7.0 roulette & fates (#183)
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 428 additions and 12 deletions
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"version": "202401190",
"version": "202406290",
"language": "English",
"displayLanguage": "English",
"roulettes": {
"1": "Leveling",
"2": "Level 50/60/70/80 Dungeons",
"2": "High-level Dungeons",
"3": "Main Scenario",
"4": "Guildhests",
"5": "Expert",
"6": "Trials",
"7": "Frontline",
"8": "Level 90 Dungeons",
"8": "Level Cap Dungeons",
"9": "Mentor",
"10": "The Feast (Training)",
"11": "The Feast (Training)",
@ -2120,6 +2120,110 @@
"30114": "CE: Looks to Die For",
"30115": "CE: Taking the Lyon's Share"
"1000": {
"name": "Dawntrail",
"fates": {
"1860": "Nopal Hunters",
"1861": "Claw and Order",
"1862": "You Are What You Drink",
"1863": "That's Me and the Porter",
"1864": "The Dead Never Die",
"1865": "Gonna Have Me Some Fur",
"1866": "Dhara Dared",
"1867": "The Serpentlord Stirs",
"1868": "The Serpentlord Speaks",
"1869": "The Serpentlord Sires",
"1870": "The Serpentlord Suffers",
"1871": "The Serpentlord Seethes",
"1872": "A Tortoise of a Tale",
"1873": "Breaking the Jaw",
"1874": "A Raptor Runs Through It",
"1875": "Ain't What I Herd",
"1876": "Helms off to the Bull",
"1877": "Pasture Expiration Date",
"1878": "Fire Suppression",
"1879": "Wolf Parade",
"1880": "Panaq Attack",
"1881": "Ratels So Ravenous",
"1882": "Too Irate to Migrate",
"1883": "Megamaguey Mayhem",
"1884": "Weeding the Garden",
"1885": "Birds Up",
"1886": "Young Volcanoes",
"1887": "Claws and Effect",
"1888": "By Your Powers Combined",
"1889": "Gust Stop Already",
"1890": "Big Storm Coming",
"1891": "Salty Showdown",
"1892": "A Valiant Duel",
"1893": "So Long, Suckers",
"1894": "Lay Off the Horns",
"1895": "Could've Found Something Bigger",
"1896": "La Selva se lo Llevó",
"1897": "The Departed",
"1898": "Fright or Flight",
"1899": "Stick it to the Mantis",
"1900": "The Fruit of the Problem",
"1901": "My Star",
"1902": "I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost",
"1903": "Stabbing Gutward",
"1904": "Trial by Firedance",
"1905": "Porting Is Such Sweet Sorrow",
"1906": "Escape Shroom",
"1907": "Najool of Denial",
"1908": "Moths Are Tough",
"1909": "The Spawning",
"1910": "Sick, Ornery Wivres",
"1911": "Invaders from Asyle",
"1912": "Feed Me, Sentries",
"1913": "Seeds of Tomorrow",
"1914": "Plumbers Don't Fear Slimes",
"1915": "Slime to Die",
"1916": "Canal Carnage",
"1917": "Scattered Memories",
"1918": "Critical Corruption",
"1919": "Horse in the Round",
"1920": "Mascot March",
"1921": "Mascot Mayhem",
"1922": "Mascot Murder",
"1923": "No Loitering",
"1924": "Crocs of the Creek",
"1925": "Tegu or Not Tegu",
"1926": "There's Always a Bigger Beast",
"1927": "Reeds in Need",
"1928": "This Kills the Craklaw",
