# $Id$

# Acknowledgment:
#  The following code is a modified version of an original work written by
#  Greg Schafer for the "DIY Linux" project and is included here with his
#  permission.
#  ref: http://www.diy-linux.org

set -e

: <<inline_doc
    desc:       prepare current iteration files for ICA report
    usage:      do_ica_prep $DEST_ICA/$ITERATION
    input vars: $1 directory where files from current iteration are stored
    externals:  --
    modifies:   --
    returns:    --
    on error:
    on success:


# Run ica_prep if it hasn't been done already
if [ ! -f "$CMP_DIR/icaprep" ]; then

  echo -en "\nRemoving symbolic links in ${CMP_DIR}... "
  find $CMP_DIR -type l | xargs rm -f
  echo "done."

  echo -n "Gunzipping \".gz\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
  find $CMP_DIR -name '*.gz' | xargs gunzip
  echo "done."

  #echo -n "Bunzipping \".bz2\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
  #find $CMP_DIR -name '*.bz2' | xargs bunzip2
  #echo "done."

  # ar archives contain date & time stamp info that causes us
  # grief when trying to find differences. Here we perform some
  # hackery to allow easy diffing. Essentially, replace each
  # archive with a dir of the same name and extract the object
  # files from the archive into this dir. Despite their names,
  # libm.a & libmcheck.a are not actual ar archives.
  echo -n "Extracting object files from \".a\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
  L=$(find $CMP_DIR -name '*.a' ! -name 'libm.a' ! -name 'libmcheck.a')
  for F in $L; do
    mv $F ${F}.XX
    mkdir $F
    cd $F
    ar x ../${BN}.XX || {
    echo -e "\nError: ar archive extraction failed!\n" >&2
    exit 1
    rm -f ../${BN}.XX
  echo "done."

  echo -n "Stripping (debug) symbols from \".o\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
  find $CMP_DIR -name '*.o' | xargs strip -p -g 2>/dev/null
  echo "done."

  echo -n "Stripping (all) symbols from files OTHER THAN \".o\" files in ${CMP_DIR}... "
  find $CMP_DIR ! -name '*.o' | xargs strip -p 2>/dev/null || :
  echo "done."

  # We're all done
  echo -en "\nSuccess: ICA preparation for "
  echo -e "${CMP_DIR} complete."
  touch $CMP_DIR/icaprep
  echo -e "\n$CMP_DIR was already processed\n"