using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Text; using System.IO; namespace DutyContent.Tab { public partial class DutyForm : Form, Interface.ISuppLocale, Interface.IPacketHandler, Interface.ISuppActPlugin { private static DutyForm _self; public static DutyForm Self => _self; // private bool _is_lock_fate; private ushort _last_fate = 0; // private bool _is_packet_finder; private DcContent.SaveTheQueenType _stq_type = DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.No; private DcConfig.PacketConfig _new_packet; // private Dictionary _packet_list = new Dictionary(); // private Overlay.DutyOvForm _overlay; // public DutyForm() { _self = this; InitializeComponent(); _overlay = new Overlay.DutyOvForm(); } private void DutyTabForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { } public void PluginInitialize() { // lblCurrentDataSet.Text = DcContent.DisplayLanguage; // RefreshDatasetList(); RefreshPacketList(); // chkEnableOverlay.Checked = DcConfig.Duty.EnableOverlay; progbOverlayTransparent.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableOverlay; btnOverlayDimming.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableOverlay; chkOverlayClickThru.Checked = DcConfig.Duty.OverlayClickThru; // _overlay.SetText(Locale.Text(99, DcConfig.PluginVersion.ToString())); _overlay.Location = DcConfig.Duty.OverlayLocation; if (DcConfig.Duty.EnableOverlay) _overlay.Show(); else _overlay.Hide(); if (DcConfig.Duty.OverlayClickThru) _overlay.SetClickThruStatus(true); // chkEnableSound.Checked = DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound; txtSoundInstance.Text = DcConfig.Duty.SoundInstanceFile; txtSoundInstance.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound; btnSoundFindInstance.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound; btnSoundPlayInstance.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound; txtSoundFate.Text = DcConfig.Duty.SoundFateFile; txtSoundFate.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound; btnSoundFindFate.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound; btnSoundPlayFate.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound; // chkUseNotifyLine.Checked = DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyLine; txtLineToken.Text = DcConfig.Duty.NotifyLineToken; chkUseNotifyTelegram.Checked = DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyTelegram; txtTelegramId.Text = DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramId; txtTelegramToken.Text = DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramToken; chkUseNotifyDiscowk.Checked = DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyDiscordWebhook; txtDiscowkUrl.Text = DcConfig.Duty.NotifyDiscordWebhookUrl; chkDiscowkTts.Checked = DcConfig.Duty.NotifyDiscordWebhookTts; btnTestNotify.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableNotify; // switch (DcConfig.Duty.ActiveFate) { case 0: rdoFatePreset1.Checked = true; break; case 1: rdoFatePreset2.Checked = true; break; case 2: rdoFatePreset3.Checked = true; break; case 3: rdoFatePreset4.Checked = true; break; } UpdateFates(); // if (cboPacketset.SelectedIndex >= 0) { var p = _packet_list.ElementAt(cboPacketset.SelectedIndex); RemotePacketUpdate(p.Key); } } public void PluginDeinitialize() { _overlay.Hide(); _overlay = null; } private void SaveConfig(int interval = 5000) { DcControl.Self.RefreshSaveConfig(interval); } public void RefreshLocale() { } public void UpdateUiLocale() { tabPageContent.Text = Locale.Text(301); tabPageSetting.Text = Locale.Text(302); tabPagePacket.Text = Locale.Text(337); lblDataSet.Text = Locale.Text(304); lblPacketSet.Text = Locale.Text(336); btnResetContentList.Text = Locale.Text(347); chkEnableOverlay.Text = Locale.Text(306); lblOverlayTransparent.Text = Locale.Text(307); chkOverlayClickThru.Text = Locale.Text(104); chkEnableSound.Text = Locale.Text(308); lblSoundInstance.Text = Locale.Text(309); lblSoundFate.Text = Locale.Text(310); chkUseNotifyLine.Text = Locale.Text(311); lblLineToken.Text = Locale.Text(312); chkUseNotifyTelegram.Text = Locale.Text(313); lblTelegramId.Text = Locale.Text(314); lblTelegramToken.Text = Locale.Text(315); chkUseNotifyDiscowk.Text = Locale.Text(338); chkDiscowkTts.Text = Locale.Text(341); lblDiscowkUrl.Text = Locale.Text(339); btnTestNotify.Text = Locale.Text(340); lblPacketFinder.Text = Locale.Text(316); lblPacketDesc.Text = Locale.Text(317); lblPacketBozja.Text = Locale.Text(318); lstPacketInfo.Columns[0].Text = Locale.Text(319); lstPacketInfo.Columns[1].Text = Locale.Text(320); lstPacketInfo.Columns[2].Text = Locale.Text(321); lstPacketInfo.Columns[3].Text = Locale.Text(322); lstBozjaInfo.Columns[0].Text = Locale.Text(323); lstBozjaInfo.Columns[1].Text = Locale.Text(324); lstBozjaInfo.Columns[2].Text = Locale.Text(325); lstBozjaInfo.Columns[3].Text = Locale.Text(326); btnPacketStart.Text = Locale.Text(10007); btnPacketApply.Text = Locale.Text(10009); // content reset lstContents.InitializeContentList( Locale.Text(343), // ID Locale.Text(344), // Type Locale.Text(345), // % Locale.Text(346)); // Name Image im_r = Properties.Resources.pix_rdrt_red; Image im_g = Properties.Resources.pix_rdrt_green; Image im_p = Properties.Resources.pix_rdrt_puple; Image im_b = Properties.Resources.pix_rdrt_bline; lstContents.ClearImages(); lstContents.AddCategoryImage(im_b, Locale.Text(27), Brushes.Black); // 0, none lstContents.AddCategoryImage(im_g, Locale.Text(21)); // 1, roulette lstContents.AddCategoryImage(im_g, Locale.Text(22)); // 2, instance lstContents.AddCategoryImage(im_r, Locale.Text(23)); // 3, FATE lstContents.AddCategoryImage(im_r, Locale.Text(24)); // 4, skirmish lstContents.AddCategoryImage(im_p, Locale.Text(25)); // 5, CE lstContents.AddCategoryImage(im_p, Locale.Text(38)); // 6, Match lstContents.AddCategoryImage(im_g, Locale.Text(39)); // 7, Entry lstContents.AddContentItem(0, Locale.Text(27)); } public void PacketHandler(string pid, byte[] message) { if (_is_packet_finder) PacketFinderHandler(message); var opcode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(message, 18); if (opcode != DcConfig.Packet.OpFate && opcode != DcConfig.Packet.OpDuty && opcode != DcConfig.Packet.OpMatch && opcode != DcConfig.Packet.OpInstance && opcode != DcConfig.Packet.OpZone && opcode != DcConfig.Packet.OpCe) return; var data = message.Skip(32).ToArray(); // FATE if (opcode == DcConfig.Packet.OpFate) { var fcode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 4); if (fcode > 100) { // 53=begin, 54=end, 62=progress if (data[0] == 53) { var fate = DcContent.GetFate(fcode); TraceFate(fcode, true, fate, 0); if (DcConfig.Duty.Fates[DcConfig.Duty.ActiveFate].Selected.Contains(fcode)) { PlayEffectSoundFate(); NotifyFate(fate); _overlay.PlayFate(fate); } _last_fate = fcode; } else if (data[0] == 62 && data[8] > 0) // more than 0% { var fate = DcContent.TryFate(fcode); if (fate != null) TraceFate(fcode, false, fate, data[8]); else { if (DcConfig.DebugEnable) { WriteLog(Color.Magenta, 37, 12, fcode); _last_fate = fcode; } } } else if (data[0] == 54) { var fate = DcContent.TryFate(fcode); if (fate != null) TraceFate(fcode, false, fate); } } } // Duty else if (opcode == DcConfig.Packet.OpDuty) { var rcode = data[8]; if (rcode != 0) { var roulette = DcContent.GetRoulette(rcode); TraceEntryRoulette(roulette); _overlay.PlayQueue(roulette.Name); } else { // TODO: is this working? var insts = new List(); for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var icode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 12 + (i * 4)); if (icode == 0) break; } if (insts.Any()) { TraceEntryInstance(insts); _overlay.PlayQueue(Locale.Text(10006, $"#{insts.Count}")); } } DcContent.Missions.Clear(); } // match else if (opcode == DcConfig.Packet.OpMatch) { var rcode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 2); var icode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 20); string name; if (icode == 0 && rcode != 0) { var roulette = DcContent.GetRoulette(rcode); TraceMatchRoulette(roulette); name = roulette.Name; } else if (icode != 0) { var instance = DcContent.GetInstance(icode); TraceMatchInstance(instance); name = instance.Name; } else { // ??? name = Locale.Text(10003, icode); } PlayEffecSoundInstance(); NotifyMatch(name); _overlay.PlayMatch(name); } // instance else if (DcConfig.Packet.OpInstance != 0 && opcode == DcConfig.Packet.OpInstance) { // 0[2] instance number // 2[2] ? // 4[1] 0=enter, 4=enter, 5=leave if (data[4] == 0) { var icode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 0); var instance = DcContent.GetInstance(icode); TraceEnterInstance(instance); _overlay.PlayMatch(Locale.Text(10004, instance.Name)); DcContent.Missions.Clear(); ResetContentItems(); // frankly no meaning to here } else if (data[4] != 4) { _overlay.PlayNone(); } } // zone else if (DcConfig.Packet.OpZone != 0 && opcode == DcConfig.Packet.OpZone) { var zone = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 4); ResetContentItems(); } // save the queen critical engagement else if (opcode == DcConfig.Packet.OpCe) { // 0[4] timestamp // 4[2] mmss // 6[2] ? // 8[1] code // 9[1] ? // 10[1] status 0=end, 1=register, 2=entry, 3=progress // 12[1] progress percentage