# EditorConfig is awesome: https://EditorConfig.org root = true [*] end_of_line = lf charset = utf-8 indent_size = tab indent_style = tab insert_final_newline = true tab_width = 4 trim_trailing_whitespace = true [*.md] indent_size = 2 indent_style = space # Tabs may not be valid YAML # @see https://yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2777534 [*.{sh,yml,yaml}] indent_size = 2 indent_style = space # yaml-lint configuration # YAML files should be indented with spaces, which .yamllint is [.yamllint] indent_size = 2 indent_style = space [default.git*] indent_size = 2 indent_style = space [.git*] indent_size = 2 indent_style = space [.git/**] indent_size = 2 indent_style = space