"1929": "Feathery Dustup",
"1930": "The Pama-yawa Dilemma",
"1931": "Combing the Area",
"1932": "Toucalibri at That Game",
"1933": "Bandit Tax, Paid in Full",
"1934": "Tax Dodging",
"1935": "Ruffling Feathers",
"1936": "Mole Patrol",
"1937": "Borne on the Backs of Burrowers",
"1938": "Sayona Your Prayers",
"1939": "Sting Operation",
"1940": "Putting the Fun in Fungicide",
"1941": "Caphunter, Mushroom Muncher",
"1942": "It's Super Defective",
"1943": "Running of the Katobleps",
"1944": "Anger Issues",
"1945": "Ware the Wolves",
"1946": "Days of Thunder",
"1947": "Hack the Planet",
"1948": "A Scythe to an Axe Fight",
"1949": "License to Dill",
"1950": "Domo Arigato",
"1951": "Mr. Roboto",
"1952": "Old Stampeding Grounds",
"1953": "Pulling the Wool",
"1954": "To Each His Drone",
"1955": "Mi Casa Es Mi Casa",
"1956": "(Got My Eye) Set on You",
"1957": "When It's So Salvage",
"1958": "print('I hate snakes')"
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"version": "202401190",
"version": "202406290",
"language": "German",
"displayLanguage": "Deutsch",
"roulettes": {
"1": "Stufensteigerung",
"2": "Stufe 50/60/70/80 Dungeons",
"2": "Hohe Stufen",
"3": "Hauptszenario",
"4": "Gildengeheiß",
"5": "Experte",
"6": "Prüfung",
"7": "PvP-Front",
"8": "Stufe 90 Dungeons",
"8": "Höchststufe",
"9": "Mentor",
"10": "The Feast (Übungskampf)",
"11": "The Feast (Übungskampf)",
@ -2120,6 +2120,110 @@
"30114": "CE: Regenbogenschlange Ayda",
"30115": "CE: Revanche: Lyon Der Bestienkönig"
"1000": {
"name": "Dawntrail",
"fates": {
"1860": "Gar nicht so feige Kaktoren",
"1861": "Akute Brandgefahr",
"1862": "Geboren aus Flammen",
"1863": "Urzeitliche Vögel",
"1864": "Totgesagte leben länger",
"1865": "Backenhaar so wunderbar",
"1866": "Wild ist die Wildnis",
"1867": "Künder seines Erwachens",
"1868": "Das Erwachen rückt näher",
"1869": "Vorbereitung der Jagd",
"1870": "Mit Blut fängt man Schlangen",
"1871": "In den sandigen Schlund",
"1872": "Seeungeheuer",
"1873": "Der Lügenfresser",
"1874": "Fang in Gefahr",
"1875": "Hüter der Herde",
"1876": "Brachialer Bulle",
"1877": "Unerwünschte Rasenmäher",
"1878": "Racaqurq die tanzende Flamme",
"1879": "Hungrig wie die Wölfe",
"1880": "Panaq-Attacke",
"1881": "Hunger bringt Kummer",
"1882": "Zornige Zugvögel",
"1883": "Anarcho-Agaven",
"1884": "Unkrautvernichtung",
"1885": "Hiebe für die Bohnendiebe",
"1886": "Junge Hitzköpfe",
"1887": "Mörderische Meute",
"1888": "Wider die Wasserverschmutzung",
"1889": "Der Wind, das höllische Kind",
"1890": "Durzurgir die Sturmreiterin",
"1891": "Salziges Stelldichein",
"1892": "Wagemut, der gut nicht tut",
"1893": "Böses Blut",
"1894": "Es krazt mich gewaltig",
"1895": "Zahlenmäßig unterlegen",
"1896": "Ruhm oder Leben",
"1897": "Schlingelpflanzen",
