Only install themes on your Wii that have been formatted specifically for it, and its current region. Installing themes from the wrong region or version on your Wii will cause a brick. This tutorial will tell you how to create a .csm file that is safe to install.
Do not use any other version of ThemeMii than the one linked here, as ThemeMii Mod allows you to make a theme for Wii Menu version 4.3, other versions may not.
* Find a theme you want to install. Some themes have YouTube videos to show what the theme looks like, but unfortunately some of the videos are no longer available.
* Once you found one you like, click the download link corresponding to your Wii Menu version. **It's very important to pick the correct version to avoid bricks.**
* There are other resources for Wii Menu themes, but they might be in csm form (ready to install on the Wii). If the csm doesn't match the version and region of your Wii Menu, try to convert it to mym with ThemeMii Mod, and then convert it back to csm with the instructions here using the version and region of your Wii Menu.
* Once you downloaded the theme you want and double-checked you got the right one, open up ThemeMii Mod.
##### Section II - Building the Theme
1. A dialog box will pop up telling you to only install themes if you have brick protection. If you installed Priiloader and/or BootMii (see the warning at the start of this guide), press OK.
2. Go to `Tools` > `Download Base App` > Version of your Wii Menu > Region of your Wii Menu
3. A dialog box will pop up asking you to enter in a value to create a key. Enter in what it says, it will create a key that will be used to decrypt the Wii Menu contents from Nintendo's servers.
4. A file selection box will ask you where to save the .app file (that is the Wii Menu content file it downloaded). Save it to the directory where ThemeMii is in.
5. After an introduction message, it will ask you what IOS you want to use in the app. If you have [installed cIOS](cios), use `IOS249`, or else use `IOS58`. If the former gives an `Exception DSI occurred!` error, press Reset on the Wii console, launch it again, then try `IOS250`. It might take a couple attempts to reload the IOS.
6. Highlight the theme you want to install, then press A. Give it a moment to install the theme, then press any button to go to the Wii Menu. Hopefully, the theme installed correctly.
「システムファイルが壊れています」というエラーが発生した場合、Priiloaderがインストールしている限り、パニックに陥る必要はありません。 Wiiの電源を切り、RESETボタンを押しながら電源を入れます。 Priiloaderメニューに入れるので、そこでWiiを修復するオプションを選べます。 One of the options is to launch the Homebrew Channel, where you can launch MyMenuify Mod and press a button to download and install the original Wii Menu theme.