# $Id$ BOLD = "[0;1m" RED = "[1;31m" GREEN = "[0;32m" ORANGE = "[0;33m" BLUE = "[1;34m" WHITE = "[00m" YELLOW = "[1;33m" OFF = "[0m" REVERSE = "[7m" tab_ = " " nl_ = "" #==== BUILD MESSAGES === define echo_PHASE @echo $(BOLD)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(tab_)$(tab_)Executing $(BLUE)$(1)$(WHITE) scripts @echo $(BOLD)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(WHITE) endef define sh_echo_PHASE echo $(BOLD)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------;\ echo $(tab_)$(tab_)Executing $(BLUE)$(1)$(WHITE) scripts; \ echo $(BOLD)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------echo $(WHITE) endef define echo_SU_request @echo $(BOLD)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(BLUE)$@ @echo $(WHITE)ROOT privilege is required to perform a number commands @echo sudo will request a password to all high privilege cmds to execute correctly endef define echo_SULUSER_request @echo $(BOLD)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(BOLD)$(BLUE)$@ @echo $(WHITE)You are going to log into the user account $(BOLD)$(YELLOW)$(LUSER)$(OFF) @echo sudo requires a password endef define echo_CHROOT_request @echo $(BOLD)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(BOLD)$(BLUE)$@ @echo $(WHITE)You are going to CHROOT into $(MOUNT_PT) $(BOLD)$(YELLOW)$(LUSER)$(OFF) @echo a password is required endef define echo_message @echo $(BOLD)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(BOLD)$(1) target $(BLUE)$@$(BOLD)$(WHITE) endef define housekeeping @touch $@ && \ sleep .25 && \ echo -e "\n" $(BOLD)Target $(BLUE)$@ $(WHITE)$(BOLD)OK && \ echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------$(WHITE) && \ if [ "$(BREAKPOINT)" = "$@" ] ; then \ echo $(tab_)$(RED)The build has been stopped at $(BLUE)$@ $(RED)as requested$(WHITE) ; \ false ; \ fi endef #======================= #=== INSTALL_LOG FUNCTIONS === define touch_timestamp @touch $(SRC)/timestamp-marker && sleep 1 endef define touch_timestamp_LUSER @touch $(SRCSDIR)/timestamp-marker && sleep 1 endef define log_new_files @find / -xdev ! -path "/$(SCRIPT_ROOT)/*" ! -path "/tmp/*" ! -path "$(SRC)/*" \ -newer $(SRC)/timestamp-marker -not -type d \ -printf "%p\t%s\t%u:%g\t%m\t%l\n" | sort > $(FILELOGDIR)/$(1) endef define log_new_files_LUSER @find $(MOUNT_PT) -xdev ! -path "$(MOUNT_PT)/$(SCRIPT_ROOT)/*" ! -path "$(MOUNT_PT)/tmp/*" ! -path "$(SRCSDIR)/*" \ -newer $(SRCSDIR)/timestamp-marker -not -type d \ -printf "%p\t%s\t%u:%g\t%m\t%l\n" | sort > $(MOUNT_PT)$(FILELOGDIR)/$(1) endef #======================= #==== FINAL MESSAGES === define echo_report echo ; \ echo $(BOLD) The report file $(BLUE)$(1)$(BOLD) has been created ; \ echo ; \ echo $(WHITE)If this is a development book build, please send the ; \ echo $(BOLD)$(MOUNT_PT)/$(SCRIPT_ROOT)/$(1)$(WHITE) file to ; \ echo $(BOLD)manuel@linuxfromscratch.org$(WHITE) ; \ echo ; \ echo That will help us to keep more accurate SBU and ; \ echo disk usage values into the book. Thanks. ; \ echo $(BOLD)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------$(WHITE) endef define echo_finished @echo $(BOLD) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(BOLD) Finished the build of $(BLUE)$(1)$(BOLD) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(tab_)$(tab_)$(RED)W A R N I N G$(BOLD) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo @echo To be able to boot your new system you need to follow @echo the next steps:$(WHITE) @echo @echo $(tab_)- Enter to the chroot using the command found @echo $(tab_)in the section -Entering the Chroot Environment- @echo $(tab_)except if building CLFS with METHOD=boot. @echo @echo $(tab_)- Set a password for the root user. @echo @echo $(tab_)- Edit or create /etc/fstab, /etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/clock, @echo $(tab_)/etc/sysconfig/console, /etc/sysconfig/network, @echo $(tab_)/etc/sysconfig//network-devices/ifconfig.eth0/ipv4 and @echo $(tab_)any other configuration file required to suit your needs. @echo @echo $(tab_)- Exit from the chroot. @echo @echo $(tab_)- Set-up the boot loader, except if building CLFS with METHOD=boot. @echo $(tab_)You can set-up the host bootloader or the new boot-loader @echo $(tab_)installed on the new system. @echo $(tab_)If the last, you must to mount the virtual filesystems, re-enter @echo $(tab_)the chroot and be sure that /dev is populated with the @echo $(tab_)required devices before configure the boot-loader. When ready, @echo $(tab_)exit from the chroot and umount the filesystems @echo @echo If you are an experienced LFS user, several of those steps can be @echo skipped or done in a different way. But then, that is something @echo that you already know and there is no need to discuss it here. @echo $(BOLD) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(tab_)$(tab_)$(GREEN)Have a nice day $(ORANGE):-\)$(BOLD) @echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------$(WHITE) endef define echo_boot_finished @echo $(BOLD) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(BOLD) Finished building a minimal boot system for $(BLUE)$(1)$(BOLD) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(tab_)$(tab_)$(RED)W A R N I N G$(BOLD) @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo @echo The build is not complete. Follow the next steps:$(WHITE) @echo @echo $(tab_)- Edit or create $(MOUNT_PT)/etc/fstab @echo $(tab_) and any other configuration file required to suit your needs. @echo $(BOLD) @echo $(BOLD)$(YELLOW) @echo 1.If it is necessary, transfer the newly created partition to the target machine @echo 2.Boot the new partition. @echo 3.Once you are logged in issue the following commands @echo $(tab_) $(BOLD)cd /$(SCRIPT_ROOT) @echo $(tab_) $(BOLD)make makesys @echo The build process should resume. Follow any instructions that appear. @echo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @echo $(tab_)$(tab_)$(GREEN)Have a nice day $(ORANGE):-\)$(BOLD) @echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------$(WHITE) endef