"1898": "Denn sie wussten nicht, was sie tun",
"1899": "Je mehr, desto lustiger",
"1900": "Viel gefragte Früchte",
"1901": "Gefährlicher Wald",
"1902": "Denn sie wissen noch immer nicht, was sie tun",
"1903": "Zeittotstecherei",
"1904": "Darf ich bitten?",
"1905": "Ein Spediteur hat's schwer",
"1906": "Penetrante Pilze",
"1907": "Die Bananenkriege",
"1908": "Doktor Motte",
"1909": "Kapitale Killer",
"1910": "Wundersame Wivren",
"1911": "Eindringlinge aus Asylkan",
"1912": "Grüne Gehirne",
"1913": "Schützenswerte Samen",
"1914": "Wasser marsch",
"1915": "Von ganz unten hochgearbeitet",
"1916": "Mehr Sicherheit für Kanalstadt",
"1917": "Was bleibt, ist die Erinnerung",
"1918": "Aus den eigenen Reihen",
"1919": "Scharlachrotes Streitross",
"1920": "Alles andere als fade, diese Parade",
"1921": "Bizarres Zwischenspiel",
"1922": "Mordendes Maskottchen",
"1923": "Versunkene Welt",
"1924": "Hammerharte Heraus<SoftHyphen/>forde<SoftHyphen/>rung",
"1925": "Jeder Tegu ein Tegu zu viel",
"1926": "Die Fische, die ich rief",
"1927": "Zu Schilfe!",
"1928": "Es regnet Kraklaws",
"1929": "Ein Lied, sie alle zu binden",
"1930": "Die Hackordnung der Pama-yawa",
"1931": "Auf das richtige Material kommt es an",
"1932": "Nicht euer Obst",
"1933": "Nichts als Lug und Betrug",
"1934": "Ehrlich währt am längsten",
"1935": "Der Geier ist gelandet",
"1936": "Gefahr von unten",
"1937": "Steinchensucher",
"1938": "Verführerisches Verderben",
"1939": "Wespenplage",
"1940": "Es ist Pilzsaison",
"1941": "Rampensau",
"1942": "Maschinen auf Abwegen",
"1943": "Vom Regen in die Traufe",
"1944": "Wutkissen wider Willen",
"1945": "Auf sie mit Geheul",
"1946": "Helle Leuchte",
"1947": "Voll drauf eingeschlossen",
"1948": "Tod durch den Schnabel",
"1949": "Bauer sucht Heilkraut",
"1950": "Durchgeknallte Schaltkreise",
"1951": "Das Gesetz der Straße",
"1952": "Erwachen der Bestie",
"1953": "Leider konnten wir Ihr Paket nicht zustellen",
"1954": "Massakrierende Maschinen",
"1955": "Wie du mir, so ich dir",
"1956": "Rache ist bitter",
"1957": "Aufräumen mit Methode",
"1958": "Falsche Schlange"
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
"version": "202401190",
"version": "202406290",
"language": "Japanese",
"displayLanguage": "日本語",
"roulettes": {
"1": "レベリング",
"2": "レベル50・60・70・80ダンジョン",
"2": "ハイレベリング",
"3": "メインクエスト",
"4": "ギルドオーダー",
"5": "エキスパート",
"6": "討伐・討滅戦",
"7": "フロントライン",
"8": "レベル90ダンジョン",
"8": "レベルキャップダンジョン",
"9": "メンター",
"10": "ザ・フィースト (カジュアルマッチ)",
"11": "ザ・フィースト (カジュアルマッチ)",
@ -2120,6 +2120,110 @@
"30114": "CE: 輝ける虹蛇「アイダ」",
"30115": "CE: 戦慄の百獣使い「獣王ライアン」"
"1000": {
"name": "黄金のレガシー",
"fates": {
"1860": "ノパルの引っ越し物語",
"1861": "タンブル・ウィード",
"1862": "悪魔の種火",
"1863": "恐竜怪鳥の伝説",
"1864": "死せる悪漢",
"1865": "毛狩りの季節",
"1866": "イントゥ・ザ・ワイルド",
"1867": "トクローネ:目覚めの予兆",
"1868": "トクローネ:目覚めの前兆",
