Ensure your device's Wireless Communication is turned on as udsploit (used in the next page) will need the wireless module to be active to function, and some devices (New 3DS, New 2DS, and Old 2DS) cannot adjust the Wireless Communication setting from the Homebrew Launcher. Wireless Communication only has to be on; connecting it to an access point is not required.
1. If you've never opened Nintendo 3DS Sound before and get tips on how to use it from a bird icon, go through all of the bird tips, then close the app normally and relaunch it
+ In this situation, launching Soundhax immediately would cause these tips to appear on every launch of the Nintendo 3DS Sound until this is done
1. Ga naar `/SDCARD`, en speel dan "<3 nedwill 2016" af
+ Dit kan meerdere pogingen nodig hebben
+ Als het vastloopt, zet het apparaat dan gewoon uit door de power knop ingedrukt te houden, probeer het daarna opnieuw