Bricks can occur for a variety of reasons, however usually it results through corrupted software, or from improper modifications made through homebrew.
# Brick Prevention
Preventing a brick involves many rules that range between common sense and fail-safe backups. Here are the general recommendations of what not to do:
+ **Do NOT follow old Wii modding tutorials, use old homebrew, or use video guides on the Internet unless it is EXPLICITLY RECOMMENDED by the homebrew developer.**
+ **Do NOT, under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, USE THE HOMEBREW APP `Pimp My Wii`. It is DANGEROUS and does things that have the ability to BRICK YOUR WII!**
+ **Do NOT use a Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service unless it is known to be RCE patched (such as [Wiimmfi](wiimmfi)). Doing otherwise could allow a malicious actor to BRICK your Wii!**
+ Installing updates from another region could have no effect at best, but result in a [Korean Kii/Error 003](bricks#korean-kiierror-003-brick) brick at worst. To prevent this from happening if you bought a pre-owned Wii, run [SysCheck](syscheck) to verify the original region of your console. If it is Korean, be EXTREMELY careful with applying system updates to your console, and consider seeking support for further assistance.
+ There have been incidents of malicious software being developed for the Wii in the past, while other apps are just badly developed. Make sure that you know what you are installing, and only install what you need.
+ Corrupted or unstable forwarders for homebrew could cause a [banner brick](#banner-brick), so try to stick with loading homebrew from the Homebrew Channel unless you really want a forwarder.
+ **Ensure that you know what you are doing when running homebrew apps - especially those with the ability to modify system files.**
+ **Be ESPECIALLY careful when using applications such as:**
+ Have Priiloader installed regardless of BootMii installation method.
+ Backup your NAND with BootMii and always have a valid spare copy on hand, but especially before attempting anything risky. Note that in some brick scenarios, BootMii is not accessible, so plan ahead.
+ Nothing happens, black screen. Wii cannot be turned on with a Wiimote, Recovery Mode cannot be started, and BootMii as boot2 is not accessible. See [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).
+ Nothing happens, black screen, BUT Wii can be turned on with a Wiimote/Recovery Mode can be accessed. See [Wi-Fi brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick).
+ Nothing happens, black screen, BUT BootMii as boot2 is accessible. See [IOS brick](bricks#ios-brick).
+ Error 003. See [Korean Kii/Error 003 brick](bricks#error-003-brick).
+ Wii starts, BUT you INSTANTLY see an error that resembles the Opera web browser. See [Wii Menu/Opera brick](bricks#wii-menuopera-brick).
+ Wii starts, you see the health/warning screen, but upon pressing A to start, the screen goes black and/or freezes and does not continue. Maintenance mode is accessible. See [mail brick](bricks#mail-brick).
+ If this randomly started happening, and you can access Maintenance Mode by holding +/- on the health/warning screen, see [mail brick](bricks#mail-brick).
+ If after acccessing a specific channel, you get `The system files are corrupted.`, see [banner brick](bricks#banner-brick)
+ If after accessing the Wii settings, you see an error that resembles the Opera web browser, see [semibrick](bricks#semibrick).
+ Wii starts, and progresses to the Wii Menu. No app is malfunctioning, Wii settings is error free, everything is seemingly fine. Unless you have some other kind of error or brick that does not fall under this umbrella (which if you do, you should come to support about), you're good!
# Brick Types
Here, the different Wii bricks will be discussed in order of severity, with symptoms, causes, and solutions.
When navigating to Wii Settings, you instead get an error from the Opera web browser along the lines of `You tried to access the address (URL), which is currently unavailable.` In some cases, some parts of the Wii Settings menu may still be accessible, but other parts may not (such as the Country menu).
#### Cause
A semibrick occurs when a different region Wii Menu or a different region custom theme is installed. As the Wii Settings menu is rendered using HTML pages with Opera, themes often replace these pages and put them in different directories; essentially leading to a `404 Not Found` error but in the form of a console brick.
If this was caused by a Wii Menu WAD you installed, use [NUS Downloader]( to re-obtain your original Wii Menu.
Be cautious when downloading the Wii Menu WAD. Make sure to pick the same version with the corrected region.
{: .notice--danger}
If you are actually in the process of a region change, use [ARC-ME]( to automatically fix all your region settings to match your Wii Menu.
Attempt to start the Wii - warning/press A screen shows up, and when A is pressed, the screen passes normally; however, beyond this point, nothing happens and the Wii remains on a black screen. This happened after installing a WAD and rebooting, or returning to the Wii Menu. Alternatively, the Wii Menu can still be accessed, but opening the corrupt channel results in the console freezing. In some cases, you may see the "System files are corrupted" screen.
If you are somehow able to still access the Wii Menu, go into the Homebrew Channel and use [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme) or your current WAD manager to uninstall the corrupt channel.
