BRW= "[0;1m" RED= "[0;31m" GREEN= "[0;32m" ORANGE= "[0;33m" BLUE= "[1;34m" WHITE= "[00m" define echo_message @echo $(BRW) @echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @echo $(BRW)$(1) target $(BLUE)$@$(BRW) @echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$(WHITE) endef define unpack @if [ -f $(LFS)$(SRC)/$(1).bz2 ] ; then \ cd $(LFS)$(SRC) ; tar -xvjf $(1).bz2 > /tmp/unpacked ; \ else \ cd $(LFS)$(SRC) ; tar -xvzf $(1).gz > /tmp/unpacked ; \ fi ; endef define unpack2 @cd $(LFS)$(SRC) ; /tools/bin/tar -xvf $(1) > /tmp/unpacked endef define echo_finished @echo $(BRW) @echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @echo $(BRW) Finished the build of $(BLUE)LFS-$(1)$(BRW) @echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @echo -e \\t\\t$(RED)W A R N I N G$(BRW) @echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @echo @echo To be able to boot your new LFS system you need to follow @echo the next steps:$(WHITE) @echo @echo -e \\t- Enter to the chroot using the command found @echo -e \\tin chapter06/revisedchroot.html @echo @echo -e \\t- Set a password for the root user @echo @echo -e \\t- Edit /etc/fstab, /etc/hosts, /etc/sysconfig/clock, @echo -e \\t/etc/sysconfig/console, /etc/sysconfig/network, @echo -e \\t/etc/sysconfig/ifconfig.eth0/ipv4 and any other configuration @echo -e \\tfile required to suit your needs. @echo @echo -e \\t- Set-up Grub. See chapter08/grub.html @echo @echo -e \\t- Unmount the filesystems. See chapter09/reboot.html @echo @echo If you are an experienced LFS user, several of those steps can be @echo skipped or done in a different way. But then, that is something @echo that you already know and there is no need to discuss it here. @echo $(BRW) @echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @echo -e \\t\\t$(GREEN)Have a nice day $(ORANGE):-\)$(BRW) @echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~$(WHITE) endef