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El Canal Homebrew es desde donde iniciarás las aplicaciones homebrew. BootMii es un software que puede respaldar y restaurar la memoria interna de tu Wii, y si está instalado como boot2, brinda protección contra bricks.
1. Verás una pantalla de advertencia contra estafa. Espera 30 segundos hasta que aparezca el texto "Press 1 to continue", y después oprime el botón 1. 
1. You will be presented with a test results screen. Select `Continue`. 
If you do not have an SD card, you cannot install nor use BootMii, and therefore will not be able to utilize any of the mentioned benefits. <br> You can always [install it at a later date](hackmii).
1. If you have the option to `Install BootMii as boot2`, please do so as well. This offers the best possible brick protection you can have. <br> Otherwise, skip this step.
1. Select `Exit` to finally open the Homebrew Channel.
You can now use the Homebrew Channel to launch homebrew apps. Open Shop Channel is a one-stop shop for downloading homebrew, which you will learn how to install further in this guide.
Tip: You can tell if a Wii has BootMii installed as boot2 if your disc drive flashes very briefly, only after the immediate flash that happens when you press the POWER Button.