If you cannot access the Wii Menu, and have [Priiloader](priiloader) installed, enter it by holding RESET while turning your Wii on. Select Homebrew Channel, then uninstall the corrupt channel.
If you don't have or can't access Priiloader, Maintenance mode may be worth a try. Hold down `+` and `-` on the Health and Safety screen (do not press `A`!).
Attempt to start the Wii - warning/press A screen shows up, and when A is pressed, the screen passes normally; however, beyond this point, nothing happens and the Wii remains on a black screen. This happened after installing a theme.
To resolve this issue, open HBC through Priiloader or BootMii as boot2 and access csm-installer to install a default theme such as the base Wii Menu theme. Alternatively, go into [YAWM ModMii Edition](yawmme) and install the CORRECT default Wii Menu WAD for your region and version.
Attempt to start the Wii - warning/press A screen shows up, and when A is pressed, the screen passes normally; however, beyond this point, nothing happens and the Wii remains on a black screen. Maintenance mode is still accessible.
A mail brick occurs when a Wii has too much mail to handle, or when malformed mail is in the Wii Message Board, causing a crash upon booting through normal means. Because the Wii Message Board is always drawn below Wii channels, this causes the Wii Menu to fail before fully loading.
By entering holding + and - on the warning screen, maintenance mode can be entered, where the Wii Message Board is not loaded at all. If the Homebrew Channel is not installed and the system menu is at Wii menu version 2.0 or later, follow [str2hax](str2hax). Otherwise, see [Bluebomb](bluebomb).
From here, the Homebrew Channel can be loaded and the brick can be fixed by deleting Wii Message Board data with [cdbackup](
When starting the Wii, you instead get an error from the Opera web browser along the lines of `You tried to access the address (URL), which is currently unavailable.` This will happen every time you start the Wii, and cannot be bypassed by any other means.
This brick is a more fatal version of a [Semibrick](#semibrick). If your SYSCONF (system configuration file) gets corrupt or damaged, the Wii will regenerate it and start the setup phase.
However, the setup pages are in a similar location to the Wii settings pages. If you have an incorrect region Wii Menu or theme, the Wii cannot find them.
When releasing the Korean Wiis, Nintendo changed the encryption key for these units specifically as a last ditch attempt at preventing homebrew. While obviously this failed, they also left a check in the System Menu versions 4.2/4.3 to determine whether or not the Korean Key is present on a system software region that is **not** Korean. If this check succeeds, the error triggers and the Wii is effectively bricked.
Korean Wiis also released with Wii Menu 3.3, around the time that Nintendo [fixed the Trucha bug in boot1](, so BootMii as Boot2 cannot be installed to or used on any Korean Wii.
While these caveats leave the Wii in a particularly dangerous situation, **it is still fixable**. This involves going into [Recovery Mode](recovery-mode), where an exploit can be triggered in order to gain access to the Homebrew Channel and revert the conditions that caused the brick.
This brick will appear identical to a low-level brick due to a Wii Menu failure via IOS; however there is not a full low-level NAND corruption, or a low-level hardware failure.
This brick most often happens when the Wii Menu's IOS is a [stub](, or if the wrong kind of IOS is installed to the console. A stubbed system menu IOS is usually the consequence of attempting to downgrade your Wii menu. If this error began happening after installing a normal IOS80 to a Wii mini, see [Wi-Fi brick](bricks#wi-fi-brick).
[Recovery mode](recovery-mode) may or may not be accessible due to the nature of the brick, but Priiloader will almost always not work. If you cannot reach recovery mode, you must have BootMii as boot2 to fix this. If these conditions are not met, see [low-level brick](bricks#low-level-brick).
This brick appears identical to a low-level brick, however you can still power on the Wii with a Wiimote, and you can still boot into Recovery Mode on an original revision Wii.
This brick arises when your Wii's Wi-Fi (or Bluetooth) module is damaged or not inserted properly. In such cases, the Wii gets stuck on a black screen while awaiting a response from IOS.
Completely black screen, no response to user input. Recovery Mode cannot be booted, neither can BootMii as boot2 (or it never existed in the first place), for all intents and purposes the console appears dead.
First, troubleshooting must be done to determine if hardware is at fault. In the order listed, do the following:
+ Test to make sure that your Wii actually still functions (it accepts discs as normal, spins up correctly, Wiimotes connect) before attempting the following steps. If this is the case and only video is not being displayed, you may have an exceptionally rare failure of the video port or the GPU.
+ Attempt to boot into [Recovery Mode](recovery-mode) (normal Wiis only). If the Wii boots into Recovery Mode, see [Wi-Fi brick](wi-fi-brick). If steps to resolve the Wi-Fi brick failed, proceed.
+ Reseat the disc drive and attempt to boot normally. If still unsuccessful, replace the disc drive. If still unsuccessful, proceed.
+ At this point, either there is a low level boot0/boot1 corruption, a NAND chip failure, or there is a wider unknown hardware failure. Consider consulting online help or buying another Wii.
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