"1869": "トクローネ:狩猟の下準備",
"1870": "トクローネ:狩猟の秘策",
"1871": "トクローネ:荒野の死闘",
"1872": "亀は意外と速く歩く",
"1873": "不条理魚人",
"1874": "リバー・ランズ・スルー・イット",
"1875": "ロネークと人の大地",
"1876": "嘆きの猛進",
"1877": "ポゼッション",
"1878": "踊る山火",
"1879": "狼の家",
"1880": "空飛ぶ鍋奉行",
"1881": "今日もごきげん元気",
"1882": "トラルの渡り鳥",
"1883": "ワイルドマゲイ・メガマックス",
"1884": "太陽のマテ茶園",
"1885": "コーヒーを巡る冒険",
"1886": "オンリー・ザ・ボム",
"1887": "小さな湖のほとりで",
"1888": "ダーク・ウォーター",
"1889": "不死の人",
"1890": "暴風の乗り手",
"1891": "千年の孤独",
"1892": "傍若無人",
"1893": "吸血怪獣",
"1894": "失われた山岳の都",
"1895": "上段の突きを喰らうイブルク",
"1896": "血濡れの爪「ミユールル」",
"1897": "邪聖樹ネクローシス",
"1898": "呪われの森",
"1899": "ザ・デッドリーマンティス",
"1900": "猿の大陸 キングダム",
"1901": "ピューと鳴く、ブラーシャ",
"1902": "怒れる古兵「怨刃のクフェージャ」",
"1903": "荒くれマムージャ襲撃編",
"1904": "烈火の怒心「火踊りのママージャ」",
"1905": "秘薬を守る戦い",
"1906": "恐怖! キノコ魔物",
"1907": "バナナ剥きには最適の日",
"1908": "深き森の霊蛾「ゴーストモス」",
"1909": "ピラニア・リターンズ",
"1910": "野生の王国",
"1911": "インベーダー・フロム・アサイラム",
"1912": "思考する奇花「プラントブレイン」",
"1913": "種の期限",
"1914": "水の迷宮の夢",
"1915": "水路を呑む者「カナルガルパー」",
"1916": "カナルタウンでやすらかに",
"1917": "メモリーズ",
"1918": "彼らの想いで",
"1919": "緋色の戦馬「ラムポス」",
"1920": "マイカ・ザ・ムー:出発進行",
"1921": "マイカ・ザ・ムー:大行進",
"1922": "マイカ・ザ・ムー:大団円",
"1923": "沈んだ世界",
"1924": "湖沼の謝肉祭",
"1925": "天罰への階段",
"1926": "怪力の大食漢",
"1927": "野性と葦",
"1928": "巨大カニ魔物の襲撃",
"1929": "血を啜る魔鳥",
"1930": "密林の王者",
"1931": "人鳥細工",
"1932": "我々の貢物",
"1933": "奸臣、非感心",
"1934": "奸臣、大寒心",
"1935": "禿鷹は舞い降りた",
"1936": "モグラ退治",
"1937": "落ち石拾い",
"1938": "復讐の妖女",
"1939": "蜂の物語",
"1940": "素晴らしき、キノコの世界",
"1941": "夢見る猪",
"1942": "ブロークンボットダイアリー",
"1943": "逃走テレメトリー",
"1944": "紅い足跡",
"1945": "人狼伝説",
"1946": "ウォー・オブ・カレント",
"1947": "ほとんど有害",
"1948": "断頭の嘴「サイスビーク」",
"1949": "薬屋のひと仕事",
"1950": "気まぐれロボット",
"1951": "ロードソウルズ",
"1952": "巨獣めざめる",
"1953": "道を視る青年",
"1954": "スローター 機械の生贄",
"1955": "怨讐領域",
"1956": "復讐の単眼「ザ・アベンジャー」",
"1957": "人生がときめく片づけの技法",
"1958": "メガ・パイソン"
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
"version": "202401190",
"version": "202406290",
"language": "Korean",
"displayLanguage": "한국말",
"roulettes": {
"1": "레벨링",
"2": "레벨 50/60/70/80 던전",
"2": "하이 레벨링",
"3": "주요 퀘스트",
"4": "길드 작전",
"5": "숙련자",
@ -2097,6 +2097,110 @@
"30114": "CE: 빛나는 무지개뱀 '아이다'",
"30115": "CE: 전율하는 백수의 왕 '마수왕 라이언'"
"1000": {
"name": "황금의 유산",
"fates": {
"1860": "Nopal Hunters",
"1861": "Claw and Order",
"1862": "You Are What You Drink",
"1863": "That's Me and the Porter",
"1864": "The Dead Never Die",
"1865": "Gonna Have Me Some Fur",
"1866": "Dhara Dared",
"1867": "The Serpentlord Stirs",
"1868": "The Serpentlord Speaks",
"1869": "The Serpentlord Sires",
"1870": "The Serpentlord Suffers",
"1871": "The Serpentlord Seethes",
"1872": "A Tortoise of a Tale",
"1873": "Breaking the Jaw",
"1874": "A Raptor Runs Through It",
"1875": "Ain't What I Herd",
"1876": "Helms off to the Bull",
"1877": "Pasture Expiration Date",