if (_stq_type == DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.No) { if (IsFateForSouthernBozja(_last_fate)) _stq_type = DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.Bozja; else if (IsFateForZadnor(_last_fate)) _stq_type = DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.Zadnor; else _stq_type = DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.Zadnor; } var ce = data[8] + DcContent.SaveTheQueenTypeToCeBase(_stq_type); var stat = data[10]; var fate = DcContent.GetFate(ce); if (stat == 0 /* || data[10] == 3 */) { if (DcContent.Missions.ContainsKey(ce)) DcContent.Missions.Remove(ce); TraceCe(ce, false, fate); } else if (stat == 1 || stat == 2) { var withlog = false; if (!DcContent.Missions.ContainsKey(ce)) { withlog = true; DcContent.Missions.Add(ce, 0); if (DcConfig.Duty.Fates[DcConfig.Duty.ActiveFate].Selected.Contains(ce)) { PlayEffectSoundFate(); NotifyFate(fate); _overlay.PlayFate(fate); } } TraceCe(ce, withlog, fate, stat == 1 ? "R" : "E"); } else if (stat == 3) { if (!DcContent.Missions.ContainsKey(ce)) DcContent.Missions.Add(ce, 0); TraceCe(ce, false, fate, data[12].ToString()); } } } // public void ZoneChanged(uint zone_id, string zone_name) { //_overlay.PlayNone(); _stq_type = (zone_id == 920) ? DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.Bozja : (zone_id == 921) ? DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.Zadnor : DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.No; #if false LogInstance(10025, $"{zone_name} ({zone_id})"); if (DcConfig.DebugEnable) LogDebug("Zone: {0}", zone_id); #endif // Probably receive FATE auto end command before changing zone // No end data found: logout, critical engagement -> have to reset if (DcConfig.Packet.OpZone == 0) ResetContentItems(); } // private void WriteLog(Color color, int catkey, int fmtkey, params object[] prms) { string category = Locale.Text(catkey); string format = Locale.Text(fmtkey); Logger.WriteCategory(color, category, format, prms); } // private void TraceFate(ushort code, bool withlog, DcContent.Fate fate, int progress = -1) { // TODO: check area int key, subs; if (_stq_type != DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.No || IsSkirmishFate(code)) { key = 24; subs = 4; } else { key = 23; subs = 3; } if (withlog) WriteLog(Color.Black, key, 10001, fate.Name); WorkerAct.Invoker(() => lstContents.TreatItemFate(code, subs, progress, fate.Name)); } // private void TraceCe(int code, bool withlog, DcContent.Fate fate, string progress = null) { if (withlog) WriteLog(Color.Black, 25, 10001, fate.Name); WorkerAct.Invoker(() => lstContents.TreatItemCe(code, 5, progress, fate.Name)); } // private void UpdateTraceInstance(int imageindex, int count, string insname) { WorkerAct.Invoker(() => lstContents.TreatItemInstance(imageindex, count, insname)); } // private void TraceMatchInstance(DcContent.Instance instance) { WriteLog(Color.Black, 22, 10003, instance.Name); UpdateTraceInstance(6, 0, instance.Name); } // private void TraceEnterInstance(DcContent.Instance instance) { WriteLog(Color.Black, 22, 10004, instance.Name); UpdateTraceInstance(2, 0, instance.Name); } // private void TraceEntryInstance(List instances) { var insnames = string.Join("/", instances.ToArray()); WriteLog(Color.Black, 22, 10002, insnames); UpdateTraceInstance(7, instances.Count, insnames); } // private void TraceMatchRoulette(DcContent.Roulette roulette) { WriteLog(Color.Black, 22, 10003, roulette.Name); UpdateTraceInstance(6, 0, roulette.Name); } // private void TraceEntryRoulette(DcContent.Roulette roulette) { WriteLog(Color.Black, 22, 10002, roulette.Name); UpdateTraceInstance(1, 0, roulette.Name); } // public void UpdateFates() { var fs = DcConfig.Duty.Fates[DcConfig.Duty.ActiveFate]; treeFates.Nodes.Clear(); fs.MakeSelects(true); _is_lock_fate = true; foreach (var a in DcContent.Areas) { var n = treeFates.Nodes.Add(a.Value.Name); n.Tag = a.Key + 100000; if (fs.Selected.Contains((int)n.Tag)) { n.Checked = true; n.Expand(); } foreach (var f in a.Value.Fates) { var name = f.Value.Name; var node = n.Nodes.Add(name); node.Tag = f.Key; if (fs.Selected.Contains((int)node.Tag)) { node.Checked = true; if (!n.IsExpanded) n.Expand(); } } } MakeFatesSelection(); _is_lock_fate = false; } // private void MakeFatesSelection(bool makeline = false) { var fs = DcConfig.Duty.Fates[DcConfig.Duty.ActiveFate]; fs.Selected.Clear(); FateSelectionMakingLoop(treeFates.Nodes); if (makeline) fs.MakeLine(); } // private void FateSelectionMakingLoop(TreeNodeCollection nodes) { var fs = DcConfig.Duty.Fates[DcConfig.Duty.ActiveFate]; foreach (TreeNode n in