#!/bin/sh version=" jhalfs development Originally written by Jeremy Huntwork. Maintained by Manuel Canales Esparcia. This program is published under the \ Gnu General Public License, Version 2. " usage="\ Usage: $0 [OPTION] Options: -h, --help print this help, then exit -V, --version print version number, then exit -d --directory=DIR use DIR directory for building LFS; all files jhalfs produces will be in the directory DIR/jhalfs -P, --get-packages download the packages and patches -D, --download-client=CLIENT use CLIENT as the program for retrieving packages (for use in conjunction with -P) -W, --working-copy=DIR use the local working copy placed in DIR as the LFS book -L, --LFS-version=VER ckeckout VER version of the LFS book -T, --testsuites add support to run the optional testsuites -M, --run-make run make on the generated Makefile " help="\ Try '$0 --help' for more information." exit_missing_arg="\ echo \"Option '\$1' requires an argument\" >&2 echo \"\$help\" >&2 exit 1" no_dl_client="\ echo \"Could not find a way to download the LFS sources.\" >&2 echo \"Attempting to continue.\" >&2" while test $# -gt 0 ; do case $1 in --version | -V ) echo "$version" exit 0 ;; --help | -h ) echo "$usage" exit 0 ;; --LFS-version | -L ) test $# = 1 && eval "$exit_missing_arg" shift case $1 in dev* | SVN | trunk ) LFSVRS=development ;; * ) echo "$1 is an unsupported version at this time." exit 1 ;; esac shift ;; --directory | -d ) test $# = 1 && eval "$exit_missing_arg" shift BUILDDIR=$1 shift ;; --download-client | -D ) test $# = 1 && eval "$exit_missing_arg" shift DL=$1 shift ;; --working-copy | -W ) test $# = 1 && eval "$exit_missing_arg" shift WC=1 BOOK=$1 shift ;; --testsuites | -T ) TEST=1 shift ;; --get-packages | -P ) HPKG=1 shift ;; --run-make | -M ) RUNMAKE=1 shift ;; * ) echo "$usage" exit 1 ;; esac done # Test to make sure we're running the build as root if [ "$UID" != "0" ] ; then echo "You must be logged in as root to successfully build LFS." exit 1 fi # Find the download client to use, if not already specified. if [ -z $DL ] ; then if [ `type -p wget` ] ; then DL=wget elif [ `type -p curl` ] ; then DL=curl else eval "$no_dl_client" fi fi SVN="svn://svn.linuxfromscratch.org" HTTP=http://ftp.lfs-matrix.net/pub/lfs/lfs-packages/conglomeration if [ -z $BUILDDIR ] ; then BUILDDIR=/mnt/lfs ; fi JHALFSDIR=$BUILDDIR/jhalfs LOGDIR=/jhalfs/logs LOG=000-jhalfs.log MKFILE=$JHALFSDIR/Makefile XSL=dump-lfs-scripts.xsl FNC=functions if [ -z $TEST ] ; then TEST=0 ; fi get_book() { # Check for Subversion instead of just letting the script hit 'svn' and fail. test `type -p svn` || eval "echo \"This feature requires Subversion.\" exit 1" cd $JHALFSDIR # Test to make sure the LFS version is set if [ -z $LFSVRS ] ; then LFSVRS=development ; fi # Set the book's sources directory if [ -z $BOOK ] ; then BOOK=lfs-$LFSVRS ; fi if [ -z $WC ] ; then echo -n "Downloading the LFS Book, version $LFSVRS... " # Grab the LFS book fresh if it's missing, otherwise, update it from the # repo. If we've already extracted the commands, move on to getting the # sources. if [ -d lfs-$LFSVRS ] ; then cd lfs-$LFSVRS if svn up | grep -q At && test -d $JHALFSDIR/commands && \ test -f $JHALFSDIR/packages && test -f $JHALFSDIR/patches ; then echo -ne "done\n" get_sources else echo -ne "done\n" extract_commands fi else if [ $LFSVRS = development ] ; then svn co $SVN/LFS/trunk/BOOK lfs-$LFSVRS >>$BUILDDIR$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 else svn co $SVN/LFS/branches/$LFSVRS/BOOK lfs-$LFSVRS >>$BUILDDIR$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 fi echo -ne "done\n" extract_commands fi else echo -ne "Using $BOOK as book's sources ...\n" extract_commands fi } extract_commands() { # Check for libxslt instead of just letting the script hit 'xsltproc' and fail. test `type -p xsltproc` || eval "echo \"This feature requires libxslt.\" exit 1" cd $JHALFSDIR # Start clean if [ -d commands ] ; then rm -rf commands ; fi && mkdir commands echo -n "Extracting commands... " # Dump the commands in shell script form from the LFS book. xsltproc --nonet --xinclude --stringparam testsuite $TEST -o ./commands/ \ $XSL $BOOK/index.xml >>$BUILDDIR$LOGDIR/$LOG 2>&1 # Grab the patches and package names. cd $JHALFSDIR for i in patches packages ; do rm -f $i ; done grep "\-version" $BOOK/general.ent | sed -e 's@@"@' \ -e '/generic/d' >> packages grep "ENTITY" $BOOK/patches.ent | sed -e 's/.