2023-12-29 19:47:28 +00:00

127 lines
4.5 KiB

from config import disallowedMimeTypes, Errors, Config
from app.models import User
from app import bcrypt
import secrets
import datetime
import random
import time
import os
def uploadFile(file, ip, userid, filename, id, retention):
# Is the MIME and file size good?
if file.content_type not in disallowedMimeTypes:
if file.content_length <= Config.maxFileSize:
# We're going to check whether the id variable has been filled
while True: # Loop to find an available file ID
id = randomHex() # Prevent conflicts if 2 of the same get made
if Config.files.find_one({'id': id}) is None:
if userid == None:
userid = 0
elif Config.users.find_one({'userid': userid}) == None:
userid = 0
# Calculate retention before the file is written, we'll grab the filesize here as it's needed for the equation.
fileSize = round(float(file.content_length) / 1024, 2)
if retention == None:
retention = (Config.minretention+(-Config.maxretention + Config.minretention)*pow((fileSize / Config.maxFileSize -1), 3))
elif retention > (Config.minretention+(-Config.maxretention + Config.minretention)*pow((fileSize / Config.maxFileSize -1), 3)):
retention = (Config.minretention+(-Config.maxretention + Config.minretention)*pow((fileSize / Config.maxFileSize -1), 3))
retention = retention
# Create the file
with open(f"{os.path.abspath(Config.fileDir)}/{filename}", "wb") as f:
date = time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())
# Create the dictionary that we'll insert into the db
data = {
'id': id,
'filename': filename,
'filesize': fileSize,
'retention': round(retention * 86400), # Convert to seconds
'userid': userid,
'ip': ip,
'date': date,
'expiry': date + round(retention * 86400)
# Add the data and verify its there.
print(Config.files.find_one({"id": id}))
return id, 200
return random.choice(Errors.fileTooLarge), 400
return random.choice(Errors.fileTypeNotAllowed), 400
def shortenURL(url, ip, userid, id, retention):
# We're going to check whether the id variable has been filled
# If not then we'll generate one. (The ID variable will be the same as the filename if not rejected earlier.)
if id == None:
while True: # Loop to find an available file ID
id = randomHex() # Prevent conflicts if 2 of the same get made
if Config.files.find_one({'id': id}) is None:
if userid == None:
userid = 0
elif Config.users.find_one({'userid': userid}) == None:
userid = 0
if retention == None:
retention = 14
elif retention > 365:
retention = 365
data = {
"id": id,
"url": url,
"userid": userid,
"retention": retention,
"ip": ip
print(Config.url.find_one({"id": data["id"]}))
return id, 200
def idInfo(id):
# Check files and url for the ID
if Config.files.find_one({"id": id}) is not None:
check = Config.files.find_one({"id": id}, {'_id': False, "ip": False})
# "ip": False removes the IP from the returned data.
# If it's not there then check url
elif Config.url.find_one({"id": id}) is not None:
check = Config.url.find_one({"id": id}, {'_id': False, "ip": False})
# Return the mongodb info about the file, removing IP if its present
return check
def randomHex():
hexRand = ''.join(secrets.choice('0123456789abcdef') for _ in range(6))
return hexRand
def registerUser(username, password):
# Initialise some values
level = 1
userid = randomHex()
idpass = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(randomHex()).decode("utf-8")
password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash(password).decode("utf-8")
user = User(username, userid, password, idpass, level)
return True
return False