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Homebrew Channel and BootMii Installation

{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}

If you need help for anything regarding this tutorial, please join the RiiConnect24 Discord server (recommended) or e-mail us at {: .notice--info}

HBC Logo

The Homebrew Channel is where you will go to launch homebrew applications. BootMii is a piece of software that can backup and restore your Wii's NAND storage, and if installed in boot2, provides brick protection.


  1. You will see a scam warning screen. Wait 30 seconds for the text "Press 1 to continue" to appear, then press 1. Scam Screen

  2. When at the HackMii installer, you are able to install the Homebrew Channel and BootMii. Results

  3. Press Continue, then select the Homebrew Channel, and press install. Install the Homebrew Channel

  4. Press Continue when finished. Success Installing the Homebrew Channel

  5. Once installed, press back and go to BootMii.

  6. If the main screen says you can install BootMii as boot2, do so. This offers the best possible brick protection you can have.

  7. If you cannot install BootMii as boot2 (like the Wii shown in step two), install BootMii as IOS instead. While this doesn't give you any brick protection, you will still be able to make a NAND backup.

If you do not have an SD card, you cannot install or use BootMii, and therefore will not be able utilize any of the mentioned benefits. You can always install it at a later date. {: .notice--warning}

  1. Once done, select Continue, and then select Exit to go to the Homebrew Channel

Continue to making a NAND Backup using BootMii
Making a NAND backup with BootMii at this point is highly recommended. {: .notice--info}

If you couldn't install BootMii, continue to installing Priiloader instead. {: .notice--info}