"1878": "Fire Suppression",
"1879": "Wolf Parade",
"1880": "Panaq Attack",
"1881": "Ratels So Ravenous",
"1882": "Too Irate to Migrate",
"1883": "Megamaguey Mayhem",
"1884": "Weeding the Garden",
"1885": "Birds Up",
"1886": "Young Volcanoes",
"1887": "Claws and Effect",
"1888": "By Your Powers Combined",
"1889": "Gust Stop Already",
"1890": "Big Storm Coming",
"1891": "Salty Showdown",
"1892": "A Valiant Duel",
"1893": "So Long, Suckers",
"1894": "Lay Off the Horns",
"1895": "Could've Found Something Bigger",
"1896": "La Selva se lo Llevó",
"1897": "The Departed",
"1898": "Fright or Flight",
"1899": "Stick it to the Mantis",
"1900": "The Fruit of the Problem",
"1901": "My Star",
"1902": "I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost",
"1903": "Stabbing Gutward",
"1904": "Trial by Firedance",
"1905": "Porting Is Such Sweet Sorrow",
"1906": "Escape Shroom",
"1907": "Najool of Denial",
"1908": "Moths Are Tough",
"1909": "The Spawning",
"1910": "Sick, Ornery Wivres",
"1911": "Invaders from Asyle",
"1912": "Feed Me, Sentries",
"1913": "Seeds of Tomorrow",
"1914": "Plumbers Don't Fear Slimes",
"1915": "Slime to Die",
"1916": "Canal Carnage",
"1917": "Scattered Memories",
"1918": "Critical Corruption",
"1919": "Horse in the Round",
"1920": "Mascot March",
"1921": "Mascot Mayhem",
"1922": "Mascot Murder",
"1923": "No Loitering",
"1924": "Crocs of the Creek",
"1925": "Tegu or Not Tegu",
"1926": "There's Always a Bigger Beast",
"1927": "Reeds in Need",
"1928": "This Kills the Craklaw",
"1929": "Feathery Dustup",
"1930": "The Pama-yawa Dilemma",
"1931": "Combing the Area",
"1932": "Toucalibri at That Game",
"1933": "Bandit Tax, Paid in Full",
"1934": "Tax Dodging",
"1935": "Ruffling Feathers",
"1936": "Mole Patrol",
"1937": "Borne on the Backs of Burrowers",
"1938": "Sayona Your Prayers",
"1939": "Sting Operation",
"1940": "Putting the Fun in Fungicide",
"1941": "Caphunter, Mushroom Muncher",
"1942": "It's Super Defective",
"1943": "Running of the Katobleps",
"1944": "Anger Issues",
"1945": "Ware the Wolves",
"1946": "Days of Thunder",
"1947": "Hack the Planet",
"1948": "A Scythe to an Axe Fight",
"1949": "License to Dill",
"1950": "Domo Arigato",
"1951": "Mr. Roboto",
"1952": "Old Stampeding Grounds",
"1953": "Pulling the Wool",
"1954": "To Each His Drone",
"1955": "Mi Casa Es Mi Casa",
"1956": "(Got My Eye) Set on You",
"1957": "When It's So Salvage",
"1958": "print('I hate snakes')"
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ namespace DutyContent
class DcConfig
public static int PluginTag => 30;
public static int PluginTag => 32;
public static Version PluginVersion => System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
public static bool PluginEnable { get; set; }
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