nodes) { if (n.Checked) fs.Selected.Add((int)n.Tag); FateSelectionMakingLoop(n.Nodes); } } private void CboDataset_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; var l = (string)cboDataset.SelectedItem; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(l) && !l.Equals(DcConfig.Duty.Language) && DcContent.ReadContent(l)) { lblCurrentDataSet.Text = DcContent.DisplayLanguage; SaveConfig(); if (DcConfig.DataRemoteUpdate) Updater.CheckNewVersion(); UpdateFates(); } } private void CboPacketset_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; if (cboPacketset.SelectedIndex >= _packet_list.Count) return; var p = _packet_list.ElementAt(cboPacketset.SelectedIndex); var n = p.Key; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(n) && !n.Equals(DcConfig.Duty.PacketSet) && DcConfig.ReadPacket(n)) { SaveConfig(); if (!n.Equals(DcConfig.PacketConfig.DefaultSetNameCustom)) { // check update and save RemotePacketUpdate(n); } } } private void TreeFates_AfterCheck(object sender, TreeViewEventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; if (_is_lock_fate) return; _is_lock_fate = true; if (((int)e.Node.Tag) > 100000) { foreach (TreeNode n in e.Node.Nodes) n.Checked = e.Node.Checked; } else { if (!e.Node.Checked) e.Node.Parent.Checked = false; else { var f = true; foreach (TreeNode n in e.Node.Parent.Nodes) f &= n.Checked; e.Node.Parent.Checked = f; } } MakeFatesSelection(true); SaveConfig(); _is_lock_fate = false; } // private void ChangeFatePreset(int index) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; if (index >= 0 && index < 4) { DcConfig.Duty.ActiveFate = index; UpdateFates(); SaveConfig(); } } private void RdoFatePreset1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChangeFatePreset(0); } private void RdoFatePreset2_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChangeFatePreset(1); } private void RdoFatePreset3_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChangeFatePreset(2); } private void RdoFatePreset4_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ChangeFatePreset(3); } private void ChkEnableOverlay_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; progbOverlayTransparent.Enabled = chkEnableOverlay.Checked; btnOverlayDimming.Enabled = chkEnableOverlay.Checked; if (chkEnableOverlay.Checked) _overlay.Show(); else _overlay.Hide(); DcConfig.Duty.EnableOverlay = chkEnableOverlay.Checked; SaveConfig(); } private void ProgbOverlayTransparent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void BtnOverlayDimming_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { _overlay.StartBlink(); } private void ChkOverlayClickThru_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; DcConfig.Duty.OverlayClickThru = chkOverlayClickThru.Checked; _overlay.SetClickThruStatus(chkOverlayClickThru.Checked); SaveConfig(); } private void ChkEnableSound_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; txtSoundInstance.Enabled = chkEnableSound.Checked; btnSoundFindInstance.Enabled = chkEnableSound.Checked; btnSoundPlayInstance.Enabled = chkEnableSound.Checked; txtSoundFate.Enabled = chkEnableSound.Checked; btnSoundFindFate.Enabled = chkEnableSound.Checked; btnSoundPlayFate.Enabled = chkEnableSound.Checked; DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound = chkEnableSound.Checked; SaveConfig(); } // private void PlayEffectSoundFate() { if (DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound) WorkerAct.PlayEffectSound(DcConfig.Duty.SoundFateFile, DcConfig.Duty.SoundFateVolume); } // private void PlayEffecSoundInstance() { if (DcConfig.Duty.EnableSound) WorkerAct.PlayEffectSound(DcConfig.Duty.SoundInstanceFile, DcConfig.Duty.SoundInstanceVolume); } private void BtnSoundPlayInstance_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; PlayEffecSoundInstance(); } private void BtnSoundPlayFate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; PlayEffectSoundFate(); } // private string SoundFileOpenDialog() { string filename = (string)WorkerAct.Invoker(new WorkerAct.ObjectReturnerDelegate(() => { var dg = new OpenFileDialog { Title = Locale.Text(101), DefaultExt = "wav", Filter = Locale.Text(102) }; return (dg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) ? dg.FileName : null; })); return filename; } private void BtnSoundFindInstance_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; string filename = SoundFileOpenDialog(); DcConfig.Duty.SoundInstanceFile = string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) ? string.Empty : filename; txtSoundInstance.Text = DcConfig.Duty.SoundInstanceFile; SaveConfig(); } private void