<p>In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.</p>
<p>We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3.</p>
<p>To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.</p>
<p>Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.</p>
<p>For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: <a href="https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3">BannerBomb3</a>, <a href="https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/">unSAFE_MODE</a>.</p>
In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwitten while the exploit is active.
In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit a second time so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section II.