):
Deliver the message. Replace or set the mandatory headers, sanitize
and order them properly to make gmail happy.
msg_set_header(msg, 'From', encode_addr(mfrom))
msg_set_header(msg, 'To', encode_addr(account.addr))
msg_set_header(msg, 'Return-path', sender)
msg_set_header(msg, 'Envelope-to', get_raw_email_addr(account.addr))
# Set unixfrom with the current date/time
msg.set_unixfrom('From remail ' + time.ctime(time.time()))
# Send it out
mout = msg_from_string(msg.as_string().replace('\r\n', '\n'))
if use_smtp:
send_smtp(mout, account.addr, sender)
def send_mail(msg_out, account, mfrom, sender, listheaders, use_smtp):
Send mail to the account. Make sure that the message
is correct and all required headers and only necessary
headers are in the outgoing mail.
# Add the list headers
for key, val in listheaders.items():
msg_out[key] = val
msg_deliver(msg_out, account, mfrom, sender, use_smtp)
# Minimal check for a valid email address
re_mail = re.compile('^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,})+$')
def email_addr_valid(addr):
return re_mail.match(addr)
def get_raw_email_addr(addr):
Return the raw mail address, name and brackets stripped off.
return addr.split('<')[1].split('>')[0].strip()
return addr
re_compress_space = re.compile('\s+')
def decode_hdr(hdr):
Decode a mail header with encoding
elm = decode_header(hdr.strip())
res = ''
for txt, enc in elm:
# Groan ....
if enc:
res += ' ' + txt.decode(enc)
elif isinstance(txt, str):
res += ' ' + txt
res += ' ' + txt.decode('ascii')
return re_compress_space.sub(' ', res).strip()
def decode_addrs(hdr):
Decode mail addresses from a header and handle encondings
addrs = []
if not hdr:
return addrs
parts = re_compress_space.sub(' ', hdr).split(',')
for p in parts:
addr = decode_hdr(p)
return addrs
def decode_from(msg):
Decode the From header and return it as the topmost element
addrs = decode_addrs(str(msg['From']))
return addrs.get_first()
re_noquote = re.compile('[a-zA-Z0-9_\- ]+')
def encode_hdr(txt):
return txt.encode('ascii').decode()
txt = txt.encode('UTF-8').decode()
def encode_addr(fulladdr):
name, addr = fulladdr.split('<', 1)
name = name.strip()
return fulladdr
name = txt.encode('ascii').decode()
if not re_noquote.fullmatch(name):
name = '"%s"' %name.replace('"', '')
name = Header(name).encode()
return name + ' <' + addr
def msg_from_string(txt):
policy = EmailPolicy(utf8=True)
return message_from_string(txt, policy=policy)
def msg_from_bytes(txt):
policy = EmailPolicy(utf8=True)
return message_from_bytes(txt, policy=policy)
def msg_force_msg_id(msg, name):
# Make sure this has a message ID
id = msg.get('Message-ID', None)
if not id:
id = make_msgid(name.split('@')[0])
msg_set_header(msg, 'Message-ID', id)
re_rmlfcr = re.compile('[\r\n]')
def msg_set_header(msg, hdr, txt):
Set new or replace a message header
# Sanitize the header first. Broken Outlook GPG payloads
# come with wreckaged headers.
txt = re_rmlfcr.sub(' ', txt)
for k in msg.keys():
if hdr.lower() == k.lower():
msg.replace_header(k, txt)
# Not found set new
msg[hdr] = txt
payload_valid_mime_headers = [
def is_payload_header(hdr):
for h in payload_valid_mime_headers:
if h.lower() == hdr.lower():
return True
return False
def msg_set_payload(msg, payload):
Set the payload of a message.
if payload.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
pl = payload.get_content()
pl = payload.get_payload()
for h, val in payload.items():
if is_payload_header(h):
msg_set_header(msg, h, val)
def msg_get_payload_as_string(msg):
Get the payload with the associated and relevant headers
payload = EmailMessage()
for h in payload_valid_mime_headers:
if h in msg.keys():
payload[h] = msg[h]
elif h == 'Content-Type':
# Force Content-Type if not set
# to avoid confusing gmail
payload[h] = 'text/plain'
return payload.as_string()
def msg_set_gpg_payload(msg, encpl, bseed, addpgp=False):
# Create the message boundary
boundary = hashlib.sha1('.'.join(bseed).encode()).hexdigest() + '-' * 3
content = '--%s\n' % boundary
content += 'Content-Type: application/pgp-encrypted\n'
content += 'Content-Disposition: attachment\n\n'
content += 'Version: 1\n\n'
content += '--%s\n' % boundary
content += 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n'
content += 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="msg.asc"\n\n'
if addpgp:
content += '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----\n\n'
content += encpl + '\n'
if addpgp:
content += '-----END PGP MESSAGE-----\n\n'
msg_set_payload(msg, msg_from_string(content))
msg_set_header(msg, 'Mime-Version', '1')
msg_set_header(msg, 'Content-Type',
'multipart/encrypted; protocol="application/pgp-encrypted";boundary="%s"' % (boundary))
msg_set_header(msg, 'Content-Disposition', 'inline')
def msg_strip_signature(msg):
Strip signature from msg for now. The formats are horribly different
and proper encrypted mails are signed as part of the encryption.