* "//' -e 's/">//' >> patches # Done. Moving on... echo -ne "done\n" get_sources } download() { cd $BUILDDIR/sources # Hackish fix for the bash-doc package that doesn't conform # to norms in the URL scheme. DIR=`echo $1 | sed 's@-doc@@'` # Find the md5 sum for this package. if [ $2 != MD5SUMS ] ; then MD5=`grep " $2" MD5SUMS` ; fi if [ ! -f $2 ] ; then case $DL in wget ) wget $HTTP/$DIR/$2 ;; curl ) `curl -# $HTTP/$DIR/$2 -o $2` ;; * ) echo "$DL not supported at this time." ;; esac elif ! echo "$MD5" | md5sum -c - >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ; then case $DL in wget ) wget -c $HTTP/$DIR/$2 ;; curl ) `curl -# -C - $HTTP/$DIR/$2 -o $2` ;; * ) echo "$DL not supported at this time." ;; esac fi if [ $2 != MD5SUMS ] && ! echo "$MD5" | md5sum -c - ; then exit 1 fi } get_sources() { # Test if the packages must be downloaded if [ "$HPKG" = "1" ] ; then # This variable is necessary to make sure the `cat $JHALFSDIR/packages` # separates each iteration by lines. It is necessary to have the second # ' on the next line. IFS=' ' if [ ! -d $BUILDDIR/sources ] ; then mkdir $BUILDDIR/sources ; fi cd $BUILDDIR/sources if [ -f MD5SUMS ] ; then rm MD5SUMS ; fi download "" MD5SUMS # Iterate through each package and grab it, along with any patches it needs. for i in `cat $JHALFSDIR/packages` ; do PKG=`echo $i | sed 's/-version.*//'` # Someone used some silly entities right next to the valid package entities. if [ "$PKG" = "expect-lib" -o "$PKG" = "linux-dl" ] ; then continue ; fi VRS=`echo $i | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'` if [ "$PKG" = "tcl" ] ; then FILE="$PKG$VRS-src.tar.bz2" else FILE="$PKG-$VRS.tar.bz2" fi download $PKG $FILE for patch in `grep "$PKG-&$PKG" $JHALFSDIR/patches` ; do PATCH=`echo $patch | sed 's@&'$PKG'-version;@'$VRS'@'` download $PKG $PATCH done done fi } build_Makefile() { echo -n "Creating Makefile... " cd $JHALFSDIR/commands # Start with a clean Makefile.tmp file >$MKFILE.tmp for file in chapter05/* ; do # Keep the script file name i=`basename $file` # First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become # the names of the targets in the Makefile chapter5="$chapter5 $i" # Grab the name of the target (minus the -pass1 or -pass2 in the case of gcc # and binutils in chapter 5) name=`echo $i | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@' -e 's@-pass[0-9]\{1\}@@'` # Set the dependency for the first target. if [ -z $PREV ] ; then PREV=022-settingenvironment ; fi # Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target # as a dependency. Also call the echo_message function. echo -e "\n$i: $PREV" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Find the version of the command files, if it corresponds with the building of # a specific package vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'` # If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package... if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then if [ "$name" = "tcl" ] ; then FILE="$name$vrs-src.tar.bz2" else FILE="$name-$vrs.tar.bz2" fi # Insert instructions for unpacking the package and to set # the PKGDIR variable. echo -e "\t@\$(call unpack-lfs,$FILE)" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t@ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tchown -R lfs \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\techo \"PKGDIR=\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\techo \"export PKGDIR\" >> envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # Dump the path to the Binutils pass1 or TCL sources directory. if [ "$i" = "027-binutils-pass1" -o "$i" = "032-tcl" ] ; then echo -e "\techo \"\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT\" > sources-dir" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Dump the path to the Binutils pass2 sources directory. elif [ "$i" = "036-binutils-pass2" ] ; then echo -e "\techo \"\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT\" > sources-dir" >> $MKFILE.tmp # For the Adjusting phase we must to cd to the binutils-build directory. elif [ "$i" = "031-adjusting" ] ; then echo -e "\techo \"PKGDIR=\$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\techo \"export PKGDIR\" >> envars" >> $MKFILE.tmp # For the Expect build we need to set the TCLPATH envar. elif [ "$i" = "033-expect" ] ; then echo -e "\techo \"TCLPATH=\`cat sources-dir\`\" >> envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\techo \"export TCLPATH\" >> envars" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Everything else, add a true statment so we don't confuse make else echo -e "\ttrue" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # Insert date and disk usage at the top of the log file. echo -e "\t@echo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >logs/$i && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Insert the script run echo -e "\tsu - lfs -c \". /home/lfs/.bashrc && $JHALFSDIR/commands/$file\" >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Insert date and disk usage at the bottom of the log file. echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >>logs/$i" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Remove the build directory(ies) even if the package build fails, except for # Binutils and TCL. In that cases the sources directories are removed # only if the build fails. if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then if [ "$i" != "027-binutils-pass1" ] && [ "$i" != "032-tcl" ] && [ "$i" != "036-binutils-pass2" ] ; then echo -e "\t@ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tif [ -e \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/$name-build; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi fi if [ "$i" = "027-binutils-pass1" -o "$i" = "036-binutils-pass2" ] ; then echo -e "\t@if [ ! -e \$@ ] ; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\tROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi if [ "$i" = "032-tcl" ] ; then echo -e "\t@if [ ! -e \$@ ] ; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\tROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # Remove the Binutils pass 1 sources after a successful Adjusting phase. if [ "$i" = "031-adjusting" ] ; then echo -e "\t@if [ -e \$@ ] ; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(LFS)\$(SRC)/binutils-build && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm sources-dir; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # Remove the TCL sources after a successful Expect build. if [ "$i" = "033-expect" ] ; then echo -e "\t@if [ -e \$@ ] ; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm sources-dir; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # Include a touch of the target name so make can check # if it's already been made. echo -e "\t@touch \$@" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies. PREV=$i done for file in chapter06/* ; do # Keep the script file name i=`basename $file` # First append each name of the script files to a list (this will become # the names of the targets in the Makefile chapter6="$chapter6 $i" # Grab the name of the target name=`echo $i | sed -e 's@[0-9]\{3\}-@@'` # Set the dependency for the first target. if [ -z $PREV ] ; then PREV=055-stripping ; fi # Drop in the name of the target on a new line, and the previous target # as a dependency. echo -e "\n$i: $PREV" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Find the version of the command files, if it corresponds with the building of # a specific package vrs=`grep "^$name-version" $JHALFSDIR/packages | sed -e 's/.* //' -e 's/"//g'` # If $vrs isn't empty, we've got a package... if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then FILE="$name-$vrs.tar.bz2" # Insert instructions for unpacking the package and changing directories echo -e "\t@\$(call unpack,$FILE)" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t@ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\techo \"PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\techo \"export PKGDIR\" >> envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # For the Re-Adjusting phase we must to cd to the binutils-build directory. if [ "$i" = "067-readjusting" ] ; then echo -e "\techo \"PKGDIR=\$(SRC)/binutils-build\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\techo \"export PKGDIR\" >> envars" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Insert the script run # For the mount of kernel filesystems we need to set LFS. elif [ "$i" = "057-kernfs" ] ; then echo -e "\techo \"LFS=\$(LFS)\" > envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\techo \"export LFS\" >> envars && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Insert date and disk usage at the top of the log file. echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >logs/$i && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t. envars && commands/$file >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Insert date and disk usage at the bottom of the log file. echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* \$(LFS)\`\\\n\" >>logs/$i" >> $MKFILE.tmp else # Insert date and disk usage at the top of the log file. echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* /\`\\\n\" >logs/$i && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t. envars && commands/$file >>logs/$i 2>&1 && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Insert date and disk usage at the bottom of the log file. echo -e "\techo -e \"\\\n\`date\`\\\n\\\nKB: \`du -sk --exclude=0??-* /\`\\\n\" >>logs/$i" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # Remove the build directory(ies) even if the package build fails. if [ "$vrs" != "" ] ; then echo -e "\t@ROOT=\`head -n1 /tmp/unpacked | sed 's@/.