* New translations sd-preparation.md (Italian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Hungarian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Italian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Italian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Hebrew) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Hebrew) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Hungarian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Hungarian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Korean) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Korean) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Korean) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Dutch) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Japanese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Japanese) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Japanese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Hebrew) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Danish) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Danish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (German) * New translations sd-preparation.md (German) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Danish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Czech) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Czech) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Czech) * New translations vwii-modding.md (German) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Finnish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Finnish) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Finnish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Greek) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Greek) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Greek) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Dutch) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Ukrainian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Ukrainian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Ukrainian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Turkish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Turkish) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Turkish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Vietnamese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Vietnamese) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Vietnamese) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Traditional) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Traditional) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Chinese Traditional) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Dutch) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Polish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Polish) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Polish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Norwegian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Norwegian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Norwegian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Swedish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Swedish) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Swedish) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Russian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Portuguese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Portuguese) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Portuguese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Russian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Russian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Hungarian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Hungarian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Italian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Italian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Finnish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Finnish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Hebrew) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Hebrew) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Japanese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Greek) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Dutch) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Norwegian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Norwegian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Polish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Korean) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Japanese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Korean) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Dutch) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Spanish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Spanish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Arabic) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Arabic) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Catalan) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Romanian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Romanian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (French) * New translations sd-preparation.md (French) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Danish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (German) * New translations sd-preparation.md (German) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Greek) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Catalan) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Czech) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Czech) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Danish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Polish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (French) * New translations sd-preparation.md (French) * New translations vwii-modding.md (French) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Romanian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Romanian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Romanian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Spanish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Catalan) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Catalan) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Catalan) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Arabic) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Spanish) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Spanish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Arabic) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Arabic) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Swedish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Swedish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Turkish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Turkish) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Portuguese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Portuguese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Russian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Russian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Traditional) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Vietnamese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Vietnamese) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Ukrainian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Ukrainian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Traditional) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Thai) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Thai) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Croatian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Thai) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Indonesian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Indonesian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Indonesian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Estonian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Croatian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Croatian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Malay) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Estonian) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Malay) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Malay) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Malay) * New translations vwii-modding.md (Estonian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Thai) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Thai) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Indonesian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Indonesian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Malay) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Estonian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Estonian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Croatian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Croatian)
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vWii Modifiserings Guide
Denne siden vil hjelpe deg med å modifisere vWii.
Vi starter med å plassere Homebrew filene du trenger på SD-kortet ditt.
?> Merk SD-kortet ditt må formateres til FAT32. If your SD Card is not formatted to FAT32, use GUIFormat with 32k (32768) Allocation unit size to format it. Do not label the SD Card as wiiu
or it will cause issues with homebrew.
Dette Trenger Du {docsify-ignore}
- Siste utgave av Wuphax.
- Siste utgave av Wii U NAND Dumper.
- Siste utgave av HackMii Installer.
- Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
- d2x cIOS Installer.
- Homebrew Launcher.
- Siste utgave av Homebrew Launcher Installer.
Instruksjoner {docsify-ignore}
- Sett SD-kortet ditt i PC'en din.
- Pakk ut
til roten av SD-kortet. - Pakk ut
til roten av SD-kortet.installer_ v1.2 .zip - Pakk ut
mappen fraPatched_
til roten av SD kortet.IOS80_ Installer_ for_ vWii .zip - Pakk ut
til roten av SD-kortet.cIOS_ Installer .zip - Pakk ut
til roten av SD-kortet. - Pakk ut
til roten av SD-kortet.launcher. v1.4.zip - Pakk ut
mappen på SD-kortet. - Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
NAND Backup
Hvis noe går galt senere i prosessen og vWii "bricker", vil gjenoppretting av en NAND backup muligens fikse den.
- Start Homebrew Launcher.
- Kjør
Wii U NAND Dumper
. - Bruk D-padden for å sette opp følgende konfigurasjon:
- Dump SLC: optional
- Dump SLCCMPT: yes
- Dump MLC: optional
- Dump OTP: yes
- Dump SEEPROM: optional
- Trykk på A knappen for å starte dumpingprosessen.
- Når prosessen er fullført, skru av Wii U konsollen, ta ut SD-kortet og sett den inn i PC-en din.
- For å være sikker på at du ikke mister filene, kopier
og hvis du velger å ta en full backup,seeprom.bin
, ogalle mlc.bin.part
filene til pc'en din. - Slett filene fra SD-kortet for å frigjøre plass.
- Ta SD-kortet ut av PC'en og sett den inn i Wii U konsollen.
- Start Homebrew Launcher.
- Kjør Wuphax.
- Trykk
for å lage en backup av "Mii Channel" så installer du Hackmii og venter til det stårSuccessfully
.injected wuphax!
- Du vil bli sendt tilbake til Wii U menyen etter noen sekunder.
- Start vWii (Wii meny ikonet).
- Start vWii Mii Channel.
- Hvis Wuphax ble installert riktig, vil du nå se en advarselskjerm om scamming.
- Vent til du ser
Press 1 to continue
og trykk1
knappen. - Trykk på
ogThe Homebrew Channel Yes, continue
. - Når Homebrew Channel har blitt installert, velger du
og såexit
. - Start Wii U Menu kanalen for å gå tilbake til Wii U menyen.
- Start Homebrew Launcher.
- Kjør Wuphax.
- Trykk
for å gjenopprette "Mii Channel" og vent til det stårMii
.Channel restored!
- Du vil bli sendt tilbake til Wii U menyen etter noen sekunder.
- Hvis du av en eller annen grunn ikke kan gjenopprette sikkerhetskopien, må du reinstallere Mii Channel.
Installerer cIOS'er
!> sørg for at du ikke har noen .wad
filer noe annet sted enn i apps
mappen på SD-kortet ditt.
?> **Tips: ** Du kan holde inne B
knappen på GamePadden når du slår på Wii U konsollen for å starte opp direkte til vWii.
- Slå på Wii U konsollen og start vWii.
- Start Homebrew Channel.
- Kjør d2x cIOS Installer.
- Velg følgende instillinger:
- Velg cIOS
v10 d2x-v10-beta52-vWii
- Velg cIOS base
- Velg cIOS slot
- Trykk på
-knappen for å installere dem. - Velg følgende instillinger:
- Velg cIOS
v10 d2x-v10-beta52-vWii
- Velg cIOS base
- Velg cIOS slot
- Trykk på
-knappen for å installere dem. - Velg følgende instillinger:
- Velg cIOS
v10 d2x-v10-beta52-vWii
- Velg cIOS base
- Velg cIOS slot
- Trykk på
-knappen for å installere dem. - Trykk på
-knappen for å avslutte.
Patche IOS 80
!> Hvis Wii U konsollen din slår seg av mens du patcher IOS 80, vil vWii bli "bricket". Dette kan du fikse ved å enten pakke ut IOS 80 fila fra NAND backupen din og erstatte den over FTP, eller ved å reinstalle IOS 80 på nytt.
- Kjør Patched IOS 80 Installer for vWii.
- Les advarselen og vent 30 sekunder.
- Trykk en knapp for å installere.
- Vent til det står
.Installaton is complete! - Trykk en knapp for å avslutte.
!> Det er stor sjangse for å bricke vWii hvis man installerer en custom System Menu og du bør alltid ha en backup av systemet før du prøver å installerer en, men hvis du installerer det riktig så vil det ikke være noen risiko.
!> Installering av IOS (inkludert TED IOS'er) eller wads formattert for den originale Wii'en vil "bricke vWii'en din.
!> Installere Priiloader vil bricke vWii.