BtnSoundFindFate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; string filename = SoundFileOpenDialog(); DcConfig.Duty.SoundFateFile = string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename) ? string.Empty : filename; txtSoundFate.Text = DcConfig.Duty.SoundFateFile; SaveConfig(); } private async void BtnTestNotify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; string s = Locale.Text(103); if (DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyLine) await NotifyUsingLine(s); if (DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyTelegram) NotifyUsingTelegram(s); if (DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyDiscordWebhook) await NotifyUsingDiscordWebhook(s); } // private void SendNotify(string s) { if (DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyLine) NotifyUsingLine(s).Wait(); if (DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyTelegram) NotifyUsingTelegram(s); if (DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyDiscordWebhook) NotifyUsingDiscordWebhook(s).Wait(); } // private void NotifyFate(DcContent.Fate f) { if (!DcConfig.Duty.EnableNotify) return; string s = Locale.Text(10005, f.Name); SendNotify(s); } // private void NotifyMatch(string name) { if (!DcConfig.Duty.EnableNotify) return; string s = Locale.Text(10003, name); SendNotify(s); } private void ChkUseNotifyLine_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyLine = chkUseNotifyLine.Checked; txtLineToken.Enabled = chkUseNotifyLine.Checked; btnTestNotify.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableNotify; SaveConfig(); } private void LblLineNotifyBotLink_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; Process.Start(lblLineNotifyBotLink.Text); } private void TxtLineToken_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { DcConfig.Duty.NotifyLineToken = txtLineToken.Text; SaveConfig(); } btnTestNotify.Enabled = true; } // internal async Task NotifyUsingLine(string mesg) { if (txtLineToken.TextLength == 0) return; if (!txtLineToken.Text.Equals(DcConfig.Duty.NotifyLineToken)) { DcConfig.Duty.NotifyLineToken = txtLineToken.Text; SaveConfig(); } var hc = new HttpClient(); hc.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer {DcConfig.Duty.NotifyLineToken}"); var param = new Dictionary { { "message", mesg } }; await hc.PostAsync("", new FormUrlEncodedContent(param)).ConfigureAwait(false); } // private void ChkUseNotifyTelegram_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyTelegram = chkUseNotifyTelegram.Checked; txtTelegramId.Enabled = chkUseNotifyTelegram.Checked; txtTelegramToken.Enabled = chkUseNotifyTelegram.Checked; btnTestNotify.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableNotify; SaveConfig(); } private void TxtTelegramId_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramId = txtTelegramId.Text; SaveConfig(); } btnTestNotify.Enabled = true; } private void TxtTelegramToken_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramToken = txtTelegramToken.Text; SaveConfig(); } btnTestNotify.Enabled = true; } // private static string EncodeJsonChars(string text) { return text.Replace("\b", "\\\b") .Replace("\f", "\\\f") .Replace("\n", "\\\n") .Replace("\r", "\\\r") .Replace("\t", "\\\t") .Replace("\"", "\\\"") .Replace("\\", "\\\\"); } // private bool NotifyUsingTelegram(string mesg) { if (txtTelegramId.TextLength == 0 || txtTelegramToken.TextLength == 0) return false; if (!txtTelegramId.Text.Equals(DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramId)) { DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramId = txtTelegramId.Text; SaveConfig(); } if (!txtTelegramToken.Text.Equals(DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramToken)) { DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramToken = txtTelegramToken.Text; SaveConfig(); } // var json = string.Format("{{\"chat_id\":\"{0}\", \"text\":\"{1}\"}}", DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramId, EncodeJsonChars(mesg)); var jbin = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json); var url = string.Format("{0}/sendMessage", DcConfig.Duty.NotifyTelegramToken); HttpWebRequest req = WebRequest.Create(new Uri(url)) as HttpWebRequest; req.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy(System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore); req.Timeout = 30 * 1000; req.Method = "POST"; req.ContentType = "application/json"; using (var st = req.GetRequestStream()) { st.Write(jbin, 0, jbin.Length); st.Flush(); } HttpWebResponse res = null; try { res = req.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse; if (res.