2023-09-23 21:43:26 -05:00

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RiiConnect24 for Dolphin

{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}

RiiConnect24 Logo

This guide will help you install RiiConnect24 on your Dolphin installation.

If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please directly contact KcrPL#4625 on Discord, join the RiiConnect24 Discord Server or e-mail us at {: .notice--info}

{% capture notice-1 %} This guide is for Dolphin Emulator only.

  • Follow this tutorial if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii.
  • Follow this tutorial if you'd like to install RiiConnect24 on vWii (Wii Mode on Wii U). {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}

DO NOT INSTALL RIICONNECT24 ON A WII MINI! It will not work and it will brick the system. {: .notice--danger}

What you need


Section I - Installing Dolphin

If you have Dolphin already installed, skip to Section II {: .notice--info}

  1. Download the latest Dolphin beta version, but not a stable version as these are very outdated!
  2. Extract the .7z file using a program like 7-Zip or WinRAR.
  3. Start Dolphin.
  4. In Dolphin, go to Tools -> Perform Online System Update -> Choose your region. Perform Online System Update

If you have a homebrewed Wii console, you can use a BootMii NAND dump instead of installing the system files with the System Update option. See this page for more information. {: .notice--info}

Section II - Installing RiiConnect24

If you use a Windows version before Windows 10, you unfortunately cannot use WiiConnect24 inside Dolphin. You can use this program to run it instead. {: .notice--danger}

  1. Click the link above to go to the GitHub page where the patcher is.
  2. Download RiiConnect24Patcher.bat if you are on Windows, and if you are on a Unix system
  3. On Windows run RiiConnect24Patcher.bat. On Unix systems, open Terminal and type bash, then drag into the terminal then press enter. It should look like this: bash
  4. Press 1 to choose "Start" and confirm your selection by pressing ENTER. (NOTE: These screenshots are from the Windows version of the patcher.)
  5. For this guide, choose "Install RiiConnect24 on your Dolphin Emulator" Install RiiConnect24
  6. Choose "Express (Recommended)". It will give you everything you need. Express Settings
  7. Select your region. Select your region
  8. While you're at it, RiiConnect24 Patcher can additionally download some other optional channels that do not use RiiConnect24. [X] represents the options that selected. Just press 5 and ENTER if you're not interested. Additional optional channels
  9. Press 1 then ENTER to start patching.
  10. Be patient... It's patching!
  11. After it's done, we would appreciate if you take a minute to send anonymous feedback to us. If you don't want to, close the patcher. All the files should already be on your SD Card. It's done! Files copied
  12. In Dolphin, go to Tools and then Install WAD. Install all the WAD files one by one.
  13. Unzip AnyGlobe Changer v1.0 and run the boot.dol file. Select your region and save. This will allow the Everybody Votes Channel to work.

Unfortunately, Wii Mail doesn't work in Dolphin yet. {: .notice--info}

You will have to launch the Everybody Votes Channel 4 times at most in order for it to start working. {: .notice--warning}

If you're getting any other errors with the Forecast Channel or the News Channel, such as an error code starting with FORE or NEWS or a discontinued message, you can try to delete your VFFs with RC24-Clear-Tool. {: .notice--warning}