2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
title: "Desinstalar o CFW"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
New Crowdin updates (#1774)
* New translations get-started.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Malay)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Malay)
* New translations get-started.txt (Malay)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Malay)
* New translations get-started.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Malay)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Estonian)
* New translations get-started.txt (Estonian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Croatian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Croatian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Estonian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Estonian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Estonian)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(mset).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations get-started.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations en_US.yml (Ukrainian)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations get-started.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations get-started.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations get-started.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations get-started.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations en_US.yml (Vietnamese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations en_US.yml (Pirate English)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Arabic)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Arabic)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Czech)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Czech)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Catalan)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Catalan)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Romanian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Romanian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Spanish)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Spanish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (French)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Italian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Italian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Korean)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Korean)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Japanese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Japanese)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (German)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (German)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Danish)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Danish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Finnish)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Finnish)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Greek)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Greek)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Russian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Russian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Polish)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Dutch)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Dutch)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Polish)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Croatian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Croatian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Thai)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Thai)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Malay)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Malay)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Estonian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Estonian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Italian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Italian)
* New translations get-started.txt (Italian)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Italian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Italian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Italian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Catalan)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Arabic)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Danish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Czech)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Romanian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Spanish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Japanese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Italian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Dutch)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Korean)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Greek)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Finnish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (German)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Russian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Polish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Estonian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Croatian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Malay)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Thai)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Italian)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations get-started.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations legacy-methods.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations get-started.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Spanish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Spanish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Arabic)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Arabic)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Romanian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Romanian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Finnish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Greek)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Czech)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Catalan)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Catalan)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (German)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Danish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Danish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Polish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Italian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Korean)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Japanese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Russian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Estonian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Estonian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Croatian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Croatian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Malay)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Thai)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(browserhax-2020).txt (French)
2020-09-09 04:29:11 -07:00
### Required Reading
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
Isso irá remover completamente o CFW do seu dispositivo, incluindo o Boot9Strap e Luma3DS, com o propósito de restaurar o dispositivo ao padrão.
2018-08-26 16:48:57 -04:00
This is almost never the solution to fix any issues you encounter with your CFW installation. A better idea would be to read the [troubleshooting](troubleshooting) page or ask (in English) for help at [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp).
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
{: .notice--danger}
2019-03-19 12:42:54 -04:00
Any unsigned (illegitimate) games will be rendered unusable and should be manually removed before starting this process by using the Data Management section of the System Settings. Use a [save manager](https://github.com/FlagBrew/Checkpoint/releases/latest) to backup any saves for these unsigned (illegitimate) games you care about.
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
Isso não afetará seu NNID, qualquer jogo legítimo comprado, ou qualquer save dos jogos comprados.
2018-08-21 15:30:11 -04:00
If you have modified critical system software (such as editing the home menu, unbanning your console, etc), uninstalling CFW may BRICK your device!
{: .notice--danger}
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
Note que se você tem outros arquivos de payload diferentes do `GodMode9.firm` na pasta `/luma/payloads/` do seu cartão SD, segure (Start) durante a inicialização para exibir um "menu de chainloader" onde você terá que utilizar os botões direcionais e o botão (A) para selecionar "GodMode9" para estas instruções.
### What You Need
2020-10-11 17:28:50 -07:00
* The v1.9.2pre1 release of [GodMode9](https://github.com/d0k3/GodMode9/releases/tag/v1.9.2pre1)
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
### Instructions
2019-03-19 12:42:54 -04:00
#### Section I - Safety Test
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
1. Desligue seu dispositivo
1. Insira o cartão SD no seu computador
2019-10-07 21:45:13 -04:00
1. Copie `GodMode9.firm` do `.zip` do GodMode9 para a pasta `/luma/payloads/` no seu cartão SD
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
1. Copie a pasta `gm9` do `.zip` do GodMode9 para a raiz do seu cartão SD
1. Reinsira seu cartão SD no seu dispositivo
1. Inicie o GodMode9 segurando (Start) durante a inicialização
1. Se você for solicitado para criar um backup de arquivos essenciais, aperte (A) pra fazê-lo, e depois aperte (A) para continuar quando ele for concluído
1. If you are prompted to fix the RTC date&time, press (A) to do so, then set the date and time, then press (A) to continue
+ Note that, if you had to fix the RTC date and time, you will have to fix the time in the System Settings as well after this guide
2019-03-19 12:42:54 -04:00
1. Navigate to `[1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND > title > 00040138 > (X)0000002 > content`
+ On a "New" edition console, the (X) will instead be 2
+ On an "Old" edition console, the (X) will instead be 0
1. Select the `.app` file
2020-09-10 02:02:44 -07:00
1. Select `NCCH image options`
2019-03-19 12:42:54 -04:00
1. Select `Mount image to drive`
1. In the window that appears, open the `exefs` folder
1. In this folder, select the `.firm` file
2020-09-10 02:02:44 -07:00
1. Select "FIRM image options"
1. Select "Boot FIRM"
2019-03-19 12:42:54 -04:00
1. When prompted, choose to decrypt and make a copy
1. You should boot into the regular 3DS Home Menu. If you do, power your device off and continue to the next section
+ If you do NOT boot into the regular 3DS Home Menu, continuing with these instructions **WILL** brick your device. You should join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp) and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
#### Section II - Prep Work
1. Ligue o seu dispositivo
1. Navigate to System Settings > Data Management > Nintendo 3DS > Software
1. In this list of software, delete any non-Nintendo content you installed while using CFW
+ This includes common system software such as FBI, Anemone3DS, Luma Updater, Homebrew Launcher, Checkpoint, and others, along with any non-eShop games
2019-04-28 18:49:08 -04:00
1. Navigate to Data Management > DSiWare
1. In this list of software, delete any non-Nintendo content you installed while using CFW
+ This includes software such as TWiLightMenu++, along with any non-eShop games
+ Failure to remove all CFW software from both the 3DS and DSiWare sections before uninstalling CFW may prevent or disable access to the Data Management menu after uninstalling CFW
2019-03-19 12:42:54 -04:00
1. Desligue seu dispositivo
#### Section III - Running Uninstall Script
1. Inicie o GodMode9 segurando (Start) durante a inicialização
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
1. Aperte (Home) para abrir o menu de ações
1. Selecione "Scripts..."
2018-08-02 00:59:14 -04:00
1. Select "GM9Megascript"
1. Select "Hax Options"
1. Select "Un-install Hax"
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
1. Quando solicitado, aperte (A) para prosseguir
1. Aperte (A) para destravar "SysNAND (lvl3) writing", então aperte a sequência de botões solicitada
1. Aperte (A) para continuar
2018-08-02 00:59:14 -04:00
1. Aperte (B) para retornar para o menu principal
1. Select "Exit"
1. Se solicitado, aperte (A) para bloquear as permissões de escrita
2018-06-14 21:10:54 -04:00
1. Aperte (Start) para reiniciar seu dispositivo
Todos os custom firmwares foram removidos do seu dispositivo.
{: .notice--success}
Agora você pode remover quaisquer arquivos e pastas extras da raiz do seu cartão SD que *não* sejam as pastas `Nintendo 3DS` ou `DCIM`.
{: .notice--info}