ct = msg.get_content_type()
if ct != 'multipart/signed':
return msg
boundary = msg.get_boundary(None)
payload = msg.get_payload()
stripped = False
for m in payload:
if m.get_content_type() == 'application/pgp-signature':
stripped = True
# If no signature found return unmodified msg
if not stripped:
if len(payload) == 1:
# If the remaining message is only a single item set it as payload
msg_set_payload(msg, payload[0])
# Recreate the multipart message
content = 'Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"\n\n' % boundary
for m in payload:
content += '--%s\n' % boundary
content += m.as_string()
content += '\n'
content += '--%s\n' % boundary
msg_set_payload(msg, msg_from_string(content))
def msg_strip_html(msg):
Strip html from msg
ct = msg.get_content_type()
if ct != 'multipart/alternative':
boundary = msg.get_boundary(None)
payload = msg.get_payload()
stripped = False
for m in payload:
if m.get_content_type() == 'text/html':
stripped = True
# If no html found return
if not stripped:
if len(payload) == 1:
# If the remaining message is only a single item set it as payload
msg_set_payload(msg, payload[0])
# Recreate the multipart message
content = 'Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="%s"\n\n' % boundary
for m in payload:
content += '--%s\n' % boundary
content += m.as_string()
content += '\n'
content += '--%s\n' % boundary
msg_set_payload(msg, msg_from_string(content))
def msg_sanitize_outlook(msg):
Oh well ...
ct = msg.get_content_type()
if ct != 'multipart/mixed':
# Try to find the payload part which actually contains the
# magically wrapped outlook GPG data.
# Two variants:
# 1) msg.asc or msc.gpg provided as a plain attachement
# without PGP envelope
# 2) GpgOL_MIME_structure.txt contains a fully enveloped
# PGP payload with the proper headers.
# Of course everything can be base64 encoded as well...
for payload in msg.get_payload():
if payload.get_content_type() != 'application/octet-stream':
fname = payload.get_filename(None)
if fname not in ['msg.gpg', 'msg.asc', 'GpgOL_MIME_structure.txt']:
encpl = payload.get_payload()
# Check whether the payload is a fully enveloped PGP payload or
# just the unwrapped msg.gpg/asc file.
tmpmsg = message_from_string(encpl)
if tmpmsg.get_content_type() == 'multipart/encrypted':
msg_set_payload(msg, tmpmsg)
msg_set_gpg_payload(msg, encpl, 'outlook', addpgp=True)
# If one of the above operations fails badly, just ignore it.
# The unmodified message can either be handled or it will be
# moderated/frozen. The admin has to deal with it anyway. This
# avoids a gazillion of conditionals and checks in the above
# code.
def decode_base64(msg):
# Decode base64 encoded text/plain sections
if msg.get('Content-Transfer-Encoding', '') == 'base64':
dec = base64.decodestring(msg.get_payload().encode())
del msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding']
def decode_alternative(msg):
Deal with weird MUAs which put the GPG encrypted text/plain
part into a multipart/alternative mail.
ct = msg.get_content_type()
if ct == 'multipart/alternative':
payloads = msg.get_payload()
payldec = []
for pl in payloads:
ct = pl.get_content_type()
if ct == 'text/plain':
pl = decode_base64(pl)
elif ct == 'text/plain':
def msg_sanitize_incoming(msg):
Get rid of HMTL, outlook, alternatives etc.
# Strip html multipart first
# Sanitize outlook crappola
# Handle mutlipart/alternative and base64 encodings
re_noreply = re.compile('^no.?reply@')
def msg_is_autoreply(msg):
Check whether a message is an autoreply
# RFC 3834
ar = msg.get('Auto-Submitted')
if ar and ar != 'no':
return True
# Microsoft ...
ar = msg.get('X-Auto-Response-Suppress')
if ar in ('DR', 'AutoReply', 'All'):
return True
# precedence auto-reply
if msg.get('Precedence', '') == 'auto-reply':
return True
# Reply-To is empty
rt = msg.get('Reply-To')
if rt:
rt = rt.strip()
if len(rt) == 0:
return True
if rt == '<>':
return True
# Reply-To matches no_reply, no-reply, noreply
if re_noreply.search(rt):
return True
# Catch empty return path
rp = msg.get('Return-Path')
if not rp or rp == '<>':
return True
return False