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { string ss = null; using (var st = res.GetResponseStream()) { using (var rdr = new StreamReader(st, Encoding.UTF8)) ss = rdr.ReadToEnd(); } if (0 < ss.IndexOf("\"ok\":true")) return true; else return false; } else { // http status is not ok return false; } } catch { // ??? return false; } finally { if (res != null) res.Close(); } } private void ChkUseNotifyDiscowk_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; DcConfig.Duty.UseNotifyDiscordWebhook = chkUseNotifyDiscowk.Checked; txtDiscowkUrl.Enabled = chkUseNotifyDiscowk.Checked; btnTestNotify.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableNotify; SaveConfig(); } private void TxtDiscowkUrl_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { if (!IsValidDiscwkUrl(txtDiscowkUrl.Text)) { Logger.E(342); return; } DcConfig.Duty.NotifyDiscordWebhookUrl = txtDiscowkUrl.Text; SaveConfig(); } btnTestNotify.Enabled = true; } private void ChkDiscowkTts_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DcConfig.PluginEnable) return; DcConfig.Duty.NotifyDiscordWebhookTts = chkDiscowkTts.Checked; btnTestNotify.Enabled = DcConfig.Duty.EnableNotify; SaveConfig(); } private static bool IsValidDiscwkUrl(string url) { url = url.ToLower(); return url.StartsWith(""); } // internal async Task NotifyUsingDiscordWebhook(string mesg) { if (txtDiscowkUrl.TextLength == 0) return; if (!IsValidDiscwkUrl(txtDiscowkUrl.Text)) { Logger.E(342); return; } if (!txtDiscowkUrl.Text.Equals(DcConfig.Duty.NotifyDiscordWebhookUrl)) { DcConfig.Duty.NotifyDiscordWebhookUrl = txtDiscowkUrl.Text; SaveConfig(); } var hc = new HttpClient(); var param = new Dictionary { { "content", mesg }, { "tts", DcConfig.Duty.NotifyDiscordWebhookTts.ToString() }, }; await hc.PostAsync(DcConfig.Duty.NotifyDiscordWebhookUrl, new FormUrlEncodedContent(param)).ConfigureAwait(false); } // private void PacketFinderResetUi(bool is_enable) { if (!is_enable) { btnPacketStart.Text = Locale.Text(10007); btnPacketStart.BackColor = Color.Transparent; } else { btnPacketStart.Text = Locale.Text(10008); btnPacketStart.BackColor = Color.Salmon; } btnPacketApply.Visible = is_enable; btnPacketApply.Enabled = is_enable; lstPacketInfo.Enabled = is_enable; txtPacketInfo.Enabled = is_enable; txtPacketDescription.Enabled = is_enable; lstBozjaInfo.Enabled = is_enable; } // private void PacketFindClearUi(DcConfig.PacketConfig newpk) { // lblPacketVersion.Text = newpk.Version.ToString(); txtPacketDescription.Text = newpk.Description; lstBozjaInfo.Items.Clear(); // FATE lstPacketInfo.Items[0].SubItems[1].Text = DcConfig.Packet.OpFate.ToString(); lstPacketInfo.Items[0].SubItems[2].Text = ""; lstPacketInfo.Items[0].SubItems[3].Text = newpk.OpFate.ToString(); // Duty lstPacketInfo.Items[1].SubItems[1].Text = DcConfig.Packet.OpDuty.ToString(); lstPacketInfo.Items[1].SubItems[2].Text = ""; lstPacketInfo.Items[1].SubItems[3].Text = newpk.OpDuty.ToString(); // Match lstPacketInfo.Items[2].SubItems[1].Text = DcConfig.Packet.OpMatch.ToString(); lstPacketInfo.Items[2].SubItems[2].Text = ""; lstPacketInfo.Items[2].SubItems[3].Text = newpk.OpMatch.ToString(); // Instance lstPacketInfo.Items[3].SubItems[1].Text = DcConfig.Packet.OpInstance.ToString(); lstPacketInfo.Items[3].SubItems[2].Text = ""; lstPacketInfo.Items[3].SubItems[3].Text = newpk.OpInstance.ToString(); // Zone lstPacketInfo.Items[4].SubItems[1].Text = DcConfig.Packet.OpZone.ToString(); lstPacketInfo.Items[4].SubItems[2].Text = ""; lstPacketInfo.Items[4].SubItems[3].Text = newpk.OpZone.ToString(); // Bozja lstPacketInfo.Items[5].SubItems[1].Text = DcConfig.Packet.OpCe.ToString(); lstPacketInfo.Items[5].SubItems[2].Text = ""; lstPacketInfo.Items[5].SubItems[3].Text = newpk.OpCe.ToString(); } private void BtnPacketStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!_is_packet_finder) { _new_packet = new DcConfig.PacketConfig(DateTime.Now); PacketFindClearUi(_new_packet); } _is_packet_finder = !