2021-03-21 17:45:50 +01:00

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{% include toc title="Zawartość" %}

If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join the RiiConnect24 Discord server (recommended) or e-mail us at {: .notice--info}

Logo RiiConnect24

RiiConnect24 jest serwisem, który pozwala Ci korzystać z już niewspieranego serwisu jakim jest WiiConnect24. Pozwala on korzystać z News Channel, Forecast Channel, Everybody Votes Channel jak i również Check Mii Out Channel oraz Wii Mail.

The Unix Patcher is finally out! This means that users of macOS and all types of Linux distributions are able to natively use the RiiConnect24 Patcher. {: .notice--info}

{% capture notice-1 %} This guide is for the original Wii only.

  • Podążaj za tym poradnikiem jeżeli chcesz zainstalować RiiConnect24 na vWii (Tryb Wii w WIi U).
  • Podążaj za tym poradnikiem jeżeli chcesz zainstalować RiiConnect24 na Dolphin'ie.

There is no guide to installing RiiConnect24 on a Wii Mini, as attempting to install RiiConnect24 on a Wii Mini will result in a console brick. {% endcapture %}

{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}

Będziesz potrzebował:

If you still can't run RiiConnect24 Patcher, please send us a mail at {: .notice--info}


Section I - Downloading RiiConnect24 Patcher
  1. Click the link above to go to the github page where the patcher is.
  2. Download RiiConnect24Patcher.bat if you are on Windows, and if you are on a Unix system
Section II - Patching IOS

Jeżeli potrzebujesz dokładnych instrukcji dotyczących instalacji plików WAD, naciśnij tutaj! {: .notice--info}

  1. On Windows run RiiConnect24Patcher.bat. On Unix systems, open terminal and type bash, then drag RiiConnect24Patcher.shinto the terminal then press enter. It should look like this bash
  2. Naciśnij 1 aby wybrać "Start" oraz potwierdź swój wybór naciskając ENTER. RiiConnect24 Patcher Main Screen
  3. Select the device you're patching for. Select your device
  4. For this guide, choose "Install RiiConnect24 on your Wii" Install RiiConnect24
  5. Choose "Express (Recommended)". It will give you everything you need. Express Settings
  6. Select your region. Select your region
  7. Podłącz kartę SD lub urządzenie USB do komputera oraz wybierz "1". Enable copying to SD Card
  8. Jeżeli Twoje urządzenie zostało pomyślnie wykryte, wybierz "1". Jeśli nie, upewnij się, że istnieję folder o nazwie `apps na Twojej karcie SD lub urządzeniu USB i spróbuj ponownie. Successfully detected

  • Be patient... It's patching!

  • Once it's done, you can now safely close the patcher. Wszystkie pliki są gotowe na Twojej karcie SD. It's done! Files copied

  • If it did not copy everything automatically to your SD Card or USB Device, copy the WAD` and `apps` folder next to `RiiConnect24Patcher.bat` to your SD Card or USB Device. 12. Włóż kartę SD lub urządzenie USB do Twojego Wii. 13. Otwórz Homebrew Channel na Twoim Wii. 14. Uruchom Wii Mod Lite. 15. Używając Twojego kontrolera, przejdź do `WAD Manager` oraz wejdź do folderu `wad`. 16. Highlight all WADs with `RiiConnect24` in the name, and press + to select them. When all of them are selected, press A twice to install the WADs. 17. If you get an error saying a title with a higher version is already installed (error -1035), go back to the WAD selection menu and press - on the highlighted WAD to uninstall it, then try installing it again. 18. Po ukońzconej pomyślnie instalacji, naciśnij przycisk HOME aby wyjść do Homebrew Channel.

    Section III - Patching nwc24msg.cfg

    You will now patch your nwc24msg.cfg file which is required in order to use Wii Mail.

    1. Launch RiiConnect24 Mail Patcher.
    2. It should only take a few seconds to patch your nwc24msg.cfg. When it's done, press HOME to exit.

    If you were unable to patch your nwc24msg.cfg correctly, e-mail us at {: .notice--info}

    Section IV - Connecting

    In this section, you will set your DNS to our servers. It's optional but recommended, because it enhances the use of RiiConnect24 and Wiimmfi by making some other features available.

    1. Wejdź do ustawień Wii
    2. Przejdź do Wii Settings
    3. Przejdź do drugiej strony, oraz wybierz Internet.
    4. Przejdź do Connection Settings.
    5. Select your current connection.
    6. Przejdź do Change Settings.
    7. Przejdź do Auto-Obtain DNS (Nie IP Address) oraz wybierz No, oraz kliknij na Advanced Settings.
    8. Wpisz jako Primary DNS.
    9. Wpisz jako secondary DNS (drugorzędny serwer DNS). (Jeśli masz problemy, spróbuj
    10. Wybierz Confirm, oraz wybierz Save.
    11. Wybierz OK aby przeprowadzić test połączenia Internetowego.
    12. Jeżeli połączenie było pomyślne, wybierz No aby pominąć sprawdzenie aktualizacji systemu.
    13. Go to WiiConnect24, then WiiConnect24 again, and make sure it is enabled.
    14. Back on the WiiConnect24 menu, go to Standby Connection and make sure it is enabled.
    15. At Slot Illumination, we recommend you set the disc light to Dim or Bright, but this is optional.
    16. Finally, go to the Internet section, then User Agreements or Agreement/Contact, then Yes. Please read through this.

    Przejdź do strony przeznaczonej instalacji Wiimmfi
    Wiimmfi pozwala Ci na granie w gry online po zakończeniu wsparcia serwisu Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Jest to opcjonalny krok. {: .notice--info}

    Continue to WiiLink24
    WiiLink24 lets you use the Japanese-exclusive Wii no Ma channel. Jest to opcjonalny krok. {: .notice--info}

    If you get error 107245, then you probably have failed to patch your IOS correctly. {: .notice--info}

    If you get error 107304, then perhaps your ISP blocks the use of custom DNS. A workaround for this can be running your own DNS server! See the RiiConnect24 DNS Server on GitHub, then use your PC's IP address in place of our DNS in Step 8. {: .notice--info}

    If you get error FORE000006, your Wii's clock is probably set incorrectly. Set it to the correct date and time, then wait no more than an hour and the Forecast Channel should start working. {: .notice--warning}

    If you get error NEWS000006, following this tutorial should fix it. {: .notice--warning}

    If you're getting errors such as WiiConnect24 and Wii Shop Channel currently not being offered in your country, go to Wii Settings -> Last Page -> Country and change it to United Kingdom. You will get this error when using a country that we don't support. Contact us at if you need more help. {: .notice--warning}

    If you're getting a discontinued message when opening the News or Forecast Channel, then following this tutorial should fix it. {: .notice--warning}

    Przejdź do spisu stron
    Mamy wiele innych poradników, które mogą Ci się przydać. {: .notice--info}