#!/bin/bash # $Id$ set -e # Be sure that we know the taget name [[ -z $1 ]] && exit TARGET=$1 # Remember the target build we are looking for declare -r CSI=$'\e[' # DEC terminology, Control Sequence Introducer declare -r CURSOR_OFF=${CSI}$'?25l' declare -r CURSOR_ON=${CSI}$'?25h' declare -r ERASE_LINE=${CSI}$'2K' declare -r FRAME_OPEN=${CSI}$'2G[' declare -r FRAME_CLOSE=${CSI}$'63G]' declare -r TS_POSITION=${CSI}$'65G' declare -a RESET_LINE=${CURSOR_OFF}${ERASE_LINE}${FRAME_OPEN}${FRAME_CLOSE} declare -a GRAPHIC_STR="| / - \\ + " declare -i MIN=0 # Start value for minutes declare -i SEC=0 # Seconds accumulator declare -i POS=0 # Start value for seconds/cursor position write_or_exit() { # make has been killed or failed or run to completion, leave if ! fuser -v . 2>&1 | grep make >/dev/null ; then echo -n "${CURSOR_ON}" && exit fi # Target build complete, leave. If we are here, make is alive and a new # package target may has been started. Close this instance of the script. # The cursor will be restored by echo-finished in makefile-functions. [[ -f ${TARGET} ]] && exit # It is safe to write to the screen echo -n "$1" } # This will loop forever.. or overflow, which ever comes first :) for ((MIN=0; MIN >= 0; MIN++)); do write_or_exit "${RESET_LINE}${TS_POSITION}${MIN} min. 0 sec. " # Count the seconds for ((SEC=1, POS=3; SEC <= 60; SEC++, POS++)); do for GRAPHIC_CHAR in ${GRAPHIC_STR} ; do write_or_exit "${CSI}${POS}G${GRAPHIC_CHAR}" sleep .2 done # Display the accumlated time. write_or_exit "${TS_POSITION}${MIN} min. ${SEC} sec. " done done exit