*@@'\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\trm -r \$(SRC)/\$\$ROOT && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tif [ -e \$(SRC)/$name-build ]; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(SRC)/$name-build; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # Remove the Binutils pass 2 sources after a successful Re-Adjusting phase. if [ "$i" = "067-readjusting" ] ; then echo -e "\t@if [ -e \$@ ] ; then \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \`cat sources-dir\` && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm -r \$(SRC)/binutils-build && \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\t\trm sources-dir; \\" >> $MKFILE.tmp echo -e "\tfi;" >> $MKFILE.tmp fi # Include a touch of the target name so make can check # if it's already been made. echo -e "\t@touch \$@" >> $MKFILE.tmp # Keep the script file name for Makefile dependencies. PREV=$i done # Stick variables and some defines at the top of the real makefile echo "export SRC := /sources" > $MKFILE echo "export LFS := $BUILDDIR" >> $MKFILE echo -e "export LOGDIR := $LOGDIR\n" >> $MKFILE echo "include functions" >> $MKFILE # Drop in the main target 'all:' and the chapter targets with each sub-target # as a dependency. echo "all: chapter4 chapter5" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\t@echo -e \"\\\n\\\tYour new LFS system has been successfully built\"\n" >> $MKFILE echo -e "chapter4: 020-creatingtoolsdir 021-addinguser 022-settingenvironment\n" >> $MKFILE echo -e "chapter5: chapter4 $chapter5\n" >> $MKFILE >> $MKFILE echo -e "chapter6: chapter5 $chapter6\n" >> $MKFILE # Clean targets echo "clean-all: clean" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -rf ./*\n" >> $MKFILE echo -e "clean: clean-chapter5 clean-chapter4\n" >> $MKFILE echo "clean-chapter4:" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\t-userdel lfs" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -rf /home/lfs" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -rf \$(LFS)/tools" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -f /tools" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -f envars" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -f 02* logs/02*.log\n" >> $MKFILE echo "clean-chapter5:" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -rf \$(LFS)/tools/*" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -f envars" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\trm -f $chapter5" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\tcd logs && rm -f $chapter5 && cd ..\n" >> $MKFILE # The chapter4 sub-targets are hard-coded to create the lfs user, # to make the scripts executable, and to create a clean environment # for the lfs user. echo "020-creatingtoolsdir:" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\t@mkdir -v \$(LFS)/tools && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\tln -sv \$(LFS)/tools / && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\ttouch \$@\n" >> $MKFILE echo "021-addinguser: 020-creatingtoolsdir" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\t@groupadd lfs && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\tuseradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\tchown lfs \$(LFS)/tools && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\tchown lfs \$(LFS)/sources && \\" >> $MKFILE # Make the scripts executable echo -e "\tchmod -R +x $JHALFSDIR/commands && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\ttouch \$@\n" >> $MKFILE echo "022-settingenvironment: 021-addinguser" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\t@\$(call echo_message, Building)" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\t@echo \"exec env -i HOME=\\\$\$HOME TERM=\\\$\$TERM PS1='\u:\w\$$ ' /bin/bash\" > /home/lfs/.bash_profile && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\techo \"set +h\" > /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\techo \"umask 022\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\techo \"LFS=/mnt/lfs\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\techo \"LC_ALL=POSIX\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\techo \"PATH=/tools/bin:/bin:/usr/bin\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\techo \"export LFS LC_ALL PATH\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE # Source the file where we place changing variables. echo -e "\techo \". $JHALFSDIR/envars\" >> /home/lfs/.bashrc && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\tchown lfs:lfs /home/lfs/.bash* && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\ttouch envars && \\" >> $MKFILE echo -e "\ttouch \$@" >> $MKFILE # Bring over the items from the Makefile.tmp cat $MKFILE.tmp >> $MKFILE rm $MKFILE.tmp echo -ne "done\n" } run_make() { # Test if make must be run. if [ "$RUNMAKE" = "1" ] ; then # Build the system if [ -e $MKFILE ] ; then echo -ne "Building the LFS system...\n" cd $JHALFSDIR && make echo -ne "done\n" fi fi } if [ ! -d $JHALFSDIR ] ; then mkdir -p $JHALFSDIR fi if [ ! -d $BUILDDIR$LOGDIR ] ; then mkdir $BUILDDIR$LOGDIR fi >$BUILDDIR$LOGDIR/$LOG if [ "$PWD" != "$JHALFSDIR" ] ; then cp $0 $XSL $FNC $JHALFSDIR/ fi get_book build_Makefile run_make