* New translations recover-vwii-ioses-channels.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations recover-vwii-ioses-channels.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations ds-vc-choice.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations recover-vwii-ioses-channels.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations cfw-choice.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations uninstall-indexiine.md (French) * New translations uninstall-indexiine.md (French) * New translations cfw-choice.md (French) * New translations cfw-choice.md (French) * New translations common-issues-fixes.md (French) * New translations common-issues-fixes.md (French) * New translations common-issues-fixes.md (French) * New translations common-issues-fixes.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations cfw-choice.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations browser-exploit.md (French) * New translations ds-vc-choice.md (French) * New translations launching-cfw.md (French) * New translations nand-backup.md (French) * New translations ds-vc-choice.md (French) * New translations nand-backup.md (French) * New translations nand-backup.md (French) * New translations nand-backup.md (French) * New translations recover-vwii-ioses-channels.md (French) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations recover-vwii-ioses-channels.md (French) * New translations privacy-policy.md (French) * New translations fix-errcode-112-1037.md (French) * New translations dump-games.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations donations.md (Croatian) * New translations privacy-policy.md (French) * New translations dump-games.md (Croatian) * New translations uninstall-cbhc.md (Croatian) * New translations fix-errcode-112-1037.md (Croatian) * New translations launching-cfw.md (Croatian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations launching-cfw.md (Croatian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations launching-cfw.md (Croatian) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations about.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations block-updates.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations unblock-updates.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations about.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations block-updates.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations dump-games.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations donations.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations browser-exploit.md (Croatian) * New translations block-updates.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations dump-games.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations fix-errcode-112-1037.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations launching-cfw.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations launching-cfw.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations launching-cfw.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations sd-preparation.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations introduction.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations sidebar.md (Croatian) * New translations dump-games.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-hblc.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-hblc.md (Chinese Simplified) * New translations introduction.md (Croatian) * New translations introduction.md (Croatian)
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# Wii U Hacks Upustva
Vodič za suradnju između osoblja Nintendo Homebrew-a i pomoćnika, od originalnog sistema do CBHC prilagođenog softvera.
>**Discord Pomoć** Za live pomoć sa ovim vodičom molim vas da nas posjetite u **#wiiu-assistance** u [Nintendo Homebrew Discord](https://discord.gg/C29hYvh) i pitajte nas, na engleskom, za bilo kakvu pomoć. Molim vas pročitajte prvo FAQ da vidite da li vaše pitanje već nije odgovoreno.
> Ako cijenite naš vodič, mi također primamo [donacije](donations).
> Kompletne vodiče za homebrew i prilagođeni firmvere za ostale uređaje potražite u [hacks.guide](https://hacks.guide).
### Homebrew
> Homebrew aplikacije su prilagođeni, korisnički prilagođeni softver, koji Nintendo nije odobrio. U ovo spada spremivi alati igara, igrice, emulatori i mnogo drugih.
> Homebrew se može pokrenuti na vašem Wii U sve dok imate način stavljanja datoteka na SD karticu i ažuriranja Wii U-a na najnoviju verziju za vašu regiju.
### Prilagođeni firmver
> Prilagođeni firmver ("CFW") omogućava vam da koristite naprednije hakove koji homebrew ne može. Na primjer, instaliranje modifikacija igre s lakoćom. CFW se može postaviti na bilo kojoj konzoli na najnovijoj verziji sistema.
### Homebrew & CFW Koristi
> Između ostalog, to vam omogućuje sljedeće:
> - Upotreba "ROM hacks" za igre koje posjedujete.
> - Izrada sigurnosnih kopija, uređivanje i vraćanje kopija za mnoge igre.
> - Igrajte igre za starije sustave s različitim emulatorima, koristeći RetroArch ili druge samostalne emulatore.
> - Igrajte igre izvan svog regiona.
> - Kopirajte svoje Wii U igre u format koji se može instalirati na vaš unutarnji ili vanjski pokon za pohranu Wii U-a.
### Krajnji cilj
> Ovaj vodič ima kranji cilj uzimanje potpuno nepromijenjenog Wii U-a u prilagođenom firmveru.
### Prije početka
> Prije početka vodiča, morate znati da imate rizike hakiranja Wii U-a: **SVAKI PUT** kada mijenjate svoj sustav, uvijek postoji vjerovatnoća za potencijalno **UNIŠTAVANJE** sistema. Rijetki su, ali još uvijek ima mogućnost tako da dobro pratite **SVE** instrukcije **PRAVILNO!**
> Ovaj vodič će raditi na svim Wii U konzola iz svih regija na firmvaru 5.5.4 ili niže.
> You will need the following in order to successfully follow this guide:
> - An SD Card.
> - A device such as a computer to place files onto the SD Card.
> - A Wii U with internet access.
> Your SD Card should preferably be 32 gigabytes large, as a full NAND backup for the console will take up around 8 or 30 gigabytes depending on your model.
If everything goes according to plan, you will lose no data and end up with everything that you started with (games, NNID, saves, etc will be preserved).
Keep your device plugged in throughout the entire process to avoid data loss or damage from an unexpected power-off.
With the exception of CBHC, Custom Firmware is not permanent with current methods and will be unloaded upon rebooting the system.
It is advised that you read the entire guide from start to finish one or more times before actually running through the guide with your system.
### [Continue to Choose a CFW](cfw-choice) {docsify-ignore}