{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %}
Check about.
I'm Jack Eilles, the owner, developer and overall BDFL of xygt.cc
So to show appreciation to those who donate to xygt.cc, there are a few extra things they can take advantage of.
These include an increased retention time (365 days to 730 days), as well as an increased file size (256mb to 512mb).
Not gonna lie, don't know what you'd use these for but, have fun I guess? Obviously to use these, your userID and IDPass need to be added to your request, the server isn't magic.
If you can't find your IDPass, check your dashboard. You can reset it from there.
If you can't remember your regular password for the site, you're on your own. Glhf.
Thats just how CURL commands are, I'm going to write a helper tool for this at some point, let you store your userID and IDPass so you don't have to type it in every request.
I decided to put it under the MIT License as it provides the most freedom.
I want to help out, to put it simply. As well as that, it's fun to work on, yeah I might be losing a bit of money yearly but oh well, if it's going towards something I enjoy doing, can it really be thought of as 'losing money'? I think not.
In the unlikely event that xygt.cc is served with a request for information, we will provide as much information as possible without directly identifying the person behind the data requested.
Due to the nature of xygt.cc's privacy policy, we will not provide any extra information about our users unless we are served with a legal order enforcable within its juristiction. In that case, extra logging will be enabled sitewide to collect data.
I encourage anyone to submit a request via E-Mail to me to take down any illegal activity being conducted on this site, just know I may not be able to provide all information required without a legal order.
Per GDPR / UK DPA, I am willing to respond to FOI requests, as well as the orders mentioned above. All requests will be publicly available @ this directory with sensitive information omitted.
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