_is_packet_finder; PacketFinderResetUi(_is_packet_finder); } private void BtnPacketApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var ret = (DialogResult)WorkerAct.Invoker(new WorkerAct.ObjectReturnerDelegate(() => { var r = MessageBox.Show(Locale.Text(10022), Locale.Text(0), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); return r; })); if (ret == DialogResult.Yes) { var newfilename = DcConfig.BuildPacketFileName(DcConfig.PacketConfig.DefaultSetNameCustom); _new_packet.Description = txtPacketDescription.Text; _new_packet.Save(newfilename); _is_packet_finder = false; PacketFinderResetUi(false); // select custom DcConfig.Duty.PacketSet = DcConfig.PacketConfig.DefaultSetNameCustom; RefreshPacketList(); } } private void LstPacketInfo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstPacketInfo.SelectedIndices.Count != 1) return; int m; switch (lstPacketInfo.SelectedIndices[0]) { case 0: m = 10010; break; case 1: m = 10011; break; case 2: m = 10011; break; case 3: m = 10011; break; case 4: m = 10026; break; case 5: m = 10014; break; default: m = 10015; break; } txtPacketInfo.Text = Locale.Text(m); } private void LstPacketInfo_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (lstPacketInfo.SelectedIndices.Count != 1) return; var v = int.MaxValue; switch (lstPacketInfo.SelectedIndices[0]) { case 0: v = _new_packet.OpFate = DcConfig.Packet.OpFate; break; case 1: v = _new_packet.OpDuty = DcConfig.Packet.OpDuty; break; case 2: v = _new_packet.OpMatch = DcConfig.Packet.OpMatch; break; case 3: v = _new_packet.OpInstance = DcConfig.Packet.OpInstance; break; case 4: v = _new_packet.OpZone = DcConfig.Packet.OpZone; break; case 5: v = _new_packet.OpCe = DcConfig.Packet.OpCe; break; } if (v != int.MaxValue) { lstPacketInfo.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[2].Text = Locale.Text(10024); lstPacketInfo.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[3].Text = v.ToString(); } } private void LstBozjaInfo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstBozjaInfo.SelectedItems.Count != 1) return; ushort opcode = (ushort)lstBozjaInfo.SelectedItems[0].Tag; _new_packet.OpCe = opcode; lstPacketInfo.Items[5].SubItems[2].Text = Locale.Text(10023); lstPacketInfo.Items[5].SubItems[3].Text = _new_packet.OpCe.ToString(); } private void LstBozjaInfo_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { } // middle la noscea private static readonly ushort[] _fates_middle_la_noscea = { 553, 649, 687, 688, 693, 717, 220, 221, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 229, 231, 233, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 1387, }; // southern bozja front private static readonly ushort[] _fates_southern_bojza = { 1597, 1598, 1599, 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1607, 1608, 1609, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1614, 1615, 1616, 1617, 1618, 1619, 1620, 1621, 1622, 1623, 1624, 1625, 1626, 1627, 1628, }; // zadnor private static readonly ushort[] _fates_zadnor = { 1717, 1718, 1719, 1720, 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724, 1725, 1726, 1727, 1728, 1729, 1730, 1731, 1732, 1733, 1734, 1735, 1736, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740, 1741, 1742, }; // private bool IsFateInFindList(ushort code) { return _fates_middle_la_noscea.Contains(code) || _fates_southern_bojza.Contains(code) || _fates_zadnor.Contains(code); } // private bool IsSkirmishFate(ushort code) { return _fates_southern_bojza.Contains(code) || _fates_zadnor.Contains(code); } // private bool IsFateForSouthernBozja(ushort code) { return _fates_southern_bojza.Contains(code); } // private bool IsFateForZadnor(ushort code) { return _fates_zadnor.Contains(code); } // private void PacketFinderHandler(byte[] message) { var opcode = BitConverter.ToUInt16(message, 18); var data = message.Skip(32).ToArray(); // fate if (_new_packet.OpFate == 0 && data.Length > 4 && data[0] == 0x3E) { var cc = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 4); if (IsFateInFindList(cc) && _new_packet.OpFate != opcode) { _new_packet.OpFate = opcode; WorkerAct.Invoker(() => { lstPacketInfo.Items[0].SubItems[2].Text = Locale.Text(10016); lstPacketInfo.Items[0].SubItems[3].Text = _new_packet.OpFate.ToString(); }); _last_fate = cc; return; } } // duty if (_new_packet.OpDuty == 0 && data.Length > 12) { var rcode = data[8]; if (rcode == 0) { // The Steps of Fath (83) short m = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 12); if (m == 83 && _new_packet.OpDuty != opcode) { _new_packet.OpDuty = opcode; WorkerAct.Invoker(() => { lstPacketInfo.Items[1].SubItems[2].Text = Locale.Text(10016); lstPacketInfo.Items[1].SubItems[3].Text = _new_packet.OpDuty.ToString(); }); return; } } } // match if (_new_packet.OpMatch == 0 && data.Length > 20) { var rcode = data[2]; if (rcode == 0) { // The Steps of Fath (83) short m = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 20); if (m == 83 && _new_packet.OpMatch != opcode) { _new_packet.OpMatch = opcode; WorkerAct.Invoker(() => { lstPacketInfo.Items[2].SubItems[2].Text = Locale.Text(10016); lstPacketInfo.Items[2].SubItems[3].Text = _new_packet.OpMatch.ToString(); }); return; } } } // instance if (_new_packet.OpInstance == 0 && data.Length >= 16) { // The Steps of Fath (83) short m = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 0); short u = BitConverter.ToInt16(data, 2); if (m == 83 && u == 0 && _new_packet.OpInstance != opcode) { _new_packet.OpInstance = opcode; WorkerAct.Invoker(() => { lstPacketInfo.Items[3].SubItems[2].Text = Locale.Text(10016); lstPacketInfo.Items[3].SubItems[3].Text = _new_packet.OpInstance.ToString(); }); return; } } // zone if (_new_packet.OpZone == 0 && data.Length == 16) { // Middle La Noscea (134) var h = BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0); var z = BitConverter.ToUInt16(data, 4); if (h == 0 && z == 134 && data[11] == 1 && data[12] == 1 && data[13] == 8) { _new_packet.OpZone = opcode; WorkerAct.Invoker(() => { lstPacketInfo.Items[4].SubItems[2].Text = Locale.Text(10016); lstPacketInfo.Items[4].SubItems[3].Text = _new_packet.OpZone.ToString(); }); return; } } // critical engagement if (data.Length >= 12 && _stq_type != DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.No) { // 0[4] timestamp // 4[2] mmss // 6[2] ? // 8[1] code // 9[1] members // 10[1] status 0=end, 1=register, 2=entry, 3=progress // 12[1] progress percentage var code = data[8]; if (code < 0 || code > 15) { // not ce return; } var stat = data[10]; var prg = data[12]; var mem = data[9]; var ok = false; /* if (stat == 0) { // end. other conditions unknown ok = true; } else*/ if (stat == 1) { // register. progress must be 0 if (mem >= 0 && mem <= 48 && prg == 0) ok = true; } else if (stat == 2) { // entry. progress must be 0 if (mem >= 0 && mem <= 48 && prg == 0) ok = true; } else if (stat == 3) { // progress. progress must be in 1~99 if (mem > 0 && mem <= 48 && prg >= 1 && prg < 100) ok = true; } if (ok) { if (_stq_type == DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.No) { if (IsFateForSouthernBozja(_last_fate)) _stq_type = DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.Bozja; else if (IsFateForZadnor(_last_fate)) _stq_type = DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.Zadnor; else _stq_type = DcContent.SaveTheQueenType.Zadnor; } var ce = DcContent.GetFate(code + DcContent.SaveTheQueenTypeToCeBase(_stq_type)); var li = new ListViewItem(new string[] { ce.Name, DcContent.CeStatusToString(stat), mem.ToString(), prg.ToString() }) { Tag = opcode }; WorkerAct.Invoker(() => { lstBozjaInfo.Items.Add(li); lstBozjaInfo.EnsureVisible(lstBozjaInfo.Items.Count - 1); }); } } } private void RemotePacketUpdate(string name) { // need to resign using thread -> blocked by network troubles if (!DcConfig.DataRemoteUpdate) return; var ns = Updater.CheckNewPacket(name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ns)) { var pk = DcConfig.PacketConfig.ParseString(ns); if (pk.Version > DcConfig.Packet.Version) { DcConfig.Packet.Version = pk.Version; DcConfig.Packet.Description = pk.Description; DcConfig.Packet.OpFate = pk.OpFate; DcConfig.Packet.OpDuty = pk.OpDuty; DcConfig.Packet.OpMatch = pk.OpMatch; DcConfig.Packet.OpInstance = pk.OpInstance; DcConfig.Packet.OpZone = pk.OpZone; DcConfig.Packet.OpCe = pk.OpCe; var nfn = DcConfig.BuildPacketFileName(name); pk.Save(nfn); Logger.I(33, pk.Version, pk.Description); // _packet_list.Remove(name); _packet_list.Add(name, pk.Description); RefreshPacketList(false); } } } private void RefreshDatasetList() { // quick description read? cboDataset.Items.Clear(); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(DcConfig.DataPath); foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles("DcDuty-*.json")) { var s = fi.Name.Substring(7, fi.Name.Length - 7 - 5); var n = cboDataset.Items.Add(s); if (s.Equals(DcConfig.Duty.Language)) cboDataset.SelectedIndex = n; } } private void RefreshPacketList(bool reload_file_info = true) { if (reload_file_info) { _packet_list.Clear(); DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(DcConfig.DataPath); foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles("DcPacket-*.config")) { var name = fi.Name.Substring(9, fi.Name.Length - 9 - 7); var db = new ThirdParty.LineDb(fi.FullName, Encoding.UTF8, false); var desc = db.Get("Description", null); if (desc == null) { // config file was for below version 9 _packet_list.Add(name, name); } else { _packet_list.Add(name, desc); } } } cboPacketset.Items.Clear(); foreach (var i in _packet_list) { var n = cboPacketset.Items.Add(i.Value); if (i.Key.Equals(DcConfig.Duty.PacketSet)) cboPacketset.SelectedIndex = n; } } private void BtnResetContentList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lstContents.ResetContentItems(); } public void ResetContentItems() { WorkerAct.Invoker(() => lstContents.ResetContentItems()); } } }